Manager walked off grounds

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I must admit that this post caught my attention. During my career, we have investigated managers for things such as theft, falsifying records, etc. I don't think that I've ever seen a manager walked off for performance issues. These are typically resolved by busting the manager back to a supervisor. There are occasions when a termination of a manager is going to happen. If there is some question about the person's acceptance of the bad news, or if the person's mental state is in question, the division manager/ HR will involve LP. Contrary to popular belief, LP does not make the decision as to whether or not the person is terminated. The exception would be someone who actually works in LP. In situations where an investigation reveals that an individual is stealing, and criminal charges are filed, this would be covered with the manager, or division manager. LP gives a recommendation but the final decision is made by the division manager. That being said, it would look bad for an employee to go to jail for stealing from UPS and the manager to decide that the person should keep their job. I would like to know more about the circumstances of this manager's termination.


A Manager falsifying records? LOL! Never! Sups at UPS never do such a thing! :)

You could never detect the amount of sarcasm that was inteded by reading the statement above.
I dont think I mentioned anything about a person stealing. He was let go due to his leadership abilities diminshing. In reality, he probably spoke what was on his mind and was shown out the door for speaking.

When I was hired years ago I was told that the only way one would be "fired" was if (s)he either (a) stole from the company; or (b) lied. In my observation over the years this has proven true time and time again, throughout ALL levels.

I've never yet in almost 14/15 years, seen anyone "fired" for ineffective job performance (e.g. leadership abilities diminishing, etc.). Certainly, one could argue that the person would never have a promotable future at UPS, but never have I seen termination for it. (Of course, if the person were offered a really really BAD assignment/move then the person may quit...but this was rare).

And as another menioned here...abilities rarely have anything to do with's "playing the game" as most everyone knows.


Retired 23 years
When I was hired years ago I was told that the only way one would be "fired" was if (s)he either (a) stole from the company; or (b) lied. In my observation over the years this has proven true time and time again, throughout ALL levels.

I've never yet in almost 14/15 years, seen anyone "fired" for ineffective job performance (e.g. leadership abilities diminishing, etc.). Certainly, one could argue that the person would never have a promotable future at UPS, but never have I seen termination for it. (Of course, if the person were offered a really really BAD assignment/move then the person may quit...but this was rare).

And as another menioned here...abilities rarely have anything to do with's "playing the game" as most everyone knows.
From the second you are hired until the day you retire you are constantly "stealing" from the company. Stealing "time" . Then you lie about it by making up a flimsy excuse like traffic was bad or the customers wouldn't cooperate or the best one of all- I'm working as hard as I can. Being branded a thief and a liar is just the norm at UPS. They would have to clean the whole house out if they fired "thieves and liars":laugh:


Well-Known Member
Years ago we had a full time sup terminated for a little addiction problem. We also had one fired for a racial comment. Then there were the 2 pt sups fired for falsifying records. We had another fired for altering time cards too. I have seen a couple demoted as well. I have seen many many more quit due to the fact they refused to do any of the above. Lately our managers do whatever the hell the want and nothing happens to them anymore. No terminations, demotions, nothing.


Well-Known Member
Years ago we had a full time sup terminated for a little addiction problem. We also had one fired for a racial comment. Then there were the 2 pt sups fired for falsifying records. We had another fired for altering time cards too. I have seen a couple demoted as well. I have seen many many more quit due to the fact they refused to do any of the above. Lately our managers do whatever the hell the want and nothing happens to them anymore. No terminations, demotions, nothing.


Well-Known Member
In my humble experience, no one is ever pressured to alter documents. They ARE however, under unrelenting tremendous pressure to hit performance targets. The ones who buckle and falsify docs to hit the numbers are considered weak in a way, and weeded out. This is harsh, but it's the way it is.
On the flip side, anyone who seeks help cross functionally to understand the reports and the significant factors that drive them are given help. Larger operations that struggle are placed on team QIP, where multiple staff managers and division managers ask the struggling operation to identify the "barriers to success", divvie them up amongst themselves, and report back to the manager when their little piece was fixed. The manager is usually given all possible help before demotion or transfer is considered.
USUALLY, this is the case. Sometimes there are politics, someone isn't well liked, and they're hung out to dry. We can all tell a story where we've seen this. But its more the exception than the rule.
Finally, some people achieve a level of career success they're not really psychologically ready for. There's no system to reliably tell you whether someone will adapt to increased responsibility or crumble under the weight of it, until you put them in there. These are usually the ones who make people miserable for no good reason, then a few years down the road get fired for stealing, sexual or racial harassment, or some other stupid reason. Not that the reason is stupid, but the act is, by someone who damned well should know better, but lost their humility somewhere and suddenly thought they were too powerful to have something bad happen to them. Usually the Monday morning qb's can always say "I knew so and so was no good", but it's much tougher to be 100% accurate beforehand.