Yeah Salesguy was answering his 97 Emails on why he hasn't followed up on the sales leads that the DRIVERS give him
you think that is true?
you think the 600 packages per day I am trying to win might have been a small % of them? you think retaining what we have might be important?
get a
real sales lead, help the sale along, talk to the sales rep asking you for leads if they are not being followed up on, then wait for it to start shipping then wait for the money to roll in - and feel good you may have created another job, or saved your own.
in fact, it's amazing how much you all can complain about getting free money! sorry, we can't sell them all. not our fault, not your fault. There are still stupid people out there. the sales lead hopefully has the non stupid person's contact information so we can actually make the sale.
edit: jsut a glimpse into what happens with a sales lead
1. we get the lead
2. We try to make contact with the person (if it is an actual number submitted with the lead)
3. we try to get an appointment with a decision maker
4. we then have to present our products and service
5. next it comes down to the botom line. we analyze their distributions, find out if we can price competativly and remain PROFITABLE on the account. if we dont make money on it - we walk away.
and that is before they will even consider switching. god forbid there is a service failure throughout the process.