The kid is 10......he was only gov for the past 8 he had a child out of wedlock before he was can use your fingers if you have to. (that's what she said)
as a person from southern california, you must know that while campaigning, there were stories in all the newspapers about his affairs with women while married. Arnolds story then was that they were "false" and nothing more than smears.
As you see now, the only thing smeared were the reporters who told the stories.
Its clear Arnold is a liar and dirtbag, just like John Edwards. But the irony is simple, the democrats dont stand on soap boxes and preach about the "protection of marriage" and "family values" when clearly Arnold wasnt doing anything to protect his.
Thats the bigger issue to this story, this year, 4 republicans have left office in shame, during bush, some went to jail, many got divorced (ask newt) and some had to come out and say they were gay. Even the leader of the largest evangelical church in this country and the one who came to give Bush his monday morning prayers for the week every week until that fateful day where he was caught in a motel snorting cocaince and blowing a male prostitute.
This is the republican idea of "family values".. It makes me wanna puke every time i hear a republican use the term.
The Sperminator has a history of infidelity going back decades, and yet his wife tried to make it work (shes a democrat) The child, officially called a Bastard, will always be a Bastard, until Arnold comes out and not only identifies him, but embraces him as a father and steps up and becomes a father.
Merely sending a "coded" check to the birth mother ( and I am hoping its an illegal alien maid) does not make him a father and therefore the child is not legitimized.
Family values people, its what you preach every election cycle, and now its time for you to OWN IT!