
Staff member
Fortunately, smarter people prevailed and this amendment never saw the light of day. If it had, we may be looking at a president Arnold airing out his bastard child in front of the whole world.

Instead, he has to be embarrassed for all to see, and I for one, would love to find out that the mother of this bastard child is an illegal alien!! That would make my year!


My God, it is a child. It's one thing to call Arnold names, but this is still an innocent child. What the hell is your problem?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I think it is sad for all involved, I dont care what political party he was, or she was. there is a kid who has been kept from having a Dad, a woman who probably had a shower or gave a large gift to her hired help, 4 kids/ who now have a sibling they knew nothing of, 2 deceitful people who paraded under Marias nose for 10 is totally sad, and the saddest part, is making it political when it is just pure eveil deceit. Poor Maria, and kids, all of them. But guess what they will survive, Arnold is TOAST!


Well-Known Member
I'm all for exchanging wives for a newer version but maria still looked pretty good. Probably should of fixed her up a little bit rather than trading her in.


Engorged Member
I think it is sad for all involved, I dont care what political party he was, or she was. there is a kid who has been kept from having a Dad, a woman who probably had a shower or gave a large gift to her hired help, 4 kids/ who now have a sibling they knew nothing of, 2 deceitful people who paraded under Marias nose for 10 is totally sad, and the saddest part, is making it political when it is just pure eveil deceit. Poor Maria, and kids, all of them. But guess what they will survive, Arnold is TOAST!

Arnold is going to be the host of a new telethon to help those who suffer from Wandering Penis Syndrome (WPS). They're hoping for a cure, but they'll never find one.



Dont look now, but the governator father a child with a staffer just before he was governor of california! WTF. Just like John Edwards, I would expect the right wingers or gang of 6 on this board to call him a :censored2:bag, scum of the earth and all the other bad things they said when the edwards story broke.

They kept the secret for all these years in a sham marriage just so he could be governor.

The people of california deserve an apology from Arnold.

His family values crap when he ran was nothing more than the usual right wing nonsense they spew every election cycle. He should be forced to take his speech, tear it into little pieces, and chew on it in front of the camera for all californians to see.

I'm in a gang?

"They kept the secret for all these years in a sham marriage just so he could be governor."

According to news stories.....she just found out about it recently.....but you go ahead and keep spewing.

Arnie can't even be compared to Edwards because Edwards was actually running to be PRESIDENT!! Most men are slime and it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with blood flow!

If I went out and had an affair, what difference would it make to the world? Infidelity is infidelity across the board.....BUT, there are circumstances to consider. If Edwards used campaign $$$ to have his affair it's a different story.

Your ridiculousness becomes more evident with every argument you try to start. Give it up.
Just in case you didn't see it the first time........LIKE!


Well-Known Troll
On "The View" on of the "ladies" gave him a new nickname : Spermenator !

I'm a Republican and I think putting political spin on this story is dumb. Most politicians are unfaithful, regardless of party just not all of them get Caught. Maria Shriver's family "dynasty" was comprised of nothing but womanizing, cheating morons, so for this to happen to her is kind of funny.


I'm a Republican and I think putting political spin on this story is dumb. Most politicians are unfaithful, regardless of party just not all of them get Caught. Maria Shriver's family "dynasty" was comprised of nothing but womanizing, cheating morons, so for this to happen to her is kind of funny.

Or even, ironic.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The kid is 10......he was only gov for the past 8 he had a child out of wedlock before he was can use your fingers if you have to. (that's what she said)


as a person from southern california, you must know that while campaigning, there were stories in all the newspapers about his affairs with women while married. Arnolds story then was that they were "false" and nothing more than smears.

As you see now, the only thing smeared were the reporters who told the stories.

Its clear Arnold is a liar and dirtbag, just like John Edwards. But the irony is simple, the democrats dont stand on soap boxes and preach about the "protection of marriage" and "family values" when clearly Arnold wasnt doing anything to protect his.

Thats the bigger issue to this story, this year, 4 republicans have left office in shame, during bush, some went to jail, many got divorced (ask newt) and some had to come out and say they were gay. Even the leader of the largest evangelical church in this country and the one who came to give Bush his monday morning prayers for the week every week until that fateful day where he was caught in a motel snorting cocaince and blowing a male prostitute.

This is the republican idea of "family values".. It makes me wanna puke every time i hear a republican use the term.

The Sperminator has a history of infidelity going back decades, and yet his wife tried to make it work (shes a democrat) The child, officially called a Bastard, will always be a Bastard, until Arnold comes out and not only identifies him, but embraces him as a father and steps up and becomes a father.

Merely sending a "coded" check to the birth mother ( and I am hoping its an illegal alien maid) does not make him a father and therefore the child is not legitimized.

Family values people, its what you preach every election cycle, and now its time for you to OWN IT!



golden ticket member
I know he's a womanizer and a roughie to boot....I was just saying someone said he had a love cjild while he was governor......i beg to differ that's all. I agree he's slime.....and there have probably been many.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Late today, Arnolds children with Maria took the name Schwarznegger off there social networks and changed it to Shriver.

This ought to tell you about family values.

I hope the republicans learn a lesson out of this and all the other scandals like John Ensign displayed to all americans.



Late today, Arnolds children with Maria took the name Schwarznegger off there social networks and changed it to Shriver.

This ought to tell you about family values.

I hope the republicans learn a lesson out of this and all the other scandals like John Ensign displayed to all americans.

I still don't get the tie in? What does being republican have to do with any of this? You're born into sin, and can only be washed clean by the blood of Jesus. Face it, WE'RE all under the same curse.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The kid is 10......he was only gov for the past 8 he had a child out of wedlock before he was can use your fingers if you have to. (that's what she said)


Just in case you didnt know, maria and arnold have been married for 25 years, so he fathered a child while married (so it cant be out of wedlock) and it was with a staffer at his home. That means, they were married for 15 years when the child was conceived. The last 10 years makes it a sham for him to run for governor KNOWING he had a 2 year old bastard child walking on the planet.

No matter how you try and legitimize his actions, he's a :censored2:.



Strength through joy
Mildred Baena, 50, is said to have fallen pregnant with her son, who is now aged around 14, while working for the former California governor and his wife as a housekeeper.

A joint investigation by RadarOnline and Star magazine in the U.S. led to the naming of the woman.

The New York Times did not name Baena, but reports that the mother was pregnant with her son at the same time Maria Shriver was expecting the youngest of her four children, Christopher, who is 13.

The two women would have encountered one another daily, with Baena working in the family home but living elsewhere.
According to a source, the paper claims that Schwarzenegger has always taken financial responsibility for the child.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Mildred Baena, 50, is said to have fallen pregnant with her son, who is now aged around 14, while working for the former California governor and his wife as a housekeeper.

A joint investigation by RadarOnline and Star magazine in the U.S. led to the naming of the woman.

The New York Times did not name Baena, but reports that the mother was pregnant with her son at the same time Maria Shriver was expecting the youngest of her four children, Christopher, who is 13.

The two women would have encountered one another daily, with Baena working in the family home but living elsewhere.
According to a source, the paper claims that Schwarzenegger has always taken financial responsibility for the child.

We are getting closer to my "illegal alien" suspicions!!



Well-Known Member
Family values people, its what you preach every election cycle, and now its time for you to OWN IT!

I don't get it, what's wrong with family values? Don't you want family values? Are you saying that family values are partisan? Wow!?

Maybe you should go talk with your children and tell them how much you detest the thought of having any kind of family values, then maybe we'll have a few more republican voters down the line because they'll realize that you never really ever gave a :censored2: