
Staff member
I'm a Republican and I think putting political spin on this story is dumb. Most politicians are unfaithful, regardless of party just not all of them get Caught. Maria Shriver's family "dynasty" was comprised of nothing but womanizing, cheating morons, so for this to happen to her is kind of funny.

But...but...but....they were all good Democrats. How can this be????


I know he's a womanizer and a roughie to boot....I was just saying someone said he had a love cjild while he was governor......i beg to differ that's all. I agree he's slime.....and there have probably been many.

What's the difference, though? Whether it happened before or after he was Governer, either way he is a lying dirtbag not worthy of office, nevermind ground he walks on nor the mindless "family value" supporters he has had along the way.

I think if this were another democrat you'd be filling the pages with those off-center articles and cartoons that you commonly post here, so it's interesting the way you are reacting in this thread. Obvious bias and double standards, no?

Dont look now, but the governator father a child with a staffer just before he was governor of california! WTF. Just like John Edwards, I would expect the right wingers or gang of 6 on this board to call him a :censored2:bag, scum of the earth and all the other bad things they said when the edwards story broke.

They kept the secret for all these years in a sham marriage just so he could be governor.

The people of california deserve an apology from Arnold.
There is no doubt in my mind that Arney is a scumbag, a liar and a cheat, just as John Edwards, John Kennedy, Gary Condit, Bill Clinton (as a sitting president) and scores of others from both sides of the political spectrum. The letter behing their name has little or nothing to do with being a scumbag.

His family values crap when he ran was nothing more than the usual right wing nonsense they spew every election cycle. He should be forced to take his speech, tear it into little pieces, and chew on it in front of the camera for all californians to see.
Yea, I would expect that to happen as soon as 0bama eats his teleprompter for some of the lies he told in his first campaign and then the current one as well.


It takes 2 to make babies !
Glad to see you actually learned something in 6th grade biology class.

My my my,

I was hoping you'd say this.

"Arnie can't even be compared to Edwards because Edwards was actually running to be PRESIDENT!!"

This is the funny, now you have discernable levels of infidelity! Do republicans have an infidelity scale?? I'd like to see it.
Not levels of infidelity, that's absurd. Now levels of nationwide importance....maybe, but that is a bit of a stretch.

Does it start with bathroom stalls and end with homosexual pastors giving weekly prayers on mondays at the white house?? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
Or BJs in the oval office.

Lets go back in the way back machine sherman.

Back when GW BUSH was in office and the republicans had control of both houses, all the talk from the right wing was about creating an amendment to our consitution to allow Arnold to run for president. His stance on conservatism and family values was the thrust of the right wings ideology.
Speaking of ideology, "the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program". Yea family values is one of the "right's" ideology. However to assume that everyone or maybe anyone can always ,100% of the time adhere to those values is placing a huge goal ahead of everyone. Don't misquote me, I'm not making excuses for Arnold nor for the woman, they are BOTH pretty scummy in my books.

Fortunately, smarter people prevailed and this amendment never saw the light of day. If it had, we may be looking at a president Arnold airing out his bastard child in front of the whole world.

Instead, he has to be embarrassed for all to see, and I for one, would love to find out that the mother of this bastard child is an illegal alien!! That would make my year!
Ahhh, this statement is very telling about your character and values.


So, he lied about it so he could become Governator. Think he would have won if the voters had full disclosure?
Funny, I mean hilarious. NOW you are a fan of full disclosure ??? Where were you when 0 was running for president?

My God, it is a child. It's one thing to call Arnold names, but this is still an innocent child. What the hell is your problem?
Exactly correct!!!!
But Over, "some people" on this board think is OK to blame someone else for anything, The fact that they are in effect a victim of the crime is irrelevant.

On "The View" on of the ladies gave him a new nickname : Spermenator !
Goes to show the class of that program. Let me guess Joy B.

Just in case you didnt know, maria and arnold have been married for 25 years, so he fathered a child while married (so it cant be out of wedlock) and it was with a staffer at his home. That means, they were married for 15 years when the child was conceived. The last 10 years makes it a sham for him to run for governor KNOWING he had a 2 year old bastard child walking on the planet.

It's rather funny, in a very sad way, that you intentionally twist what people say to further your hateful rants. It's pretty obvious that Arney and the child's mother were not married to each other, so the term "out of wedlock" is applied correctly.
Just because this child is legally a "bastard", doesn't make it right to call him that( I read somewhere it was a boy). That's a pretty insensitive and offensive statement directed toward someone that is an innocent bystander in this issue.

No matter how you try and legitimize his actions, he's a :censored2:.
Haven't seen anyone legitimizing this. regardless of when it happened, if Arney was governor or not or if he is a republican or not he's a scumbag.


I still don't get the tie in? What does being republican have to do with any of this? You're born into sin, and can only be washed clean by the blood of Jesus. Face it, WE'RE all under the same curse.
The answer to that my friend is that anything, I mean ANYTHING, a person calling themselves a republican does that is wrong makes ALL republicans :censored2:bags according to TOS and fredex.
And get ready for the flaming and slamming you're gonna get from fredex for "forcing" your religion down everyone's throat.


Staff member
I don't think politics really has anything to do with this, it's definitely something that happens frequently with men in a position of power regardless of political affiliation. By and large I think people get way too wrapped up in other people's personal business, as long as no laws have been broken this should really only be a real concern to the people directly involved. The obvious exception (to me) are public officials who have made a career out of being "Family Values Crusaders" and trying to legislate morality for the rest of us, but Arnold was never that guy.


Well-Known Member
I don't think politics really has anything to do with this, it's definitely something that happens frequently with men in a position of power regardless of political affiliation. By and large I think people get way too wrapped up in other people's personal business, as long as no laws have been broken this should really only be a real concern to the people directly involved. The obvious exception (to me) are public officials who have made a career out of being "Family Values Crusaders" and trying to legislate morality for the rest of us, but Arnold was never that guy.

Bingo. The GOP as a whole is the party of "family values". Living in California I was very much aware of Arnold's campaign at the time. There were numerous allegations of him groping women (which were quickly supressed) and he admitted smoking pot and taking steriods. He was running against Grey Davis who for the most part was blamed for California's energy crisis and later to find out Enron screwed us. After he won, there was much talk of how to change the constitution so Arnold could run for President
As Jones said Arnold was not a "family values" and did not run a campaign touting it
I don't think politics really has anything to do with this, it's definitely something that happens frequently with men in a position of power regardless of political affiliation. By and large I think people get way too wrapped up in other people's personal business, as long as no laws have been broken this should really only be a real concern to the people directly involved. The obvious exception (to me) are public officials who have made a career out of being "Family Values Crusaders" and trying to legislate morality for the rest of us, but Arnold was never that guy.
I agree 99%...:)
The 1% is about this line,
"The obvious exception (to me) are public officials who have made a career out of being "Family Values Crusaders" and trying to legislate morality for the rest of us", and truly my only disagreement with this as it doesn't give credit to the fact that politicians are human too. Everyone, politicians included, have a moral code they strive to live by but all too often they fail by making bad choices. Now, if it were proven that someone "preaches" one thing and constantly lives the opposite, yea I would agree to the statement. Again, I'm making no excuses for Arnold, there really are none to make. Our countries law makers have proven many times that legislating morality is a lost cause. Not saying you are wrong mind you, just that I see it a little different but I do get what you mean.


golden ticket member
I agree 99%...:)
The 1% is about this line,
"The obvious exception (to me) are public officials who have made a career out of being "Family Values Crusaders" and trying to legislate morality for the rest of us", and truly my only disagreement with this as it doesn't give credit to the fact that politicians are human too. Everyone, politicians included, have a moral code they strive to live by but all too often they fail by making bad choices. Now, if it were proven that someone "preaches" one thing and constantly lives the opposite, yea I would agree to the statement. Again, I'm making no excuses for Arnold, there really are none to make. Our countries law makers have proven many times that legislating morality is a lost cause. Not saying you are wrong mind you, just that I see it a little different but I do get what you mean.

We have to remember too....when Arnold was a competitive body builder, women were throwing themselves at him........some slid off 'cause of the oil. Not just politicians....... Being a movie star too.
We have to remember too....when Arnold was a competitive body builder, women were throwing themselves at him........some slid off 'cause of the oil. Not just politicians....... Being a movie star too.
That's true. It is also a fact that many...many women are attracted to men of power. But let's face it, Arnold is or was a scumbag. Who knows he may have changed his evil ways.


golden ticket member
News shows are going to cover why Arnold chose the woman he did to have an affair with.....
DOH !! Because she was there ?????

It's the standard answer for mountain climbers for years. Why do you climb a mountain? Because it's there.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
News shows are going to cover why Arnold chose the woman he did to have an affair with.....
DOH !! Because she was there ?????

It's the standard answer for mountain climbers for years. Why do you climb a mountain? Because it's there.

Well, from a mans perspective, that woman is a mountain!



golden ticket member
I cannot believe how quickly Gloria Allred got involved in this fray!! She's an expert 'ambulance chaser' and gives all lawyers a bad name!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I cannot believe the ad nauseum, on this marital break up.
Betrayal is not political in nature, nor socio economic. The pain is the same whether a democrat or a republican.
The retaliation/revenge may be different but the pain is the same.

We have a really stupid talk show host, who thinks if the woman was hot, Maria would have understood better.
The fact is, he had a child with a woman who was in the employ of the shriver/arnold household for ten yrs +/- after the child was born. What a slap in the face, I hope she survives, Half her married life was a lie!

As for retaliation, a lower socio economic woman would take a sledgehammer to his pick up truck, in this case she will take him to the cleaners, and take his car(s) and much money away. But in the end a heart is broken, a vow is smashed to smitherines, and many people are hurting.
Not funny, at all.


golden ticket member