perhaps . If however you want it to be more then a vision for one wise man then you may want to organize some like minded visionists.
So I should follow what you guys do and form some type of collective? Sorry, individualists just don't operate that way. They do interact voluntarily when it serves both sides in equal value but hard, set, fast, singular in purpose collective efforts just don't work over time. There are many like minded "visionists" as you call them operating in their own sphere and own way and they do form a natural collective in purpose but the cojoining comes as a natural consequence rather than a forced action as a means to an end.
What you call as refusing to pick a side is in fact a part of individualist thought. Sometimes I agree with Jones, Diesel, Hoax, Jim and even you from time to time but it's only when what is expressed agrees with my ideals and my principles as they serve my own self interests or understanding. Doesn't mean you can't learn something new but it's criteria must meet my first principle of no force, no fraud, no aggression by any individual or group and yes this mean gov't too! This doesn't negate a right of self defense, I'm not a pacifist but I try my damnest not to defraud or commit force or aggression on another person especially for my own self interests or benefits and I don't pretend it's easy either. It's not.
I've picked a side, I've picked ME and in so doing I've discovered how much I do have in common with other people, even some I disagree but can still share a community once they discover they can pick themselves too. Once individuals learn to act and think as individuals and govern themselves with morals and ethical actions (no true free society can operate otherwise), then peace, prosperity, freedom and liberty will explode and prevail everywhere one looks and acts because in order for me to live my life outside of using force, fraud or aggression, so too do I learn to let the other individual live his/her life that way too and most people will see this and return in like kind.
We all win no matter what course we choose to get there and people are free to pick the best means and free to abandon those means when they no longer work and do something else. We should stop thinking as a programmed, single purpose automaton and that all of society should be that way and start thinking as a free human individuals with infinite possibilities!