Massachusetts vote for Scott Brown . Save our Health care


Envoking RNC chairman Steele's name as a barometer of the black community is equivlant to watching and Al Jolson comedy schetch...

Whats even funnier is watching people like you and harry reid now trying to tell the rest of us what a black man should look and act like.


Hay Oh!!!!

Whats that Diesel ? Mike aint black enough for you? Who died and made you the admissions director at the black club?


Sorry Diez that last post was a set up. I knew you would jump in and try to define the black experience for me.
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I'm sorry that is too funny. And your ******* friend jumped right in and cosigned on that act of stupidy

How about this for a bumper sticker:

You ain't black till Diesel says you're black!!!

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Well-Known Member
I'm sorry that is too funny. And your ******* friend jumped right in and cosigned on that act of stupidy

How about this for a bumper sticker:

You ain't black till Diesel says you're black!!!


Excuse Me!
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Well-Known Member
Reid's "negro" comments made 2 years ago revealed in a recent book were ironically deemed "racist" by the Republican Caucasian party for political purposes. Not by the black community. They couldn't care less about Reid's comment. Apparently I didn't realized you care so much for light skin and dark skin commiunity...
Yes Diesel, that quote by Reid is in the book "Game Change" after Reid had a meeting in his office with Obama. Reid was one of the first to suggest he has what it takes to run for President

Why are you asking me? .....I'm not poor. But let me direct you to the Stimulus package loudmouth. There are plenty of assistance programs for the poor, elderly, blind, and disabled that are embedded in the package. Food stamp increase, unempyoment payment increase, expansions to Income and Child Tax Credits expected to keep millions of American families from falling into poverty.
The package also includes a few billion in emergency funds to provide temporary assistance to needy families. Cash-strapped states will get billions for medicaid. Pell grants and new green jobs training are also in the works coming up in phase II. Now whatever healthcare reform gets passed should help also, unfortunately Republicans will try to fillerbuster any piece of legislation possible so Gov't gets bogged down. In fact what has Republicans done besides become the the Party of No, the Obstructionist Party. The world record holder of fillerbusters in one year...101
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Well-Known Member
Whats even funnier is watching people like you and harry reid now trying to tell the rest of us what a black man should look and act like.


Hay Oh!!!!

Whats that Diesel ? Mike aint black enough for you? Who died and made you the admissions director at the black club?


Sorry Diez that last post was a set up. I knew you would jump in and try to define the black experience for me.

I'm sorry that is too funny. And your ******* friend jumped right in and cosigned on that act of stupidy

How about this for a bumper sticker:

You ain't black till Diesel says you're black!!!


Tie....It's sad watching you squirm and embarrass yourself. If your unable to accept the fact the black community was not that offended by Reid's comments well, there's nothing left to say, except you and your party are so desperate for any little negative blip to harp on, for political gain. Didn't you get the memo, the election is over. Your side lost. Reids comments has been a dead issue for a week now,.....let it go desperate one. Your token RNC represents 1% of the black population, do the math oh wise one........
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Well-Known Member
Tie....It's sad watching you squirm and embarrass yourself. If your unable to accept the fact the black community was not that offended by Reid's comments well, there's nothing left to say, except you and your party are so desperate for any little negative blip to harp on, for political gain. Didn't you get the memo, the election is over. Your side lost. Reids comments has been a dead issue for a week now,.....let it go desperate one. Your token RNC represents 1% of the black population, do the math oh wise one........

If I had said that back in high school It would have started a riot. Much like L.A.
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Tie....It's sad watching you squirm and embarrass yourself. If your unable to accept the fact the black community was not that offended by Reid's comments well, there's nothing left to say, except you and your party are so desperate for any little negative blip to harp on, for political gain. Didn't you get the memo, the election is over. Your side lost. Reids comments has been a dead issue for a week now,.....let it go desperate one. Your token RNC represents 1% of the black population, do the math oh wise one........

I have always made the point that the liberal thinks they own the right to blackness. that regardless of whether the liberal is black or white they think they can own the black experience and define what is black and what is not.

The fact is diesel that a conservative calling mike steele an al jolsen imposter would have been called a racikst by the liberal left.

the fact is diesel that I set you up and you walked right into that swinging door much like Harry reid did.

All I'm doing is helping you and bbsam continue showing us the double standard.

So again the question if you think you can answer without dodging it like you did this time. Who died and left you in charge of the black experience?


Staff member
you can't help it . You have been brainwashed by a liftime of al sharpton guilt trips.
Actually, I think it has more to do with the idiotic media that runs out to give Sharpton a stage anytime anything having to do with a black person happens in this country. And then those listening think (as if they care) they know understand the "black take" on something. Sharpton or Steele. People aren't that simple, but it seems the right would like it to be.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
So again the question if you think you can answer without dodging it like you did this time. Who died and left you in charge of the black experience?

I asked that question many times. I thought he had some poll numbers maybe that he could produce or he was the spokesperson for the black population. He never responded so i figured maybe he was just smokin crack and it was in one of his liberal hallucinations.


Well-Known Member
I have always made the point that the liberal thinks they own the right to blackness. that regardless of whether the liberal is black or white they think they can own the black experience and define what is black and what is not.

The fact is diesel that a conservative calling mike steele an al jolsen imposter would have been called a racikst by the liberal left.

the fact is diesel that I set you up and you walked right into that swinging door much like Harry reid did.

All I'm doing is helping you and bbsam continue showing us the double standard.

So again the question if you think you can answer without dodging it like you did this time. Who died and left you in charge of the black experience?

I asked that question many times. I thought he had some poll numbers maybe that he could produce or he was the spokesperson for the black population. He never responded so i figured maybe he was just smokin crack and it was in one of his liberal hallucinations.

I call BS on Lue C fur and Tie, I gave you guys a link in the "No Negro Dialect" thread that contains reaction from the African American community. If you can't handle the truth and reality than just go bury your heads in the sand and quit acting like right wingers are champions for the black community. Face it, you guys don't like the answer because it's the truth. There's no dodging or double standard going on here, just right wingers attempting to make Harry Reid look like an idiot. And thats a fact.

Here, let me jolt your selective memory.....

Re: "No Negro dialect"

Originally Posted by Lue C Fur
Really? I did not know there was a poll taken or are you speaking for all blacks.

I thought what he said was offensive. Also Al Sharpton does not speak for all blacks and is a racist so any crap he spews is just that...crap.

Your predictable fixation on Al Sharpton as the MSM's Black outlet is so expected it clouds your ability to do a little research of your own, and make your own conclusions......



Strength through joy
Since this thread has been hijacked.
I was wondering if anyone out there can answer a question about Al Sharptongue, he claims to be a rev. but I have never heard of what college gave him that degree.