Reid's "negro" comments made 2 years ago revealed in a recent book were ironically deemed "racist" by the Republican Caucasian party for political purposes. Not by the black community. They couldn't care less about Reid's comment. Apparently I didn't realized you care so much for light skin and dark skin commiunity...
Yes Diesel, that quote by Reid is in the book "Game Change" after Reid had a meeting in his office with Obama. Reid was one of the first to suggest he has what it takes to run for President
Why are you asking me? .....I'm not poor. But let me direct you to the Stimulus package loudmouth. There are plenty of assistance programs for the poor, elderly, blind, and disabled that are embedded in the package. Food stamp increase, unempyoment payment increase, expansions to Income and Child Tax Credits expected to keep millions of American families from falling into poverty.
The package also includes a few billion in emergency funds to provide temporary assistance to needy families. Cash-strapped states will get billions for medicaid. Pell grants and new green jobs training are also in the works coming up in phase II. Now whatever healthcare reform gets passed should help also, unfortunately Republicans will try to fillerbuster any piece of legislation possible so Gov't gets bogged down. In fact what has Republicans done besides become the the Party of No, the Obstructionist Party. The world record holder of fillerbusters in one year...101