Man of Great Wisdom
As I read these Health care posts here and on current events --I see most people are afraid on how it will effect their taxes and healthcare now --I can understand that.
I do not know if most ups people realize -both union and mgmt --at sixty five you are dropped and go into Medicare.
What the Democrats have proposed in the Senate Bill --which will probably be the one passed --Medicare payments to Doctors and Hospitals will be cut by 500 billion. The new law will not force Doctors Or Hospitals to accept Medicare. With the millions of baby boomers entering medicare --the 22% in payment cuts ---the elderly will have to not only travel many miles to find a doctor or hospital accepting medicare --but when they get there the waiting lists and rationing will be real. This is only common sense --of course the Liberals say --no death panels ???AARP sold out the Senior citizens because they are planning to sell "Medigap" insurance --that only rich seniors will be able to afford --the middle class and poor --SORRY !!!bbsam claims it is too late ??? Maybe !
Did your kids cry when you read them bed time stories. Turn off Glenn Beck and relax a little. Always the gloom and doom.