Massachusetts vote for Scott Brown . Save our Health care


Man of Great Wisdom
As I read these Health care posts here and on current events --I see most people are afraid on how it will effect their taxes and healthcare now --I can understand that.
I do not know if most ups people realize -both union and mgmt --at sixty five you are dropped and go into Medicare.
What the Democrats have proposed in the Senate Bill --which will probably be the one passed --Medicare payments to Doctors and Hospitals will be cut by 500 billion. The new law will not force Doctors Or Hospitals to accept Medicare. With the millions of baby boomers entering medicare --the 22% in payment cuts ---the elderly will have to not only travel many miles to find a doctor or hospital accepting medicare --but when they get there the waiting lists and rationing will be real. This is only common sense --of course the Liberals say --no death panels ???AARP sold out the Senior citizens because they are planning to sell "Medigap" insurance --that only rich seniors will be able to afford --the middle class and poor --SORRY !!!:angry:bbsam claims it is too late ??? Maybe !

Did your kids cry when you read them bed time stories. Turn off Glenn Beck and relax a little. Always the gloom and doom.:whiteflag:

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
I love the people with upper middle class incomes crying that their extremely generous health benefits might be taxed so that others who are less fortunate might be able to actually get some health care they desperately need.

I agree it's not ideal, the top 2% should be hit with some stiff taxation instead. But in this society those who have had good fortune have an obligation towards those who haven't.

We are all very fortunate to have such great health benefits despite working unskilled blue collar jobs that nowadays often pay much less in both wages and benefits.


golden ticket member
My obligation to the less fortunate is to kick their butts off the couch for them to get a job.........also, take a urine test before they collect another welfare check. Teamsters may not have to worry since their slimy union guys are making deals so that they are exempt from these taxes.....yet an employer who did right by their employees and got them a great health plan will be taxed to high heaven....real fair huh?

Why is it always penalize those that worked hard for every penny they made and give it to the slob who thinks work is beneath him??

I'm very grateful for my health benefits, but I pay $1100 a month for them.


Man of Great Wisdom
My obligation to the less fortunate is to kick their butts off the couch for them to get a job.........also, take a urine test before they collect another welfare check. Teamsters may not have to worry since their slimy union guys are making deals so that they are exempt from these taxes.....yet an employer who did right by their employees and got them a great health plan will be taxed to high heaven....real fair huh?

Why is it always penalize those that worked hard for every penny they made and give it to the slob who thinks work is beneath him??

I'm very grateful for my health benefits, but I pay $1100 a month for them.

Why go to work? The benefits and pay for not working are better than most companies provide.


Staff member
My obligation to the less fortunate is to kick their butts off the couch for them to get a job.........also, take a urine test before they collect another welfare check. Teamsters may not have to worry since their slimy union guys are making deals so that they are exempt from these taxes.....yet an employer who did right by their employees and got them a great health plan will be taxed to high heaven....real fair huh?

Why is it always penalize those that worked hard for every penny they made and give it to the slob who thinks work is beneath him??

I'm very grateful for my health benefits, but I pay $1100 a month for them.
Your obligation is to the God and nation that gave you the opportunities you've enjoyed. When you are finished being self-satisfied, my little Ozymandias, why don't you take a little trip into the lives of those slobs and maybe you'll find out what real gratitude is about. Maybe even compassion, but that may be a little beyond you still.


Don't believe everything you think
Your obligation is to the God and nation that gave you the opportunities you've enjoyed. When you are finished being self-satisfied, my little Ozymandias, why don't you take a little trip into the lives of those slobs and maybe you'll find out what real gratitude is about. Maybe even compassion, but that may be a little beyond you still.

I agree with moreluck, I don’t have a problem with drug testing people on welfare, maybe you should take a little trip and open your eyes to all the abuse of the system, last year the federal government paid over 700 billion dollars on welfare alone.


Staff member
I agree with moreluck, I don’t have a problem with drug testing people on welfare, maybe you should take a little trip and open your eyes to all the abuse of the system, last year the federal government paid over 700 billion dollars on welfare alone.
I came from the system. I do not dispute that there is fraud, only that people want to be where they are. I could find 100 people in an hour who'd take your job in a heart beat. Would you like to take their place "on the couch"? No, I didn't think so. I wouldn't go back to it either.


Don't believe everything you think
I love the people with upper middle class incomes crying that their extremely generous health benefits might be taxed so that others who are less fortunate might be able to actually get some health care they desperately need.

This kind of thinking is why we should do way with withholding taxes from paychecks and have everyone write a check every month to the government, then people may realize how much money they really pay in taxes and then you would see people crying, of course it would only be 50% of Americans.


Don't believe everything you think
I came from the system. I do not dispute that there is fraud, only that people want to be where they are. I could find 100 people in an hour who'd take your job in a heart beat. Would you like to take their place "on the couch"? No, I didn't think so. I wouldn't go back to it either.

Ive been there too, my mother was single with three kids, but she worked hard to do better for us and you dont see that these days, everyone thinks they are entitled ,there is no humility.


Well-Known Member
a win by Brown will scare the pants off every sitting democrat, if a republican can win here then hope & change really did come to America.

Read today where the state of Mass legislature may wait to certify the election if Brown wins until after the healthcare bill is passed to keep the Dems from loosing their 60 vote filibuster proof majority. What a freaking joke.


Well-Known Member
My obligation to the less fortunate is to kick their butts off the couch for them to get a job......

Easier said than done when unemployment is running about 10%

...also, take a urine test before they collect another welfare check.

Are you saying everyone on welfare is on drugs?
Teamsters may not have to worry since their _slimy?_____ union guys are making deals so that they are exempt from these taxes.....yet an employer who did right by their employees and got them a great health plan will be taxed to high heaven....real fair huh?

Why is it always penalize those that worked hard for every penny they made and give it to the slob who thinks work is beneath him??

I repeat unemployment 10%+

I'm very grateful for my health benefits, but I pay $1100 a month for them.

I was reading in the political section of the paper that Brown voted for health care reform for Massachusetts.

Supposedly the deal worked out with labor was they wouldn't get taxed until 2017 or something like that.

If you're not taxed, before long your employer will be asking for co-contributions, that's a guaranty. So you're gonna be paying one way or another.
Your obligation is to the God and nation that gave you the opportunities you've enjoyed. When you are finished being self-satisfied, my little Ozymandias, why don't you take a little trip into the lives of those slobs and maybe you'll find out what real gratitude is about. Maybe even compassion, but that may be a little beyond you still.

Who do you think you are? What gives you the authority to dictate another persons obligation?
As far as I can see, no one has called you names or said that you were scum. Why would you resort to that? Oh, yeah that's what liberals do. In another post you claimed to be able to find 100 people to take the jobs at UPS. I believe you could find them to take the pay check, but doing the actual work my be another situation.
I was reading in the political section of the paper that Brown voted for health care reform for Massachusetts.

Supposedly the deal worked out with labor was they wouldn't get taxed until 2017 or something like that.

If you're not taxed, before long your employer will be asking for co-contributions, that's a guaranty. So you're gonna be paying one way or another.
Do you know what the Mass Health care reform included? How was it reformed and who is paying for it?
The comparison in the Mass. bill and the National Demo bill may be apples and oranges.
The problems that exist with health care in the US has many faces, including greed in the Medical industy, the insurance industry , the welfare industry (yes it really is an industry) and abuses in all of them. Everyone is wanting to make as much money as they possibly can, creating a house of cards effect. The higher the house, the more likely it is to fall.


From the promised LAND
I agree it's not ideal, the top 2% should be hit with some stiff taxation instead. But in this society those who have had good fortune have an obligation towards those who haven't.
see, that is where america differs, or at least used to, than other countries. if you can dream it, and work at it, you can make it happen. it is only through the meddling of our gooberment that has stifled the spirit if Independence.

I do not dispute that there is fraud, only that people want to be where they are. I could find 100 people in an hour who'd take your job in a heart beat. Would you like to take their place "on the couch"? No, I didn't think so. I wouldn't go back to it either.
people make choices. and choices have consequences. i really dont feel like i ought to pay for some schmuck to get his viagra, then pay for the missy to either get an abortion, or to have a child they cant afford to raise. but it seems you cant wait to pay for their indulgences.....

you want to tax us to pay for the people that dont have food for the table, no infant formula, but yet they have the baby's ears pierced, and wear $200 tennis shoes.

you want us to help them get to work because they cant afford a car, but yet their body ink cost more than my suburban.

people make bad choices, and they want everyone else to fix the problems they have because they made those bad choices.

he draws ssi and disability, but yet has no problem climbing in and out of a window with goods from your home, while i keep on working to pay taxes with the issues i have?

and the biggest joke you told was that you trust the gooberment to "help" these people with my money.

you trust them so much, you give them yours. I would rather help out those that show they need the help, not those that make a living off the help.

Im sorry, i worked/am working my ass off to have what i have. damn if i intend to ever cough up a bunch of it for someone that never has and never intends to work.

if you have that much guilt, see a shrink.

you have missed the big idea of self improvement. is it better to give a man a fish, or much better to teach a man to fish

one last thing. the economy in your area must be doing well for you to have to take a whole hour to find only 100 people. maybe you need to spend some time with me?



Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Welfare in this country is made to easy!! The liberals want it that way to cater to the poor to get their vote. Alot of people need a little help from welfare & honestly use it till no longer need it.BUT in Taxachussetts the system carries the same families in a lot of cases from generation to generation.The younger ones see how to buck the system & follow in the parents foot steps.This has been going on here for yrs & Kennedy made it easy for them. Drug test them all before getting my $$, they don't need a cell phone,HDTV or a better car than me,,,Oh wait ,,they are living the good life in Mass I should be more tolerant!!!! OHHHHH Liberals!!!!:angry::angry::angry:


Strength through joy
I was reading in the political section of the paper that Brown voted for health care reform for Massachusetts.

a little education lesson is needed here;
at the time of our health care reform it was put forward by a republican governor thru a democratic controlled congress { there are only about 12 sitting republicans in our senate }
.Some of the highlights of the plan included a fine if you do not have any insurance at all{ to file your state taxes one has to include a valid medical id number}, all companies with 10 or more workers are required to provide insurance { some companies sub-divided themselves to beat that part }, the costs savings that this plan would have created have never happened...costs are still increasing.
And this is a small example of whats coming with Obamacare.