Massachusetts vote for Scott Brown . Save our Health care


Strength through joy
I got one of those robo-calls, he said about 3 words before I hung up.

The Globe reported Coakley acknowledged she failed to fill out a federal financial disclosure to the U.S. Senate correctly, concealing some $250,000 in assets.

Yes coakley ads are anti-Brown, not one about her , hmm... no wonder many think she has already lost.
Massachusetts: 'Bottom has fallen out' of Coakley's polls; Dems prepare to explain defeat, protect Obama

By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
01/15/10 7:10 AM EST

Democratic candidate, Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, File) Here in Massachusetts, as well as in Washington, a growing sense of gloom is setting in among Democrats about the fortunes of Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley. "I have heard that in the last two days the bottom has fallen out of her poll numbers," says one well-connected Democratic strategist. In her own polling, Coakley is said to be around five points behind Republican Scott Brown. "If she's not six or eight ahead going into the election, all the intensity is on the other side in terms of turnout," the Democrat says. "So right now, she is destined to lose."
Intensifying the gloom, the Democrat says, is the fact that the same polls showing Coakley falling behind also show President Obama with a healthy approval rating in the state. "With Obama at 60 percent in Massachusetts, this shouldn't be happening, but it is," the Democrat says.
Given those numbers, some Democrats, eager to distance Obama from any electoral failure, are beginning to compare Coakley to Creigh Deeds, the losing Democratic candidate in the Virginia governor's race last year. Deeds ran such a lackluster campaign, Democrats say, that his defeat could be solely attributed to his own shortcomings, and should not be seen as a referendum on President Obama's policies or those of the national Democratic party.
The same sort of thinking is emerging in Massachusetts. "This is a Creigh Deeds situation," the Democrat says. "I don't think it says that the Obama agenda is a problem. I think it says, 1) that she's a terrible candidate, 2) that she ran a terrible campaign, 3) that the climate is difficult but she should have been able to overcome it, and 4) that Democrats beware -- you better run good campaigns, or you're going to lose."


Staff member

you and i are in total agreement.

the problem is, you see the gooberment coming up with the answers, i see the people coming up with them.

there is not one damn thing good about this country that has had its roots in the federal government. not one. all might have been good ideas when enacted, but all have been prostituted and mandated, and come with 2000 layers of government to support.

the american people are against what is called health reform, the way the gooberment wants it. what the american people really want is true reform, truth in what a doctors visit actually would cost, should i want to pay cash, not the smoke and mirrors that is over inflated pricing so we can charge insurance companies a lot, giving them the ability to claim that their massive buying power is getting them huge discounts, when it fact they are paying the true costs of health care, plus the cost of insurance.

health care ought to be like using credit cards for gas. it costs more, so if you do use it, you pay for it.

only in medical care is there true price fixing done by the insurance companies and the government. let the market find its own price. you would be shocked to see what a market based health care system would bring in changes. and tort reform as well.

those are real health care reform issues, not the gooberment take over that has been proposed.

It's been 60 years and the private sector hasn't fixed it. Any reason to believe they'd fix it now? The price/problem keeps going up. Democrats have tried and failed in the past to get things under control and Republicans act like nothing's wrong. And now on the eve of Democrats finally getting something done, Republicans cry about a waiting for some kind of private fix to a problem they don't believe exists. Again, we will have nationalized health care within 20 years and Republicans are as much to blame as Democrats are to be credited.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Your obligation is to the God and nation that gave you the opportunities you've enjoyed. When you are finished being self-satisfied, my little Ozymandias, why don't you take a little trip into the lives of those slobs and maybe you'll find out what real gratitude is about. Maybe even compassion, but that may be a little beyond you still.

Talk about satisfaction.....
It is so satisfying to see that America is finally waking up and realizing that the chosen one is not so golden. I have talked to many people who drank the Chicago kool-aid and are so discouraged over what they have seen this first year.

Whether Scott wins or loses Tuesday, The socialist republic of Mass. is going to feel the wrath of the common man who is tired of being made a fool of. Democrats need to wake up from the spell of the two idiots leaders in our legislature and realize that the ultra-liberal cockroach minority who look down upon the rest of the nation with disdain will be stripped of their power in the near future.

Sweet revenge - it is so satisfying.

Talk about Ozymandias... you need to look no further than the top leadership of this nation. Ozymandias will be toppled come this fall and the cracks of this doomed one term presidency will start to enlarge come Tuesday.

More.... I will always have your back!


golden ticket member
Thanks overboard......I actually did not know you could do that! The many capabilities of the computer are lost on me.

I'd have believed theFBI story......


Well-Known Member
I said 2 or 3 weeks ago that Scott Brown has a chance in this election and was laughed at. For those of you not familiar with Mass. politics...getting a Rep. elected in this state is the equal of Bill Belichick getting voted Mr. Congeniality by the sports writers. Usually, Reps. do not even bother running. Our state is so messed up that there is a candidate named Kennedy (no relation) that will get votes just because of his name. GO SCOTT GO.


Strength through joy
Yes there is a third runner in this senate race, the tea party guy named Joe relation to that hyannis mob.
He is what is known as the straw candidate, someone who will steal votes away from Brown, now it looks like he might be stealing from coakley, heck there is a good chance he could come in second, given how many people will blindly vote for anyone named Kennedy.
Driving around today I saw many groups waving Brown signs, never saw anyone for coakley.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Yeah, jumped the border something like 20 miles to Bedford. Not really a problem, rather a solution. :happy-very: The only thing that scares me is the way the dems have been bombarding the city offices up here. Crooked.
N.H is slowly becoming the "NEW MASS" Bedford is a nice place,hope you like it!!


Don't believe everything you think
Coakley's Husband's Union Endorses Scott Brown. ... Police Patrol Officers of the Republic of Cambridge, have voted overwhelmingly to back Senate Candidate Scott Brown and for those that don’t know, Cambridge is Moon-bat central and with SEIU backing Scott Brown it’s a big slap in the face for Coakley since she’s the states top cop.

Baba gounj.... Great Pics, did you take the pics yourself?


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
This state can't be any more messed up than we are and are probaly the laughing stock of the USA. Cambridge should be packed up & sent to a 3rd world country to practice their liberal views & help the poor !! God I hated driving through that place on the way to WATMA everyday !!!


That avoids the question. Compensation, whether salary, hourly wage, investment income, property sale is taxed. Why are health care benefits when used as a form of compensation to be viewed differently?

Change your mindset from the concept that all compensation should be taxed and the answer is quite simple. It has never been taxed before and should not be taxed now. It also violates Obama's promise that taxpayers making less then 250,000 would not see an increase in their taxes. The exemptions proposed for some groups such as unions creates a tax that is now administered unfairly.


Strength through joy
Local 25 is backing Coaxley, of course.
O'brien had her over to Watma Friday morning, seems she counting on the unions to win. She's all for making FEdx unionized.

Coakley's Husband's Union Endorses Scott Brown. ... Police Patrol Officers of the Republic of Cambridge, have voted overwhelmingly to back Senate Candidate Scott Brown and for those that don’t know, Cambridge is Moon-bat central and with SEIU backing Scott Brown it’s a big slap in the face for Coakley since she’s the states top cop.

Baba gounj.... Great Pics, did you take the pics yourself?
Sorry just a cut & paste
Coakley thinks Curt Schilling is a Yankee Fan!
She was on Dan Rea's radio show so there is an audio clip out there.
Another fine example of how she is totally out of the loop, just like her "there are no terrorists left in Afghanistan". remark.


I am me. An opinionated member of the BC. Did I call names? Ozymandias is simply a sarcastic way of saying that all that you think you are and all you think you have acquired is nothing. Other people's obligations? Just another opinion. Just like it seemed to be the opinion of the country that we were obligated to liberate Iraq, now it seems the opinion of the country that health care is a battle worth fighting. Yeah, I made that claim about 100 people. And you are correct about the number who could do it. Maybe 25-35. I'm just disgusted at the characterization of all people on some kind of welfare as being cheats and bums.

You are the good liberal though goosestepping to your masters whims.


Strength through joy
Cambridge Police Patrol Officers endorse State Senator Scott Brown for United States Senator [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Updated On: Jan 15, 2010 (14:04:00) [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] The 212 member Cambridge Police Patrol Officers Association voted to endorse State Senator Scott Brown for United States Senator in next Tuesday's election against Attorney General Martha Coakley. CPSOA's President released the following letter today:
All Members,

Members of our Association have inquired and requested that we endorse Scott Brown in the upcoming election against Martha Coakley. Ms. Coakley along with some of her campaign workers have talked publicly about how her husband is a retired Cambridge Police Officer, giving appearances that she is being endorsed by the Cambridge Police. This may be an innocent insinuation but most do take this as our giving her our support and endorsement. Yesterday, the CPPOA Executive Board voted to endorse State Senator Scott Brown in the upcoming election for US Senate. In an 11 to 2 vote, the Executive Board voted overwhelmingly in favor of the endorsement. We do not endorse anyone who advocates changes in the health care that take away any bargaining rights or increases our cost along with our contributions. Senator Brown does not support the Comprehensive Healthcare Reform Bill and promises to be the 41st vote to ensure its defeat. The current leadership at the state house, as we all know and have seen over the past two years, have an agenda to dismantle all of our hard earned bargained benefits and they will continue to dismantle these until there is a complete change from the top down. Martha Coakley is part of this Massachusetts leadership and she will continue with this agenda, only now it will be at the capital level and we need to stop it. So today, we the members of the Cambridge Police Patrol Officers Association endorse Scott Brown for the senate seat vacated by Senator Kennedy.


Stephen Killion
President Cambridge Police
Patrol Officers Association.
The Cambridge Police Patrol Officers Association is a founding member of the MMPC
I feel the same way Covemaster about the "Peoples Republic Of Cambridge", I also avoid traveling there as much as possible.
Thanks Overboard, I posted it for all to see.


Well-Known Member
It's been 60 years and the private sector hasn't fixed it. Any reason to believe they'd fix it now? The price/problem keeps going up. Democrats have tried and failed in the past to get things under control and Republicans act like nothing's wrong. And now on the eve of Democrats finally getting something done, Republicans cry about a waiting for some kind of private fix to a problem they don't believe exists. Again, we will have nationalized health care within 20 years and Republicans are as much to blame as Democrats are to be credited.

You don't know your history. Its been 60 years of ever more government regulation and encroachment in a sector that should be more private. Lets not also forget no tort reform to help cut down on frivolous medical lawsuits.

Case in point, this is what we get when the government controls things.


And this is what we get when the private sector is allowed control.


I don't care what the product/service category is. This will always hold true.


Staff member
I saw a big Scott Brown rally in Worcester today right by the train station. I blasted the horn and gave the thumbs up as I went by.


Strength through joy
After Obama Rally, Dems Pin Blame On Bush

January 17, 2010 6:16 PM

By Felicia Sonmez

As audience members streamed out of Pres. Obama's rally on behalf of AG Martha Coakley (D) here tonight, the consensus was that the fault for Coakley's now-floundering MA SEN bid lies with one person -- George W. Bush.

Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), speaking with a gaggle of reporters after the event, said that while state Sen. Scott Brown (R) offers voters a quick fix, in reality, the problems created by "George Bush and his cronies" are not so easily solved.
"If you think there's magic out there and things can be turned around overnight, then you would vote for someone who could promise you that, like Scott Brown," Kennedy said. "If you don't, if you know that it takes eight years for George Bush and his cronies to put our country into this hole ... then you know we have a lot of digging to do, but some work needs to be done and this president's in the process of doing it and we need to get Marcia Coakley to help him to do that."
(Curiously, Kennedy mentioned Coakley repeatedly during his remarks to reporters, each time referring to her as "Marcia," not "Martha.")
More Kennedy: "One thing the Democrats have done wrong? We haven't kept the focus on this disaster on the Republicans who brought it upon us. We've tried too hard to do that right thing, and that's to fix it, as opposed to spend more of our time and energy pointing the finger at who got us [here] in the first place."

Must make everyone from RI very proud, this is what you elected