Meaningless Fluff


Well-Known Member

Heheh ... good stuff.


The Nim
So today I came up with a crazy thought.

So say I feel my arms are separate entities, for the sake of argument we'll call them "Abbot" and "Costello." When using both Abbot and Costello to pick up something shouldn't I be then preforming a team lift as my "arms" are working as a team?

At this point I referenced a scene where Abbot and Costello are hoisting a piano with a rope working together. If this actually happened I dunno, sounds like it would, but I can't find a reference for it.

In the absence of a validating video clip, I'll provide something somewhat off topic, but quite enjoyable.


The Nim
Ding rod. I found the Laurel and Hardy stuff after I got home from work, but I was saying Abbot and Costello for my example so I kept it for posterity.


golden ticket member

The person who invented this sentence is either a Vocabulary GENIUS or is absolutely JOBLESS.


You’ll soon find out !!!

Read the sentence below carefully…

“I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications incomprehensibleness”.

This is a sentence where the Nth word is N letters long.

e.g. 3rd word is 3 letters long, 8th word is 8 letters long and so on up to the 20th word has 20 letters.


Well-Known Member
There are two commas missing from that sentence--can anyone figure out where they should be?

I also agree that whomever wrote that needs a hobby.

I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting[,] nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality[,] counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications incomprehensibleness

Although, the first comma should be a semicolon, I think.