Meaningless Fluff


Fugitive From Reality
I love my wife more than anything. My boys say I'd be dead or in jail if I wouldn't have found her. She's 5foot2 but she'll kick my :censored2:en ass. When I step out of line she watches. She's cute but relentless and kinda scary all in one.
My wife's the same. Took me a while to understand & appreciate that she keeps me from getting too far out of control. I know now that it's a good thing & I need that.
I love my wife more than anything. My boys say I'd be dead or in jail if I wouldn't have found her. She's 5foot2 but she'll kick my :censored2:en ass. When I step out of line she watches. She's cute but relentless and kinda scary all in one.

She wouldn't happen to be Irish?

Just comparing notes.


Staff member
Dude, WTF?

You better have a film fest at your house over the weekend.
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill vol 1 & 2

And throw in From Dusk til Dawn as a nightcap.
I don't think I've seen any of those.
Maybe Kill Bill, that kinda rings a bell. Some chick learning karate???