Media Bias

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
free thinking is OK as long as you thinkand believe as the teacher does!!!!

Via The Daily Caller:
Back in the day, teachers often scoffed at using encyclopedias as serious academic references. These days, they reserve their scorn for Wikipedia and — at one public university in West Virginia — Fox News.

A syllabus for a political science course at West Liberty University instructs students that they must filter out two potential research sources, reports WTOV, a nearby NBC affiliate.

According to Fox News, ironically enough, the syllabus says (with grammatical errors preserved for posterity):
DO NOT use
1) The Onion — this is not news this is literally a parody

2) Fox News — The tagline “Fox News” makes me cringe. Please do not subject me to this biased news station. I would almost rather you print off an article from the Onion

No other media or research sources — such as, say, MSNBC — appear to be prohibited.

Many schools prohibit sourcing FOX news for anything. Its not a news channel. Its a politically driven right wing spin machine. You should know this by now.

Who takes anything you post from fox seriously?




golden ticket member
Where were the scores of media outlets with their microphones shoved into the faces of Jackson & Jackson Jr. when they walked out of the court?????

If there was an R. after his name and not a "D", there would be a circus .


golden ticket member
Many schools prohibit sourcing FOX news for anything. Its not a news channel. Its a politically driven right wing spin machine. You should know this by now.

Who takes anything you post from fox seriously?


Maybe you should list those "many schools" because as the story goes, one loony professor refuses FOX as a source.........many schools is something you made up !!! Exaggerate much??


golden ticket member

So Toure says Zimmerman can’t be called Hispanic because his dad is white but he refers to Obama as being black even though he has a white mother?


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Via Newsbusters:
The Obama administration in 2009 dropped the Bush administration’s plan to add missile interceptor capability against North Korea, yet on Friday, when Obama’s Pentagon realized their error and scrambled to announce a reversal to implement the Bush plan, ABC, CBS and NBC failed to mention Obama’s dereliction.

(Below: Krauthmmer zinged “Democratic resistance” to missile defense. “Reagan was right.”)

FNC’s Mike Emanuel, in contrast, on Special Report with Bret Baier, noted: “That interceptor expansion had originally been proposed by the Bush administration until President Obama, in 2009, stopped it.”

Even CNN’s Erin Burnett squeezed in how the new Obama plan to deploy 14 additional interceptors “is a plan by the way, that President George W. Bush had put forth that the President moth-balled when he got into office


Well-Known Member
Ex-CNN reporter Amber Lyon admits to "Cooking the News" upon orders from superiors. Kelley B. Vlahos, former contributing journalist at Fox News now a featured columnist at has all but said the same of her own time at Fox News.


golden ticket member
Absolutely disgraceful how the media is ignoring this trial.

Via Washington Times:
Reflecting mounting frustration over the lack of press coverage of inner-city Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell’s murder trial, a group of pro-life House members took to the floor to denounce what they call a “national media cover-up” of the sensational case.

“Again, I ask my colleagues and I ask the news media, ‘Why the blackout?’” said Rep. Christopher H. Smith, New Jersey Republican. “Will America ever be told of the brutality of abortion?”

The congressional outcry is the latest effort to draw attention to the gruesome courtroom drama unfolding in Philadelphia, where Dr. Gosnell stands accused of committing eight murders including seven live babies born after botched abortions at the Women’s Medical Society.

“Just hearing about this trial and quite frankly, I haven’t heard about it on TV, and if I weren’t informed about it leading up this special order, I wouldn’t know about the Gosnell trial, one that I think is really sickening just to hear the facts,” said Rep. John Fleming, Louisiana Republican.

The trial is being covered by The Associated Press, as well as the Philadelphia and Delaware media, but has yet to earn a report on the major television broadcast or cable networks since jury selection began March 4.


golden ticket member
I love it when FOX only covers a few words from the pres. and directs you online if you want to hear his entire speech. If they didn't,I would be tuning in to Swamp People or Duck Dynasty or something entertaining.

MSNBC chief Phil Griffin laid into Fox News for skipping President Obama’s gun control speech on Wednesday.

After the Senate failed to pass a proposal for expanded background checks, Obama held a late-afternoon press conference to express his dissatisfaction. Broadcast networks including ABC, CBS and NBC interrupted their regular programming to bring viewers the press conference. MSNBC and CNN did the same. Fox News, however, did not air the press conference at all and kept with its regular programming, “The Five.”

The New York Times’ Brian Stelter reported on Thursday about Fox News’ decision, in which Griffin called the move “a disgrace.” [...]

Fox News responded to Griffin in a statement. TVNewser reported Fox News as saying, “Phil’s network of partisan pundits have to rely on the talents of Brian Williams and NBC News to cover basic news events. So him calling anything a disgrace in regards to news coverage is ironic considering he oversees one daily.”