Media Bias


Strength through joy
As I was flicking thru the channels this am , saw CNN reporter talking from Watertown about the capture , he got all his "facts" wrong .


Well-Known Member
Well you fawned all over Tom Brokaw when he told us how great the greatest generation was but now will you show the same or just boo and hiss at his latest.


Staff member
I thought the "Greatest Generation" crap was sucking up to baby boomers to sell books. I mean really. Depending on what metrics one uses, any generation could be the "Greatest".


Well-Known Member
I thought the "Greatest Generation" crap was sucking up to baby boomers to sell books. I mean really. Depending on what metrics one uses, any generation could be the "Greatest".
Someday.......... PERHAPS The DisLike button will be part of BC.
Poor Post sir. I will not comment other than you have no clue.


Staff member
I give up. What's wrong with what Brokaw said? Sounds alot to me like "the chickens are coming home to roost". But then I have always agreed with that, even when a fiery black preacher said it.


Well-Known Member
I would.............. If possible.
I believe in free speech and NOT NEG reps.

But as I am older, and knew those of the past of the Greatest Generation that gave freely their lives
to fight a serious evil (Hitler and others) you touch a nerve when you call it defecation
what Mr. Brokaw wrote.

You call it Defecation. I call it a fact. We agree to disagree I hope sir.


Staff member
I apologize for offending. My point was that the title is selective. He would not have sold many books had it been titled "The Japanese Internment Camp Generation" or the "Hell Yeah We Nuked 'Em Generation". I didn't read the book so I can't say as to whether Brokaw dealt with those issues, the J.Edgar Hoovers, or any of a myriad of black eyes on the period. I just don't see how one can honestly tally up the good and bad of any generation and make such an obviously subjective statement and have people accept it as fact. I think one would have to WANT to believe and quite frankly, there is nothing wrong with that.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
I apologize for offending. My point was that the title is selective. He would not have sold many books had it been titled "The Japanese Internment Camp Generation" or the "Hell Yeah We Nuked 'Em Generation". I didn't read the book so I can't say as to whether Brokaw dealt with those issues, the J.Edgar Hoovers, or any of a myriad of black eyes on the period. I just don't see how one can honestly tally up the good and bad of any generation and make such an obviously subjective statement and have people accept it as fact. I think one would have to WANT to believe and quite frankly, there is nothing wrong with that.
Ok I am biased in this area. Many many went without protest and lost their lives, many sacrificed on the home front
without complaining. They came back and never bragged nor wanted recognition.

Too many in my life that shaped my life. They had values and ethic.

I will chill................................


Well-Known Member
After a horrific week of news people tuned in to hear the latest news, but what channels do people turn to? tracked how many viewers watched each channel and posted that information on Friday.

MSNBC had the lowest amount of viewers.

Here are some numbers:
FNC: 1,647,000 total viewers (421,000 in the demo)

CNN: 1,048,000 total viewers (403,000 in the demo)

MSNBC: 515,000 total viewers (162,000 in the demo)

FNC: 2,783,000 total viewers (682,000 in the demo)

CNN: 1,619,000 total viewers (674,000 in the demo)

MSNBC: 975,000 total viewers (333,000 in the demo)


The Nim
Ok I am biased in this area. Many many went without protest and lost their lives, many sacrificed on the home front
without complaining. They came back and never bragged nor wanted recognition.

Too many in my life that shaped my life. They had values and ethic.

I will chill................................

The people in ones life shape them in many ways. I appreciate the people who experience things before me and are able to teach me the lessons without myself having to go through them.


Well-Known Member
After a horrific week of news people tuned in to hear the latest news, but what channels do people turn to? tracked how many viewers watched each channel and posted that information on Friday.

MSNBC had the lowest amount of viewers.

Here are some numbers:
FNC: 1,647,000 total viewers (421,000 in the demo)

CNN: 1,048,000 total viewers (403,000 in the demo)

MSNBC: 515,000 total viewers (162,000 in the demo)

FNC: 2,783,000 total viewers (682,000 in the demo)

CNN: 1,619,000 total viewers (674,000 in the demo)

MSNBC: 975,000 total viewers (333,000 in the demo)


We usually agree on many posts. On this post I must point out something to you that is very obvious.

No matter what people claim the United States is now tilted slighly LEFT ---proof is the re-election of Obama.

Fox is the only Right leaning network --CNN and Msnbc split the Left and Liberal Block.

When the new Right Leaning network gets into full swing ---The Fox ratings will also be split.:wink2:

This also proves the real bias exists in all media and people do not seek the "news" --they want to hear what they already believe !!!

If you add CNN and Msnbc together --they reflect that slight left lead .


Well-Known Member

We usually agree on many posts. On this post I must point out something to you that is very obvious.

No matter what people claim the United States is now tilted slighly LEFT ---proof is the re-election of Obama.

Fox is the only Right leaning network --CNN and Msnbc split the Left and Liberal Block.

When the new Right Leaning network gets into full swing ---The Fox ratings will also be split.:wink2:

This also proves the real bias exists in all media and people do not seek the "news" --they want to hear what they already believe !!!

If you add CNN and Msnbc together --they reflect that slight left lead .

Great point.

I keep having moments of hope that the country will turn back to Righteous Biblical
based thoughts and values.

Not that the Rino's nor Fox is the standard bearer of this.

Sigh. I was chosen to be born in such a time as this. Why I ask sometimes?

We are headed on a downward spiral, financially, spiritually, and morally.

Most are VERY blind, and do not see, many are VERY DEAF, and do not hear.

I AM NOT Perfect. But I know right from wrong.


Staff member
If it makes you feel any better, every generation thinks the same about the generation that comes after it and we end up doing OK.:wink2: