Media Bias


Staff member
Great point.

I keep having moments of hope that the country will turn back to Righteous Biblical
based thoughts and values.

Not that the Rino's nor Fox is the standard bearer of this.

Sigh. I was chosen to be born in such a time as this. Why I ask sometimes?

We are headed on a downward spiral, financially, spiritually, and morally.

Most are VERY blind, and do not see, many are VERY DEAF, and do not hear.

I AM NOT Perfect. But I know right from wrong.

"Biblical based thoughts.". That's just ot. The Bible is full of men and women with thoughts just like ours. Redemption is God's work in us and it comes quietly. David, Peter, Job,Paul, Sampson. All very human, nery modern and look how they are revered today. If you try, Gods handiwork remains evident today. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to say what would be said to me if I jumped into some of the religion threads you guys have engaged in.

This thread is about the media and it's bias, religion has no place in this discussion unless it's to demonstrate a bias to the topic. Take discussions of faith and belief elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to say what would be said to me if I jumped into some of the religion threads you guys have engaged in.

This thread is about the media and it's bias, religion has no place in this discussion unless it's to demonstrate a bias to the topic. Take discussions of faith and belief elsewhere.
No offense from me. It just comes out sometimes. :happy-very:


golden ticket member
When we watch FOX news......both of us find ourselves cussing at the TV.....that tells me they bring on the liberal point of view.......the cussing is usually at Alan Colmes, and Juan and Sally Kohn (?). Fair & Balanced!!


Well-Known Member
LOL. Keep religion in the debate box, eh? Easier to disect? Hate to have it all messy out there in the "real world"!:happy-very:

You could say from my POV is that religion has never been in the real world. Even it claims it's place is in the spiritual world and I take them at their word too!


Staff member
You could say from my POV is that religion has never been in the real world. Even it claims it's place is in the spiritual world and I take them at their word too!
And I don't know what "spiritual world" is. Life is "spiritual", so...well, I'll just leave it at that.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Ron Unz of The American Conservative in a piece about the media.

The realization that the world is often quite different from what is presented in our leading newspapers and magazines is not an easy conclusion for most educated Americans to accept, or at least that was true in my own case. For decades, I have closely read the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and one or two other major newspapers every morning, supplemented by a wide variety of weekly or monthly opinion magazines. Their biases in certain areas had always been apparent to me. But I felt confident that by comparing and contrasting the claims of these different publications and applying some common sense, I could obtain a reasonably accurate version of reality. I was mistaken.

Aside from the evidence of our own senses, almost everything we know about the past or the news of today comes from bits of ink on paper or colored pixels on a screen, and fortunately over the last decade or two the growth of the Internet has vastly widened the range of information available to us in that latter category. Even if the overwhelming majority of the unorthodox claims provided by such non-traditional web-based sources is incorrect, at least there now exists the possibility of extracting vital nuggets of truth from vast mountains of falsehood. Certainly the events of the past dozen years have forced me to completely recalibrate my own reality-detection apparatus.

The American Pravda


golden ticket member
Via Breitbart:

Using a Nexis “all news” search, Michael Chapman at CNS Newscrunched the numbers and reports that over the last eight days the media have covered the story of Jason Collins, the NBA player who announced he was gay, a total of 2,381 times. In contrast, during the first eight days of the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortion doctor accused of capital murder, there were only 115 stories.



Well-Known Member
Every news outlet will spew the opinions of its producers period. And ratings are a simple gauge to see what most people want to believe or be fed. Same with religion and why we have a different "church" on every other corner in every city in this country......itchy ears go where they are scratched.


Well-Known Member
Every news outlet will spew the opinions of its producers period. And ratings are a simple gauge to see what most people want to believe or be fed. Same with religion and why we have a different "church" on every other corner in every city in this country......itchy ears go where they are scratched.

Some would argue that the media can and is used to even convince the people their ears itch in the first place.