Media Bias


Well-Known Member
Condi Rice---Black Woman who is more than qualified to be Potus--problem bbsam. ??
She would have my vote in a heart beat - who called me a racist ??:wink2:


Staff member
Why would I have a pro lem with that? If you read back to last years election I suggested her several times. I don't know if I would vote for her, but she would be many, many times more preferable than Palin. I have always considered Rice and Clinton classy and highly qualified. Sarah is neither.


Staff member
...and I have no idea. Who called you a racist? I think at times you make racist arguments while ignoring more pertinent facts to the issue but that's far from from racist. But then again, you are quick to point out that Rice is black. Almost feels like, "I'm not racist. Some of my best friends are black!". Just awkward.


Well-Known Member
Rice is a fantastic pianist but she's stained by the Iraq war. If she ran which isn't impossible, what the MS media has kept on the back burner out in the alternative media world would fester to the point it would boil over. With all the other scandals in gov't, many going back farther than Obama World, the risk of turning ugly for legacies and for Rice herself is likely pretty high. The one favorable oddly enough might be from Dick Cheney's own mouth when he agreed to do the documentary film "The World According to Dick Cheney" and a must see IMO regardless of your political stripes. Unlike Bush term 1, in Bush term 2, Rice stood up to Cheney in term 2 and by 2006' GW at least wised up and benched Cheney in his circle of influence and that's according to Cheney himself. Rice might get some redemption there. It's also not helping that Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's chief of staff has been going around the last couple of years spilling the beans but mostly has been in the shadows of alternative media. A Rice Presidential run might bring him to the forefront and what he has to say would not be helpful at all. Politics does funny things to people and sometimes they can almost get suicidal when it becomes desperate.

Palin was and still is pure sideshow. The folks in the McCain campaign have admitted Palin was used to get the conservative base excited because all the polls said loser to the GOP going into election day unless McCain threw the conservative base a bone and to Palin's credit, she did a good job and her parting gift from the GOP as they handed her hat to her was a media presence to which she has used well. She really took one for the team and then they kicked her all the way down to A ball bus league and unlike Crash Davis not even allowed to go to bat and get her one dinger.

Hillary is a question mark. Did a democrat faction make her the fall guy for Benghazi? A lot of blood is on her hands even outside Benghazi and a growing element of the progressive base no longer see the Clinton years in the rosey glasses they once did as the effects of the Clinton era international trade agreements really kick in for all to see. Even Glass Stegall and other Rubin policy finger prints leading directly into the pockets of the so-called 1% as analysis of Clinton era grows could well spill over onto Hillary. In some circles of the left, neo-liberal is the same as neo-conservative. (and they would be right too) Now this would help Hillary with the moderate GOP if say a Tea Party type republican got the GOP nomination and with some independents but I don't think that level of strength has been achieved by that segment of the party just yet.

I do think Hillary is testing, watching polling data and reactions too determine her course. I don't think Condi will ever step into elective politics and if I were her I wouldn't either. There are people on many political sides just waiting for a catalyst to raise the Bush era back up and use it to force a national conversation about US foreign and even domestic policy over the last several decades. Bush may be the catalyst but the potential wildfire could spread out in both directions on the historical timeline. Condi might well be the match to light that bonfire if she ran and she's smart enough to know it. Palin is done but she gets credit for trying to stay active. She's got another election cycle, maybe to 2016' but only as cheerleader and if a GOPer wins, she disappears for good having done her job. I see a talk radio future ahead for her and I think she'd be good at understanding what talk radio really is these days.

For so-called conservatives who want an African American female who has at least less baggage, maybe much less than Condi, why not Janice Rogers Brown? Not saying she would but why her name doesn't pop up more in the discussion has always puzzled me. You Red Staters should check her out.

Besides I'd like a challenge for once in ripping down your self appointed icons who you pick to lead you around by your noses regardless of political party!

There are always contradictions to the narratives of the State and it makes for great sport poking holes in them.


Well-Known Member
...and I have no idea. Who called you a racist? I think at times you make racist arguments while ignoring more pertinent facts to the issue but that's far from from racist. But then again, you are quick to point out that Rice is black. Almost feels like, "I'm not racist. Some of my best friends are black!". Just awkward.


I consider you a good family man and hard working--yout train off thought -awkward or racist ?


Well-Known Member
I was actually just going to link a video of it.

​And I agree it isn't exactly media bias but when they fall for stuff like that it makes you wonder how much they say is credible.

Me thinks they are too self absorbed in their own self importance. Anyone with half a thinking brain would have questioned those names and re-verified before going on air.

Me thinks this is just more proof that the days of actual investigative journalism is dead and long gone. "If it bleeds it leads" so just get it out there! It should be a wake up call for anyone, regardless of who was too hasty to air it.

Especially if its an erection year.


Well-Known Member
I was actually just going to link a video of it.

And I agree it isn't exactly media bias but when they fall for stuff like that it makes you wonder how much they say is credible.

Me thinks they are too self absorbed in their own self importance. Anyone with half a thinking brain would have questioned those names and re-verified before going on air.

Me thinks this is just more proof that the days of actual investigative journalism is dead and long gone. "If it bleeds it leads" so just get it out there! It should be a wake up call for anyone, regardless of who was too hasty to air it.

Especially if its an erection year.


Well-Known Member
Me thinks this is just more proof that the days of actual investigative journalism is dead and long gone. "If it bleeds it leads" so just get it out there! It should be a wake up call for anyone, regardless of who was too hasty to air it.

Especially if its an erection year.

The area of investigative reporting and actual questioning of narratives is taking place in the alternative media world. Because they are not corp. media, not dependent in the revenue streams of marketing dollars nor allowed the status access of typical mainstream media that is used by the corridors of power as a weapon of control, they can ask the harder and deeper questions that go well beyond the narrative.


golden ticket member
The area of investigative reporting and actual questioning of narratives is taking place in the alternative media world. Because they are not corp. media, not dependent in the revenue streams of marketing dollars nor allowed the status access of typical mainstream media that is used by the corridors of power as a weapon of control, they can ask the harder and deeper questions that go well beyond the narrative.

Harder and deeper ?? That's what she said !


Well-Known Member
The area of investigative reporting and actual questioning of narratives is taking place in the alternative media world. Because they are not corp. media, not dependent in the revenue streams of marketing dollars nor allowed the status access of typical mainstream media that is used by the corridors of power as a weapon of control, they can ask the harder and deeper questions that go well beyond the narrative.

Harder and deeper ?? That's what she said !


Strength through joy
The suspect, Juan Antonio Gonzalez, who had been arrested on suspicion of assaulting an officer, was charged with capital murder on Friday.
Here’s how it happened
The incident started on Sept. 25 at 4:53 p.m. when Molina, who was off-duty, saw a young man scratch his personal vehicle with a piece of metal. The vandal was with two other man, one of whom was Gonzalez. …
Molina got into his car and followed them a way before parking in front of a home at 4120 Trowbridge.
After getting out of his car, Molina identified himself as a police officer and confronted Gomez.
He got out of his car! He must have been hunting the poor 17-year-old child!
Gonzalez allegedly punched Molina in the face with his fist, stunning the officer.
Gonzalez then quickly grabbed Molina around his knees and jerked his legs upward, the affidavit says.
That caused Molina “to fall backwards and head first onto the concrete driveway,” the affidavit says. The blow to Molina’s head knocked him unconscious, it says.
Gonzalez then “squatted over (Molina) and began to beat (him) multiple times around the face and head,” the affidavit says.
Officer Jonathan Molina, 29, who did tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan with the Marine Corps, died a little more than nine days after suffering a fractured skull, internal head injuries and facial fractures.

That’s the risk you run when confronting a young hoodlum of the type glorified by the media. Unfortunately, Molina was not able to get to his gun. Fortunately, George Zimmerman was.