Media Bias


golden ticket member
Still Tingling…...after all these years !!

Via Townhall:

Chris Matthews, thy delusion knows no bounds. In a month where the veritable pileup of scandals resembles anespecially bad freeway car accident–indeed, on the heels of the PRISM revelation–Matthews maintains that President Obama is as close to a perfect person as we’ve seen, potentially since Christ. Behold unrighteous indignation, taken to an illogical extreme:

Listening to Matthews talk about Obama sounds more like teenage apologetics of Justin Bieber than sound political analysis. As far as Matthews is concerned, Obama has li-trelly never done anything legally or ethically questionable, and thus the Right’s consternation with him is ethnically-based. And yet…who’s the one who forgot about the two African Americans serving in the Senate? Oh right! Matthews.
Look, I get standing by your man in his time of hardship, and I suppose in a perverted way, props to him for this adulatory display of loyalty. But really, no. First of all, this is a guy[ed.-Obama] who admitted himself, “Yeah, I dabbled in blow.” (Cocaine, for those less streetwise among us.) Which is…you know. Illegal. Currently, his administration is battling scandals on more fronts that WWI had. Benghazi, hacking journalists, IRS targeting, PRISM…the ethics are dubious and questionable at best.



golden ticket member
"Finally, under the heading of it’s not what you know, but who you’re related to that counts in Washington: ABC reporter Claire Shipman is married to Press Secretary Jay Carney; CNN President Virginia Mosely is married to Hillary Clinton’s former Deputy Secretary Tom Nides; CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, a top Obama advisor and the fellow who helped edit the Benghazi talking points; and ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s special advisor Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall.

I swear there’s more inbreeding among these left-wing elitists than you’ll find in the backwoods of Tennessee. It’s a wonder their kids don’t all have 12 toes and suffer from hemophilia."



golden ticket member
No wonder MSNBC ratings are in the toilet !!!!

Beyond shameless.

Via Newsbusters:

MSNBC edit:
CONGRESSMAN PETE SESSIONS (R-TEXAS): What we’re trying to accomplish is to end eligibility of food stamps that compete against those families, those needy families that we talked about, for rapists, pedophiles and murderers. Whether rapists, pedophiles or murderers will be eligible. But it’s pedophiles, murderers, rapists, those who have, should have enough money.
What he really said:
SESSIONS: The President’s inability to lead is what is causing this country to have massive unemployment and a GDP rate of about 1.5 percent. It is a nightmare for people.

So I do understand that we have those in our midst who are in trouble. I don’t think this bill is ever aimed at, and we shouldn’t try and say that it would be aimed at, the disabled, mothers with children. That’s not what we’re trying to accomplish here. What we’re trying to accomplish is to end eligibility of food stamps that compete against those families, those needy families that we talked about, for rapists, pedophiles and murderers. That’s why you see members of the Democratic Party coming down here today and they’re saying we’re going to take it away from other people. No – rapists, pedophiles, and murderers.


Well-Known Member
Perfect spot Tex. Brand played them for the self serving idiots that they are!

I might just go buy a ticket just out of support for this 8 plus minutes of exposing how shallow these people are and speaking of a messiah complex, can anyone deny so many of the media personalities who appear to think that way of themselves? To watch Zbigniew Brzezinski's little girl get smacked around by one of the common folk was fun.


golden ticket member
I watched Brand when he guested with others on Kathy Griffin.....he was so fast with his thoughts and obtuse with his trying to understand Dennis Miller's references and your I.Q. is 13.

I may not like all he delivers, but I like his delivery.


Well-Known Member
We used to call it "stirring up the crazies." That’s what we said with our broadcasts, is that we wanted to stir up as much as outrage as possible because angry people watch more TV. We knew that was our job and we never pretended otherwise. No one ever bought into the official company line that we were really the only fair and balanced one because everyone else was so liberal. Nobody actually believed that. I Spent Eight Years As a Liberal Working for Fox News | Alternet


nowhere special
We used to call it "stirring up the crazies." That’s what we said with our broadcasts, is that we wanted to stir up as much as outrage as possible because angry people watch more TV. We knew that was our job and we never pretended otherwise. No one ever bought into the official company line that we were really the only fair and balanced one because everyone else was so liberal. Nobody actually believed that.
I Spent Eight Years As a Liberal Working for Fox News | Alternet

Someone who went to Fox with the intent to attempt to discredit them is not a reliable source. Fox is more "fair and balanced" than he is.

Fox News Mole Joe Muto: Hero Or D-Bag? - New York - News - Runnin' Scared


Well-Known Member
MSNBC's Ratings Still Dropping While Fox News, CNN, HLN Enjoy Second-Quarter Boost

The ratings from April through June brought good news for the dominant Fox News Channel, the
resurgent Cable News Network and HLN -- which was previously known as the Headline Network -- but
that period saw MSNBC deliver its worst quarterly prime-time showing among total viewers and adults
from 25 to 54 years of age since 2007

Read more: MSNBC's Ratings Still Dropping While Fox News, CNN, HLN Enjoy Second-Quarter Boost | NewsBusters



Well-Known Member
"Journalism, is printing what someone else doesn't want printed. Everything else is public relations" ... George Orwell


Well-Known Member
"Journalism, is printing what someone else doesn't want printed. Everything else is public relations" ... George Orwell

Sadly most of the controlled opposition we call media is more about PR than about printing the truth. We may learn someday that Michael Hastings was as much a message as it was any accident. Time will have to bring light on that either way.


Well-Known Member
"Journalism, is printing what someone else doesn't want printed. Everything else is public relations" ... George Orwell
Right on. The job of the media is to question the powerful , whether they be in government or in corporate high places. It is not to mingle with them and be an apologist for them!! It is to expose crimes and incompetence and secrets of things done IN OUR NAME!! Which means our establishment "mainstream" media is a total failure because they have become co opted by the people they are supposed to cover!! Time for a boycott!!


nowhere special
Journalism's role is to objectively report the news. There will always be some inherent bias mostly due to what stories are chosen to report on but their role is not to be activists and become the news story themselves. If there is corruption then report on it but objectively and without an agenda.


Well-Known Member
If one does not see this.............

Palin thinks about US Senate, hell breaks loose with all the the media / left howling foul...........

Weiner.......... No problem, quick forgiveness, and positive / neutral reporting.

Spitzer..........No problem, quick forgiveness, and positive / neutral reporting.

Palin fires back in war of words with Begich – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

5 questions for Sarah Palin about Senate bid

Sarah Palin for Senate? Don't Bet on It | RealClearPolitics

Palin fires back in war of words with Begich – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs