Media Bias


Well-Known Member
Just a small point -but could not let it pass. People will always disagree. I respect and listen to all views that are presented. In my own world of reality --which may differ from others -I come to the conclusions --that I believe in --mocking has nothing to do with it.
Does not mean that I do not have a right to disagree and voice my opinions or beliefs.


Staff member
Just a small point -but could not let it pass. People will always disagree. I respect and listen to all views that are presented. In my own world of reality --which may differ from others -I come to the conclusions --that I believe in --mocking has nothing to do with it.
Does not mean that I do not have a right to disagree and voice my opinions or beliefs.
Then I was not refering to you. I think a mocking tone is evident in some. Doesn't matter and that's the point.


Staff member
The suspect, Juan Antonio Gonzalez, who had been arrested on suspicion of assaulting an officer, was charged with capital murder on Friday.
Here’s how it happened
The incident started on Sept. 25 at 4:53 p.m. when Molina, who was off-duty, saw a young man scratch his personal vehicle with a piece of metal. The vandal was with two other man, one of whom was Gonzalez. …
Molina got into his car and followed them a way before parking in front of a home at 4120 Trowbridge.
After getting out of his car, Molina identified himself as a police officer and confronted Gomez.
He got out of his car! He must have been hunting the poor 17-year-old child!
Gonzalez allegedly punched Molina in the face with his fist, stunning the officer.
Gonzalez then quickly grabbed Molina around his knees and jerked his legs upward, the affidavit says.
That caused Molina “to fall backwards and head first onto the concrete driveway,” the affidavit says. The blow to Molina’s head knocked him unconscious, it says.
Gonzalez then “squatted over (Molina) and began to beat (him) multiple times around the face and head,” the affidavit says.
Officer Jonathan Molina, 29, who did tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan with the Marine Corps, died a little more than nine days after suffering a fractured skull, internal head injuries and facial fractures.

That’s the risk you run when confronting a young hoodlum of the type glorified by the media. Unfortunately, Molina was not able to get to his gun. Fortunately, George Zimmerman was.

Jonathan Molina, RIP.
El Paso police officer dies after severe beating - El Paso Times

See any differences here? Like the suspect didn't go home? Or that there were witnesses other than the victim and the suspect?


golden ticket member
I caught channel 9 last night and the helicopter was photographing people walking and running in the middle of the g.d. street. There are consequences to walking in the street and you are taught that from a very young age.

Traffic was not able to move. These people (and I use the term loosely) were pounding on the stopped cars, walking on them, pounding on business doors along the way.
There are enough nuts out there who would mow them down with their cars. Because it was from a helicopter, everyone looked like "ants" from that height. It was mob mentality......any one of them wouldn't behave like that.....but as a mob they can do anything (they think)
The police were patient........I didn't watch very long. I hope they arrested a bunch of them and at least inconvienced the parents to come pick them up. Punks!!


Well-Known Member
Just a small point -but could not let it pass. People will always disagree. I respect and listen to all views that are presented. In my own world of reality --which may differ from others -I come to the conclusions --that I believe in --mocking has nothing to do with it.
Does not mean that I do not have a right to disagree and voice my opinions or beliefs.
Then I was not refering to you. I think a mocking tone is evident in some. Doesn't matter and that's the point.

Biased hypocrisy should be mocked and ridiculed and called out, and never ignored, or make excuses for.


Strength through joy
See any differences here? Like the suspect didn't go home? Or that there were witnesses other than the victim and the suspect?

More to the fact that some youths within our society have no morals .
Now who should we place that blame upon ?


Well-Known Member
I caught channel 9 last night and the helicopter was photographing people walking and running in the middle of the g.d. street. There are consequences to walking in the street and you are taught that from a very young age.

Traffic was not able to move. These people (and I use the term loosely) were pounding on the stopped cars, walking on them, pounding on business doors along the way.
There are enough nuts out there who would mow them down with their cars. Because it was from a helicopter, everyone looked like "ants" from that height. It was mob mentality......any one of them wouldn't behave like that.....but as a mob they can do anything (they think)
The police were patient........I didn't watch very long. I hope they arrested a bunch of them and at least inconvienced the parents to come pick them up. Punks!!

Wow, your are an excellent citizen...with this type of thinking, we would never have divorced ourselves from Britannia and formed the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Honestly, I could apply your quote to every major societal change that has happened in the last one hundred years...

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for women to vote...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for 'negroes' to share the 'white' bathrooms...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for 'negroes' to have equivalent education...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for bi-racial marriage...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for same-sex relationships...(bring the cops)

Know what I mean?


Well-Known Member
There are consequences to walking in the street and you are taught that from a very young age.../QUOTE]

You don't like dissent from the populace?

You are an excellent citizen!

...with this type of thinking, we would never have divorced ourselves from Britannia and formed the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I could apply your thinking to every major societal change that has happened in the last one hundred years...

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for women to vote...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for 'negroes' to share the 'white' bathrooms...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for 'negroes' to have equivalent education...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for bi-racial marriage...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for same-sex relationships...(bring the cops)

...get those bankers out of a job, there's no good reason for public risk/private gains...(bring......?)


Well-Known Member
There are consequences to walking in the street and you are taught that from a very young age.../QUOTE]

You don't like dissent from the populace?

You are an excellent citizen!

...with this type of thinking, we would never have divorced ourselves from Britannia and formed the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I could apply your thinking to every major societal change that has happened in the last one hundred years...

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for women to vote...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for 'negroes' to share the 'white' bathrooms...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for 'negroes' to have equivalent education...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for bi-racial marriage...(bring the cops)

...get those people out of the street, there's no good reason for same-sex relationships...(bring the cops)

...get those bankers out of a job, there's no good reason for public risk/private gains...(bring......?)


When you have 30 minutes to spare, I think you'll enjoy this interview with historian Thaddeus Russell, author of The Renegade History of the United States. If Moreluck likes wearing makeup and wearing red dresses, going to movies or even having a drink in public, she should thank the whores of history as it was they who made that possible.


golden ticket member
" If Moreluck likes wearing makeup and wearing red dresses, going to movies or even having a drink in public,..." (wkmac)
I don't wear makeup, don't own a dress, movies are a rip off.....don't go to them and I don't drink...........go find another example to use.

The point was....the natural consequence of walking in the street is getting hit by a car. We have old people in our community who are always walking in the street and we have sidewalks..........I've said the "friend" word to these people (in my own car space) and it happens every day.


Well-Known Member
Ben left Fox News in Cincinnati back in May and now is pure Free Lance. He's raised about $250k from donations (yes I did) to start a company doing investigative journalism with the goal to work with and inside alternative media.

I bookmarked his site...I may consider donating.

I like his journalistic angle, however, he needs to get a different mic, or a different sound-person:

In those vids where he's wearing the over-the-ear-microphone, he sounds like he's in a warehouse (he may actually be in a warehouse), but someone needs to change the limiter/compressor settings; you can hear the room sound and all his in-breaths. It's distracting.

Other than that, I'm sold.