
My Senior Picture
I'm only anonymous because BC demands it. Everyone who needs to know who I am knows who I am. If you feel it's necessary to know me I'll happily share my business card.
I provided you with the decision as released from the National. That's all that's given and that's more than you need to know to understand what happened.
Tell you what, I'm going to message you my contact information now and I'll put you in touch with the main grievant Verdugo if he consents, our B.A. if he consents, and any of the other 150 grievants until you are friend* satisfied but then YOU have to turn your denial around and help get contact info and answers from JW because he is obviously YOUR team. Otherwise, feel free to pound sand.
So you have a problem with a single member of a 25 person slate,....yet it is somehow about "My Team"????

Your agenda is embedded in the title of this thread, "Members Sold Out By TU"....and shows it's ugly face again here tonight.

"My Team"....whatever, it's obvious what you really care about.

P.S. I'm glad nobody knows who I am on this site.



Your allegations of corruption, etc., simply because you’re not happy with the Panel’s decision (and it was a Panel of 3 who were all in agreement), amount to nothing more than blatant campaigning. You know nothing about this man, yet you choose to attack him simply for potential political gain. This Teamster leader that you attack was just re-elected by acclamation for the third straight election to his position of President of Local 822. You should understand that these are the Teamsters who know JW best. He was elected President of his JC 83 and a Trustee on that H&W&P Fund. That Pension Fund is over 100% funded. He is well known and respected across the entire Country, yet you attack him personally and accuse him of being corrupt. And yet, as it has been pointed out, you have provided no facts, other than the decision you don’t agree with, to support your corruption allegations. I’m going to help you with the facts of this case.

It was stated by the Company and confirmed by the Union during questions that the “call list” was staffed at a number more than was required by the local agreement. The Company called all available qualified drivers including day-off feeder drivers and feeder drivers on vacation. No driver accepted the work. You claim that all means were not exhausted and everyone was not called, yet you also claim that the facts of the case are “not available”. You can’t have it both ways. I suspect you’ve known these facts all along but chose to conveniently leave them out.

You also claim that there was a 3-minute executive session. Anyone who’s been to the National Panel knows it takes more than 3 minutes to get everyone out of the room! I also believe that the parties are called back in and the decision is read aloud.

You state that you have “years of grievances on committee hold”. JW didn’t put those on CH, but I don’t hear you screaming corruption about that.

As far as tying the other 150 grievances to this “pilot” case, that was an agreement made between the Local and the Company. Don’t lay that at the Panel’s feet.

You call the entire TU slate corrupt on at least 3 occasions. You say that because they are on the same slate, therefore they are also corrupt as you claim JW is. How do you square that with the fact that a candidate on the VH slate was found guilty of colluding with an Employer to have one of his members issued a warning letter? All the brother did was exercise his right to campaign according to the rules for the opposing slate. The ES ruled that the candidate violated the rules and ordered the warning letter rescinded. Using your theory, which I don’t subscribe to, the entire slate should be condemned for that action of one candidate. There’s quite a difference between empty allegations and proven guilt.

Your only evidence for your corruption allegation is a decision that did not go your way. Three experienced Teamsters looked at the facts of the case and all agreed that the case had no merit. How do you know there was corruption involved? The answer is “you don’t”. Teamsters should be able to disagree with each other without accusing the other (especially with no evidence) of corruption. You say it’s a “cancer on the slate”. Why do you care? You’ve already called everyone on the slate corrupt! The truth is that you want it to be a cancer on the slate because you’re campaigning for VH.

You say it’s “sickening and should be glaringly obvious”. Frankly, it is sickening and glaringly obvious that all your statements are self-serving, baseless, and politically motivated. You trash your Union on the internet, with no evidence to back it up, for anti-union attorneys to use against us in organizing campaigns. That sounds like a complaint I’ve heard a few times over the years about another group.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Presentation ends retires for executive session.
Before our B.A. is barely out of the room, in less than 3 minutes, he's stopped and told the grievances are denied. JW won't even look him in the eye. 3 minutes is not deliberation. Company was chided for changing exhibits but they still denied the grievances. The political motivation is obviously on the TU side, our BA put on a stellar case. Facts are simple: Company subcontracted local work without exhausting all means including utilizing Feeder drivers in Package. Stop trying to look for reasons to justify TU selling out the members.

Explain “Feeder drivers in Package “...?

Where there qualified (feeder classification drivers) on lay off and bumped into package car?

And do you have any local rider or agreed to understandings related to those feeder/package car drivers being called in for extra work in feeders?


My Senior Picture
Explain “Feeder drivers in Package “...?

Where there qualified (feeder classification drivers) on lay off and bumped into package car?

And do you have any local rider or agreed to understandings related to those feeder/package car drivers being called in for extra work in feeders?
Don't forget about potential hours of service issues too?

Big Rigger

Well-Known Member
Explain “Feeder drivers in Package “...?

Where there qualified (feeder classification drivers) on lay off and bumped into package car?

And do you have any local rider or agreed to understandings related to those feeder/package car drivers being called in for extra work in feeders?


Phoenix Feeder
Explain “Feeder drivers in Package “...?

Where there qualified (feeder classification drivers) on lay off and bumped into package car?

And do you have any local rider or agreed to understandings related to those feeder/package car drivers being called in for extra work in feeders?
Yes. All Drivers in that timeframe were fully classified as Feeder, had worked over 180 calendar days in Feeder so had lost their Package routes, so no bench. One of our other Stewards has DIAD screenshots from some of the affected drivers. and one has worked Package at least one day a week for most of this Year.
We have an LOU that all local work by classification shall be offered to BU members prior to the use of any subcontractor or peak season hire.


Phoenix Feeder
I talked directly to James Wright. This decision may or may not have had political reasons, but it definitely speaks to the complete incompetence of James Wright. I think I bit my tongue in half trying to stay civil. We can't figure out which meeting he was in. So many basic facts he got wrong: past practice, our 'bench', Company changing exhibits, the number of executive sessions (just one). This is not good,
I still think he should be dropped from the OZ slate, more than ever. If he isn't incompetent and this wasn't political against the Power Slate, he's corrupt.


My Senior Picture
I talked directly to James Wright. This decision may or may not have had political reasons, but it definitely speaks to the complete incompetence of James Wright. I think I bit my tongue in half trying to stay civil. We can't figure out which meeting he was in. So many basic facts he got wrong: past practice, our 'bench', Company changing exhibits, the number of executive sessions (just one). This is not good,
I still think he should be dropped from the OZ slate, more than ever. If he isn't incompetent and this wasn't political against the Power Slate, he's corrupt.
....and while you pop in and out here to beat your political drum, two separate threads straight out of your local (104) were started and not a word from you on either.

That shows us all what you are really about.



Well-Known Member
At the end of the day OZ slate is more likely to put up a fight against subcontracting or just about anything else. You just wanna sit around and do nothing until you retire while our union falls apart then go ahead and vote Vermin-H.


I talked directly to James Wright. This decision may or may not have had political reasons, but it definitely speaks to the complete incompetence of James Wright. I think I bit my tongue in half trying to stay civil. We can't figure out which meeting he was in. So many basic facts he got wrong: past practice, our 'bench', Company changing exhibits, the number of executive sessions (just one). This is not good,
I still think he should be dropped from the OZ slate, more than ever. If he isn't incompetent and this wasn't political against the Power Slate, he's corrupt.
You're the one that's playing politics. No. 1 past practice doesn't apply if the language is clear and unambiguous. You should know that since you seem to know everything else. How many cases have you presented at the region or national panels??? Your bench (no pun intended) was part of the presentation, not something JW came up with. Your agent did not call a point of order on the change in exhibits and if you had any experience at the Panel, you would know that POO's have to come from the parties not from the Panel. There was only one executive session. You would know that if you had been there. You stated that he talked to you personally. I assume to help you understand the decision. You should know that in the past 25 years I'm not aware of one Panel Chair that has taken the time to talk to a member and explain their decision. You took that and turned it on him for your own political BS. You had a bad case with bad facts. You lost. Stop blaming the Panel. BTW did you talk to any other Union Panel members that voted to deny your case? I believe you were given contact info for at least one of them. Instead of calling the other members of the Panel, you attack JW. Oh yea, the other panel members aren't running against VH are they? One more thing, how are those hundreds of cases that are on Committee Hold in the West and have been for years? I don't hear you railing about those.


Phoenix Feeder
You're the one that's playing politics. No. 1 past practice doesn't apply if the language is clear and unambiguous.

The language is clear and unambiguous, JW brought up past practice.
You should know that since you seem to know everything else. How many cases have you presented at the region or national panels???

I am not a B.A.
Your bench (no pun intended) was part of the presentation, not something JW came up with. Your agent did not call a point of order on the change in exhibits and if you had any experience at the Panel, you would know that POO's have to come from the parties not from the Panel.

The B.A. addressed the change of exhibits in rebuttal as I have previously stated.
There was only one executive session.

Correct. JW in the call asks "which executive session?" which is why it's either gross incompetence or corruption.
You would know that if you had been there.
I know this from my B.A. JW did not. Perhaps he was not 'all there'???
You stated that he talked to you personally.
Correct, on the phone. I record all my calls.
I assume to help you understand the decision.
To deflect and cover it seems.
You should know that in the past 25 years I'm not aware of one Panel Chair that has taken the time to talk to a member and explain their decision.

I am tremendously good at applying pressure when motivated.
You took that and turned it on him for your own political BS.
No, he provided more questions than answers.
You had a bad case with bad facts. You lost. Stop blaming the Panel.

The facts were no different than thousands of other subcontracting cases that led to a break in the 10 year hiring freeze in 2005, paid at 10 hours, or have been sitting in 'committee hold' waiting to be paid or arbitrated. Please state specifically what facts were bad. We had a subcontractor performing BU work that a member asked to do and no bench because of decades of understaffing. Why don't you state the facts the Company changed?
BTW did you talk to any other Union Panel members that voted to deny your case?
JW offered to have them contact me but to date has not come through. Regardless, the Chair makes the decision, the other members are only advisors. Why does it seem you have a suspiciously close relationship to this case, having alluded to being there? I'm available anytime.
I believe you were given contact info for at least one of them. I
Incorrect. Feel free to provide the information to me.
nstead of calling the other members of the Panel, you attack JW.
JW's name is on the decision. JW is the Chair. He chose to deny instead of deadlock.
Oh yea, the other panel members aren't running against VH are they?
I have no idea and my BA didn't know who JW was until after the decision. Neither did I. political decision and that is just plain wrong on any level. JW has proven to have an inadequate grasp of the facts and how the hearing transpired.
One more thing, how are those hundreds of cases that are on Committee Hold in the West and have been for years? I don't hear you railing about those.
We have complained about those for years. We understand the huge monetary value and are more looking at getting more Feeder drivers trained which had been happening on a regular basis until they announced a freeze immediately following this decision. Those grievances were still in play, now thanks to JW they are in doubt and so are hundreds of Feeder jobs in Local 104.
Now let me ask you something. I don't know JW. I had never even heard of him before this decision came out. This decision has directly harmed my members. Is it really worth it to you to defend this incompetent, corrupt pos knowing all this? How do you stand for someone like that on your Slate? Do you honestly believe I would do the same if the situation were flipped and someone from my Local had harmed your members? How do you defend denying our grievance after the JALM and West deadlocked it? Wouldn't the logical decision be to deadlock these to arbitration? We would have even accepted committee hold.
I just wonder how you, JW, and all the blind defenders live with yourselves. I'd walk before I would sell out one Teamster member anywhere. People are corruptible, people are incompetent. It's what we do when we are shown incompetence and corruption that tells us who we are.


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Phoenix Feeder
At the end of the day OZ slate is more likely to put up a fight against subcontracting or just about anything else. You just wanna sit around and do nothing until you retire while our union falls apart then go ahead and vote Vermin-H.
Well this was the end of the day and we see how that turned out. You've been warned.


Phoenix Feeder
....and while you pop in and out here to beat your political drum, two separate threads straight out of your local (104) were started and not a word from you on either.

That shows us all what you are really about.

This may be news to you, but I am a Feeder Steward. I don't have anything to do with 22.3's nor am I domiciled in Goodyear. If those grievants would like to message me I can put them in touch with the right people. Really disingenuous of you but then again, you've already shown me what you are all about, and that you have no stones.