Phoenix Feeder
We are under 70 hours here, only 5 day Vegas or Meridian runs hit that number.Don't forget about potential hours of service issues too?
We are under 70 hours here, only 5 day Vegas or Meridian runs hit that number.Don't forget about potential hours of service issues too?
This is completely incorrect. The 'bench' has to equal 20% of bid runs and it's not called a "call list". We have Dispatch drivers and Backup feeder. No drivers qualified as "Backup feeder" at the time of this grievance as all had worked 180 consecutive days in Feeder and in doing so lost their Package routes. Now they are subject to normal layoff provisions but not considered backup.Your allegations of corruption, etc., simply because you’re not happy with the Panel’s decision (and it was a Panel of 3 who were all in agreement), amount to nothing more than blatant campaigning. You know nothing about this man, yet you choose to attack him simply for potential political gain. This Teamster leader that you attack was just re-elected by acclamation for the third straight election to his position of President of Local 822. You should understand that these are the Teamsters who know JW best. He was elected President of his JC 83 and a Trustee on that H&W&P Fund. That Pension Fund is over 100% funded. He is well known and respected across the entire Country, yet you attack him personally and accuse him of being corrupt. And yet, as it has been pointed out, you have provided no facts, other than the decision you don’t agree with, to support your corruption allegations. I’m going to help you with the facts of this case.
It was stated by the Company and confirmed by the Union during questions that the “call list” was staffed at a number more than was required by the local agreement. The Company called all available qualified drivers including day-off feeder drivers and feeder drivers on vacation. No driver accepted the work. You claim that all means were not exhausted and everyone was not called, yet you also claim that the facts of the case are “not available”. You can’t have it both ways. I suspect you’ve known these facts all along but chose to conveniently leave them out.
You also claim that there was a 3-minute executive session. Anyone who’s been to the National Panel knows it takes more than 3 minutes to get everyone out of the room! I also believe that the parties are called back in and the decision is read aloud.
I didn't say he did and my Local understands why though we are frustrated. We understand the political pressure involved when so much money is at stake and that will not change regardless of who is in power (mark my words). What was satisfying us was that the Company was regularly training drivers out of Package, for awhile in classes of 10 every three weeks or so, and had brought in additional trainers from other States. We exhausted our Feeder list each year and had begun to tap a Secondary list from part time workers. The ultimate goal for us is to end subcontracting and fully staff our department.You state that you have “years of grievances on committee hold”. JW didn’t put those on CH, but I don’t hear you screaming corruption about that.
This is a common practice with similar grievances as are "all affected" grievances. JW should have known this, seeing as he's so great according to your resume. This should have weighed on the magnitude of his denial. All he had to do was deadlock, is that really so hard to understand?As far as tying the other 150 grievances to this “pilot” case, that was an agreement made between the Local and the Company. Don’t lay that at the Panel’s feet.
Are we doing 'whataboutism?" Every day that JW sits on the OZ slate proves the corruption of OZ. JW is incompetent or corrupt by his own actions, it's looking more like both.You call the entire TU slate corrupt on at least 3 occasions. You say that because they are on the same slate, therefore they are also corrupt as you claim JW is. How do you square that with the fact that a candidate on the VH slate was found guilty of colluding with an Employer to have one of his members issued a warning letter? All the brother did was exercise his right to campaign according to the rules for the opposing slate. The ES ruled that the candidate violated the rules and ordered the warning letter rescinded. Using your theory, which I don’t subscribe to, the entire slate should be condemned for that action of one candidate. There’s quite a difference between empty allegations and proven guilt.
JW chairs the Union side and the other members only serve as an advisory role. The decision rests with the Chair. It's deflection when you attempt to put this on two other members who have not spoken to me or anyone about their actions.Your only evidence for your corruption allegation is a decision that did not go your way. Three experienced Teamsters looked at the facts of the case and all agreed that the case had no merit. How do you know there was corruption involved? The answer is “you don’t”. Teamsters should be able to disagree with each other without accusing the other (especially with no evidence) of corruption. You say it’s a “cancer on the slate”. Why do you care? You’ve already called everyone on the slate corrupt! The truth is that you want it to be a cancer on the slate because you’re campaigning for VH.
Any organization is subject to corruption if left untended. I'm exercising my duty to expose corruption that I have knowledge of. Frankly, your statement here tells me more of what everyone can expect should the OZ slate win: incompetence and corruption that cannot be challenged.i
You say it’s “sickening and should be glaringly obvious”. Frankly, it is sickening and glaringly obvious that all your statements are self-serving, baseless, and politically motivated. You trash your Union on the internet, with no evidence to back it up, for anti-union attorneys to use against us in organizing campaigns. That sounds like a complaint I’ve heard a few times over the years about another group.
If I shamelessly supported an incompetent, corrupt member of the OZ slate I would want to stay anonymous too.P.S. I'm glad nobody knows who I am on this site.
I know JW. I 100% believe thisPresentation ends retires for executive session.
Before our B.A. is barely out of the room, in less than 3 minutes, he's stopped and told the grievances are denied. JW won't even look him in the eye. 3 minutes is not deliberation. Company was chided for changing exhibits but they still denied the grievances. The political motivation is obviously on the TU side, our BA put on a stellar case. Facts are simple: Company subcontracted local work without exhausting all means including utilizing Feeder drivers in Package. Stop trying to look for reasons to justify TU selling out the members.
Deregulation and 0 effort to Recruit new ContributorsDeregulation of the trucking industry.
You act like it's my fault.... ?
This is completely incorrect. The 'bench' has to equal 20% of bid runs and it's not called a "call list". We have Dispatch drivers and Backup feeder. No drivers qualified as "Backup feeder" at the time of this grievance as all had worked 180 consecutive days in Feeder and in doing so lost their Package routes. Now they are subject to normal layoff provisions but not considered backup.
The Company did not and does not call all available Feeder drivers including those with day's off or on vacation and hasn't for a couple of years. They send out a mass text to those who have opted in to the text service and many have not. An optional text service does not alleviate the Company of the "exhaust all means" requirement. Verdugo made himself available to do the work in all 3 of his grievances and was not utilized.
The facts you are leaving out is that the Company changed exhibits to attempt to "clarify" their earlier contention that we had 34 absences on the day in question. The Company attempted to count drivers on Vacation, FMLA, planned Option and Optional Vacation days. 9 drivers out of over 300 called in that day, hardly an attendance issue and less than should have been planned on if we had a 'bench'. You said something about conveniently leaving facts out? I just like to leave enough rope for someone to hang themselves with. Dustin brought up this fact in rebuttal, which is why it's absurd to state that "the union agreed" that the Company had satisfied the 'bench'. Dustin used the same argument at JALM and the West.
I never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups, perhaps there are clusters in your Local.
Dustin estimated it at less than three minutes. They had exited the room and he was confronting Larry about changing exhibits when he was tugged on the shoulder and told they were denied. He turned to look at JW who would not look him in the eye. If you want to split hairs about the time be my guest. It was not any sort of adequate deliberations.
I didn't say he did and my Local understands why though we are frustrated. We understand the political pressure involved when so much money is at stake and that will not change regardless of who is in power (mark my words). What was satisfying us was that the Company was regularly training drivers out of Package, for awhile in classes of 10 every three weeks or so, and had brought in additional trainers from other States. We exhausted our Feeder list each year and had begun to tap a Secondary list from part time workers. The ultimate goal for us is to end subcontracting and fully staff our department.
This is a common practice with similar grievances as are "all affected" grievances. JW should have known this, seeing as he's so great according to your resume. This should have weighed on the magnitude of his denial. All he had to do was deadlock, is that really so hard to understand?
Are we doing 'whataboutism?" Every day that JW sits on the OZ slate proves the corruption of
It's a cancer on the Slate every day JW stays on it. Removing JW is the proper action if you want to redeem your Slate. I like how you conveniently forget that we are here because of the direct actions of JW that negatively affected my members, not some hearsay embellished action of another candidate in another State, not some rumor started on social media; no we are here and I am posting because of direct actions you cannot deny.
Any organization is subject to corruption if left untended. I'm exercising my duty to expose corruption that I have knowledge of. Frankly, your statement here tells me more of what everyone can expect should the OZ slate win: incompetence and corruption that cannot be challenged.
I know JW. I 100% believe this
We aren't electing a Hoffa, any Hoffa, but you that's all you guys have. Vairma has done great work for us here in the West and you always whine that things should be equitable so why wouldn't you go with one of the people that has made that happen sometimes in concert, many times in spite of the previous administration (and your own ignorant locals)....and the Hoffa/Vairma Administration has challenged every case of (incompetence and corruption) in it's 24 years of running the show...
See above.Please explain to everybody why a "Vairma Administration" would be any better...
I've already repeatedly stated that this is not playing, I have 150 injured members to the tune of $58,000. I'm very well aware of what I'm calling JW and he is welcome to take it to the next level. Stop with the threats.Just state the fact that you are just playing this JW decision for political reasons only, calling the man corrupt and dishonest is a pretty serious claim...you being a steward should know this.
We know this, but apparently you are happy with people who have negotiated less than half for their members (OBrien)? But yet again you want to turn this into a political debate when it's about your corrupt and incompetent Chair that harmed my members.You have stated that you just want two West Coast people running things..it is all about the you and your people to hell with the rest..."Guess what"...your very healthy Pension is safe it isn't going anywhere except UP no matter who is in office....read (ERISA) sometime and get educated...
I think you stepped out of the boat here.There are clear cases of pure discriminatory practices over the years involved with this Pension Disparity...were the leadership has turned their backs on our members just because they do not want to be bothered, incompetent, corrupt .... or that local union or region expressed support for a "NO" vote on the international election or a contract.
Hey here's a thought: throw out the corrupt and incompetent JW that harm Teamster members. Great way to start!This political backstabbing with our pensions and health and welfare benefits has been going on for so long now that the rank and file has just given up on the process ... generally with a statement like (they have always been that way) can't change it now, why bother...![]()
Wow so many wild ridiculous claims, where is one to start. I'll just say this. You weren't in the room and neither was I. However, I have talked to 3 folks that were. The Company stated on the record that all reasonable means to contact bargaining unit members had been exhausted including notifying feeder qualified drivers on vacation to do this work. The Union was asked if this was true and he agreed. I'm paraphrasing by the way. It is very evident that you are attempting to use this decision for purely political purposes. You smear a man, calling him corrupt and incompetent, who has done his job for over 20 years and is consistently re-elected without opposition. Your logic is illogical. BTW, those cases on committee hold for years are not going anywhere. They have been buried in the CH hole forever. Ever ask yourself why they're still hanging there. Oh yea, I never got an answer on the corruption I pointed out on the VH slate. You know, colluding with the Co. to give a warning letter to a member for legitimate campaigning. Candidate found guilty. I didn't see you railing that this guy should be thrown off the slate. The architect of your slate found guilty of numerous violations of the Constitution and Election rules. You throw BS against a good man while staying totally silent on this. You're going to continue to campaign until about Nov 16th or 17th I suspect. Hopefully after that, we won't hear from you anymore.This is completely incorrect. The 'bench' has to equal 20% of bid runs and it's not called a "call list". We have Dispatch drivers and Backup feeder. No drivers qualified as "Backup feeder" at the time of this grievance as all had worked 180 consecutive days in Feeder and in doing so lost their Package routes. Now they are subject to normal layoff provisions but not considered backup.
The Company did not and does not call all available Feeder drivers including those with day's off or on vacation and hasn't for a couple of years. They send out a mass text to those who have opted in to the text service and many have not. An optional text service does not alleviate the Company of the "exhaust all means" requirement. Verdugo made himself available to do the work in all 3 of his grievances and was not utilized.
The facts you are leaving out is that the Company changed exhibits to attempt to "clarify" their earlier contention that we had 34 absences on the day in question. The Company attempted to count drivers on Vacation, FMLA, planned Option and Optional Vacation days. 9 drivers out of over 300 called in that day, hardly an attendance issue and less than should have been planned on if we had a 'bench'. You said something about conveniently leaving facts out? I just like to leave enough rope for someone to hang themselves with. Dustin brought up this fact in rebuttal, which is why it's absurd to state that "the union agreed" that the Company had satisfied the 'bench'. Dustin used the same argument at JALM and the West.
I never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups, perhaps there are clusters in your Local.
Dustin estimated it at less than three minutes. They had exited the room and he was confronting Larry about changing exhibits when he was tugged on the shoulder and told they were denied. He turned to look at JW who would not look him in the eye. If you want to split hairs about the time be my guest. It was not any sort of adequate deliberations.
I didn't say he did and my Local understands why though we are frustrated. We understand the political pressure involved when so much money is at stake and that will not change regardless of who is in power (mark my words). What was satisfying us was that the Company was regularly training drivers out of Package, for awhile in classes of 10 every three weeks or so, and had brought in additional trainers from other States. We exhausted our Feeder list each year and had begun to tap a Secondary list from part time workers. The ultimate goal for us is to end subcontracting and fully staff our department.
This is a common practice with similar grievances as are "all affected" grievances. JW should have known this, seeing as he's so great according to your resume. This should have weighed on the magnitude of his denial. All he had to do was deadlock, is that really so hard to understand?
Are we doing 'whataboutism?" Every day that JW sits on the OZ slate proves the corruption of OZ. JW is incompetent or corrupt by his own actions, it's looking more like both.
JW chairs the Union side and the other members only serve as an advisory role. The decision rests with the Chair. It's deflection when you attempt to put this on two other members who have not spoken to me or anyone about their actions.
A decision of 'deadlocked' would not have 'gone our way' but would have been acceptable.
A decision of 'committee hold' would not have 'gone our way' but would have been acceptable.
A decision of 'denied', directly siding with the Company against our members when the JALM and West had deadlocked, and after the Company illegally changed exhibits in the hearing, is incompetent at the very least and corrupt at it's worst. You've already testified as to how competent JW is so now we are left with corruption.
It's a cancer on the Slate every day JW stays on it. Removing JW is the proper action if you want to redeem your Slate. I like how you conveniently forget that we are here because of the direct actions of JW that negatively affected my members, not some hearsay embellished action of another candidate in another State, not some rumor started on social media; no we are here and I am posting because of direct actions you cannot deny.
Any organization is subject to corruption if left untended. I'm exercising my duty to expose corruption that I have knowledge of. Frankly, your statement here tells me more of what everyone can expect should the OZ slate win: incompetence and corruption that cannot be challenged.
Sell out??? Would that be the same JC 83 who's Pension is funded over 100% and is reportedly preparing to increase benefits? The Pension Fund that JW sits on as a Trustee and has for several years? I'm not sure how red headed step children are normally treated, but I don't think that qualifies in this case. I guess you must have forgotten to put that in your post, accidentally I'm sure. I'd say there are thousands of UPSers around the country who would love to get some of that red headed step child treatment.James Wright is a sell out. Joint Council 83 treats Retirees like Red Headed Step Children
We aren't electing a Hoffa, any Hoffa, but you that's all you guys have. Vairma has done great work for us here in the West and you always whine that things should be equitable so why wouldn't you go with one of the people that has made that happen sometimes in concert, many times in spite of the previous administration (and your own ignorant locals).
See above.
I've already repeatedly stated that this is not playing, I have 150 injured members to the tune of $58,000. I'm very well aware of what I'm calling JW and he is welcome to take it to the next level. Stop with the threats.
We know this, but apparently you are happy with people who have negotiated less than half for their members (OBrien)? But yet again you want to turn this into a political debate when it's about your corrupt and incompetent Chair that harmed my members.
I think you stepped out of the boat here.
Hey here's a thought: throw out the corrupt and incompetent JW that harm Teamster members. Great way to start!
You forgot the subcontracting, and eliminating the language that prevented UPS from trying to back out of pension funds for 10 years. The list goes on and on.Vairma might be his own man and correct the name "Hoffa" is off his ticket. The issue is that he was endorsed by Hoffa, and clearly stated that he found nothing wrong with the 2018 "Forced" contract.. and the concessions that came with it...(22.4's)
If the Vairma ticket ran on equalizing pensions and health and welfare benefits for the entire membership not just the West... I would give him a listen...We all know how the Western got their improved benefits, they did have smart people who diversified and organized into other industries beside Trucking and Freight. Their funds are fueled by the Article 34 increases under the (Master) both from full time and part time weekly contributions. The markets have been booming even with this pandemic, I expect this to last till the middle of next year then it will be decision time...
Both these candidates are basically cut from the same cloth, do I expect O'Brien to do anything more than what Vairma would do ... probably not... I do know that O'Brien and several others took a stand with the last informational black out in the 2018 negotiations, and were booted out for political reasons only. Where was Vairma and his ticket, Oh...I forgot they fully supported the contract that was officially voted down by the membership that voted, with full knowledge that they had that 50 % rule in their back pocket if needed.
The age difference between the two men is one of the reasons that I voted for O'Brien, I am close to Vairma's age and I know how set in your ways you become. O'Brien has an edge to him that might help with organizing and an aggressiveness that comes with somebody younger.
James Wright is an idiot.Subcontracting.
Every Feeder Driver hates this more than anything.
Every Package Driver waiting to go to Feeders should be even more pissed because subcontracting keeps you in that non-air conditioned Package car.
150 bundled grievances regarding subcontracted LOCAL work were denied, DENIED, by the National Air Committee without deliberation or explanation even after the Company was caught changing some of their exhibits on rebuttal.
Who chairs the National Air Committee?
James Wright - O'Brien Zuckerman Teamsters United
Sean O'Brien | Fred Z | Juan Campos | Tony Jones | John Palmer | James Wright | Greg Floyd | Joan Corey | Chris Griswold | Rocco Calo | Bill Hamilton | Matt Taibi | Avral Thompson | Tom Erickson | Danny Avelyn | Pat Darrow | Brent Taylor | Thor Johnson | Mark Davison | Lindsay Dougherty...unionly.io
If TU will sell us out they will sell you out too.
James Wright is an idiot.
Incorrect. The standard is not "all reasonable means" it's "exhaust all means". I was not contacted 1/17/2020 to do this work as others were not. One of those 'folks' stated on the record an incorrect number of executive sessions remember?Wow so many wild ridiculous claims, where is one to start. I'll just say this. You weren't in the room and neither was I. However, I have talked to 3 folks that were. The Company stated on the record that all reasonable means to contact bargaining unit members had been exhausted including notifying feeder qualified drivers on vacation to do this work.
Incorrect. On the record JW incorrectly states the union agreed about the bench which is inconsistent with the facys presented so a figment of JW's imagination or a deliberate misstatement. Hey, probably like that executive session thing.The Union was asked if this was true and he agreed.
You're restating lies you were told, now deliberately.I'm paraphrasing by the way. s
In your tunnel vision mind. Again, I have 150 harmed members due $58,000 and lost good Feeder jobs because of JW's incompetence and corruption.It is very evident that you are attempting to use this decision for purely political purposes.
His actions have consequences.You smear a man, calling him corrupt and incompetent, who has done his job for over 20 years and is consistently re-elected without opposition.
Your gullibility is impressive.Your logic is illogical.
I'm sure you will have an excuse if OZ is running things. I already discussed at length why they are there.BTW, those cases on committee hold for years are not going anywhere. They have been buried in the CH hole forever. Ever ask yourself why they're still hanging there.
I'm here for my members harmed by JW, though you want to deflect to everything else instead of talking about how JW harmed my members and screwed us out of good Feeder jobs and $58,000. Oh did you bother to ask why he lied about the number of executive sessions? You know, that point you called me out on?Oh yea, I never got an answer on the corruption I pointed out on the VH slate. You know, colluding with the Co. to give a warning letter to a member for legitimate campaigning. Candidate found guilty. I didn't see you railing that this guy should be thrown off the slate. The architect of your slate found guilty of numerous violations of the Constitution and Election rules. You throw BS against a good man while staying totally silent on this. You're going to continue to campaign until about Nov 16th or 17th I suspect. Hopefully after that, we won't hear from you anymore.
22.4's are not a concession in the West, a fact you repeatedly ignore. You do this on purpose because it's politically expedient. If you cared about Package Drivers you would be mad that JW directly cost us Feeder jobs (you know, where Package Drivers move up into air-conditioned tractors?). The 2/3 rule was still part of the rules in 2018, like it or not.Vairma might be his own man and correct the name "Hoffa" is off his ticket. The issue is that he was endorsed by Hoffa, and clearly stated that he found nothing wrong with the 2018 "Forced" contract.. and the concessions that came with it...(22.4's)
Incorrect. It's still mostly UPS contributing, the contribution rates are in the Riders. We got a nice boost from the buyout but we were doing great before that too. No one ever complains about their pension or retiree healthcare here. Open your eyes and see you support the guy who got less than half our contribution for his Local.If the Vairma ticket ran on equalizing pensions and health and welfare benefits for the entire membership not just the West... I would give him a listen...We all know how the Western got their improved benefits, they did have smart people who diversified and organized into other industries beside Trucking and Freight. Their funds are fueled by the Article 34 increases under the (Master) both from full time and part time weekly contributions. The markets have been booming even with this pandemic, I expect this to last till the middle of next year then it will be decision time...
Carey 2.0'Brien will have you on strike in 2023. No one forced anyone to not mail in their vote. O'Brien is a loose cannon.Both these candidates are basically cut from the same cloth, do I expect O'Brien to do anything more than what Vairma would do ... probably not... I do know that O'Brien and several others took a stand with the last informational black out in the 2018 negotiations, and were booted out for political reasons only. Where was Vairma and his ticket, Oh...I forgot they fully supported the contract that was officially voted down by the membership that voted, with full knowledge that they had that 50 % rule in their back pocket if needed.
Age=Wisdom; youth=impetuousness.The age difference between the two men is one of the reasons that I voted for O'Brien, I am close to Vairma's age and I know how set in your ways you become. O'Brien has an edge to him that might help with organizing and an aggressiveness that comes with somebody younger.
Not anyone in the West.Sell out??? Would that be the same JC 83 who's Pension is funded over 100% and is reportedly preparing to increase benefits? The Pension Fund that JW sits on as a Trustee and has for several years? I'm not sure how red headed step children are normally treated, but I don't think that qualifies in this case. I guess you must have forgotten to put that in your post, accidentally I'm sure. I'd say there are thousands of UPSers around the country who would love to get some of that red headed step child treatment.
22.4's are not a concession in the West, a fact you repeatedly ignore. You do this on purpose because it's politically expedient. If you cared about Package Drivers you would be mad that JW directly cost us Feeder jobs (you know, where Package Drivers move up into air-conditioned tractors?). The 2/3 rule was still part of the rules in 2018, like it or not.
Incorrect. It's still mostly UPS contributing, the contribution rates are in the Riders. We got a nice boost from the buyout but we were doing great before that too. No one ever complains about their pension or retiree healthcare here. Open your eyes and see you support the guy who got less than half our contribution for his Local.
Carey 2.0'Brien will have you on strike in 2023. No one forced anyone to not mail in their vote. O'Brien is a loose cannon.
Age=Wisdom; youth=impetuousness.
Wasn't the contract vote in 2018 done electronically, either by phone or the internet?Carey 2.0'Brien will have you on strike in 2023. No one forced anyone to not mail in their vote. O'Brien is a loose cannon.