I guess they are
ALL in on it....
Pretty sad when this happens when campaigns form.
Would a "slam dunk" grievance loss be hard? Yes it would. I'm not arguing that. But I don't know the facts of the case and all we get on here in this thread is bashing of a whole slate of good people because of a "bad" decision blamed on one member of a slate.
I personally know and have known for years one of the TU slate and know he has fought corruption in our panel and has always supported the change of bad representation for the members.
I am really sick of twisted politics on here over the last eight years from the pig pictures of an ibt president to the childish and lame description of a candidate's halitosis disqualifying them from leading the union. It's childish failure on the part of people who choose to weed out the "singular bad apples" by trying to destroy the value of a whole slate for their personal local's gain.
I wonder why rtw has such sway over the populous. People see the crooked and deceptive slandering of union officials (especially the company) and say this is the strongest union in the world?
If a member or members have a beef about an issue don't you think it's best to go to the source and deal with it face to face and if that doesn't satisfy them then go to the folks who can address it further. Call S O'B and ask him to get you and answer instead of shotgun blasting a whole slate of good teamsters who have fought for years to right this ship.
People really care about their gain vs the gain of the whole union membership.
Like I told a DM in a hearing a few years back..."Do your homework before you run your mouth".