Big Rigger

Well-Known Member
@104Feeder , I get your animosity. If it is dishonesty I hope and pray it gets exposed and anyone agreeing with dishonest actions in their job is complicit with it and should be disciplined the same. We don't need more corruption or dishonesty in this union.

I'll still a fan of some of that slate because I know they fight against corruption, honestly and aggressively for members.
Slamming my friends will get a negative response from me every time I read it so as I said I hope and pray that all dishonest acts get exposed and dealt with to the fullest extent of the law and the IBT Constitution.

If you're right, and I hope not, I hope it's exposed. Fair enough.


Phoenix Feeder
I am not pretending to know anything about how the system works...just from my limited knowledge:

A. Could you guys get a final hearing transcript of the panel’s decision or a contract interpretation in writing on why was it denied?

B. Can you file board charges if the denial was so grievous claiming collusion?

C. The date of January 2020? Is it common for grievances in your area to be settled 20 months after being filed?

D. What contract language loophole did the company use to win their argument?

E. Who else was on the panel besides JW?

One of the major problems with the grievance process is transparency. The members need access to every step of the process and not be left in the dark claiming a “need to know basis”.

It will be a great question to bring up at the debates, just what are these candidates going to change to bring trust back into the grievance procedures or will it be business as usual.
A. No. Were there one available I would pay for it out of my own pocket. This isn't State or Federal court. The committees do not explain their decisions.

B. No you cannot appeal the decision on any grounds. The actions speak for themselves. A typical, and expected outcome, is deadlock to arbitration.

C. Yes. These were deadlocked at JALM, then deadlocked at the West. 2020 panel was backlogged due to Covid and Zoom limitations but the timeline is typical.

D. They don't argue a loophole, they always claim it was unavoidable. In this case they changed exhibits which is a big no-no and typically would have angered the committee and caused it to be ruled against the violator.

E.I don't know and it's irrelevant. JW is the chair and responsible for the Union response. The members aren't published but lucky for us he included it in his campaign resume though notably made the search terms difficult, putting "Chairman of UPS air committee" instead of "National Air Committee" which I find curious but admittedly speculative. James Wright - O'Brien Zuckerman Teamsters United

To your other points, with my legal background the system is flawed for sure but partly by design. One described it as "Nurses playing Doctor" which is accurate.


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Phoenix Feeder
@104Feeder , I get your animosity. If it is dishonesty I hope and pray it gets exposed and anyone agreeing with dishonest actions in their job is complicit with it and should be disciplined the same. We don't need more corruption or dishonesty in this union.

I'll still a fan of some of that slate because I know they fight against corruption, honestly and aggressively for members.
Slamming my friends will get a negative response from me every time I read it so as I said I hope and pray that all dishonest acts get exposed and dealt with to the fullest extent of the law and the IBT Constitution.

If you're right, and I hope not, I hope it's exposed. Fair enough.
If they are your friends then join me in getting answers and action. Every day that JW doesn't answer for this and the OZ slate tolerates it is a cancer on that slate, on the process, and the Union as a whole. I have 150 member's grievances out a combined $58,000 and change (10 hours pay each) and I personally processed many of those grievances.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I don't deal with any ivory towers, my local is in an old 1960's bank building.

I just used it as a “metaphor”..

The “Ivory Towers” refers to the power structures behind the “ drawn curtains” that you do not have access to, or decisions behind closed doors without explanation.

Big Rigger

Well-Known Member
If they are your friends then join me in getting answers and action. Every day that JW doesn't answer for this and the OZ slate tolerates it is a cancer on that slate, on the process, and the Union as a whole. I have 150 member's grievances out a combined $58,000 and change (10 hours pay each) and I personally processed many of those grievances.
I already reached out last week to a BA friend associated with the folks on the slate that I know and he was supposed to contact them for me. I will send a text to the slate member to get answers as soon as he can and I'll pm you what he says if you accept pms.
I'm wasn't born yesterday brother. I get your aggravation.


My Senior Picture
I have posted on TU's page, Local 822's page, other slate members pages, and I'm personally calling out JW here to come answer to his behavior. He's hiding because this is indefensible and every day this is ignored speaks volumes of the TU slate from OBrien on down. . I posted the facts of the case, there isn't any nuance to a subcontracting case here especially if everyone isn't working in Feeder. Stop deflecting and own up to your corrupt slate.


Got the T-Shirt
I posted the facts of the case, there isn't any nuance to a subcontracting case here especially if everyone isn't working in Feeder.

If they are using contractors and seniority drivers are sitting at home, I'm confused how it could be denied.

At the very least.... you would expect it to be deadlocked into arbitration.

B. No you cannot appeal the decision on any grounds.


"If the National Grievance Committee resolves any dispute by a majority vote of those present and voting, such decision shall be final and binding upon all parties."

Just a bad situation, all around.

Big Rigger

Well-Known Member
I respectfully disagree.

If any steward (or Local) had 58k worth of grievances denied.... they would be pissed, and want answers too.
That has nothing to do with my comment. I already said I'd be upset.
"C." Has to do with dissing a whole slate of people because of one person's actions.
The slate didn't chair the panel.
That's the point I have to keep saying and that to me is elementary..

The thing that was also childishly embarrassing was when I had to keep rebutting that and I was then lumped into the category of being corrupt because I supported people on the TU slate.


Well-Known Member
That has nothing to do with my comment. I already said I'd be upset.
"C." Has to do with dissing a whole slate of people because of one person's actions.
The slate didn't chair the panel.
That's the point I have to keep saying and that to me is elementary..

The thing that was also childishly embarrassing was when I had to keep rebutting that and I was then lumped into the category of being corrupt because I supported people on the TU slate.
Reminds me of Hoffa and Teamster Power slate. :)