Memorial day


Well-Known Member
Indeed...I'm going to be interested to see how much volume we can process on Easter Sunday, never mind the day before Memorial Day, due to the number of call-ins. I'd take Easter Sunday off unpaid but they refused the request, citing "volume processing needs." -Rocky

Rock, I think you should tell them you are not coming in on Easter Sunday because of "religous holiday" needs. I do it every Good Friday even though I'm jewish. :w00t:


Agent of Change
Rock, I think you should tell them you are not coming in on Easter Sunday because of "religous holiday" needs. I do it every Good Friday even though I'm jewish. :w00t:

Thought about it. Seriously. I'm Catholic so it'd be reasonable. I just don't want them jumping down my throat about the next weekend. I have grandparents coming in I haven't seen in almost two years, so I'll be calling in for that. I'll wave the "I showed up Easter Sunday" card under my boss' nose for the next weekend. Knowing this B*%#H she'll still write me up for showing up for Easter Sunday but calling in the following weekend. She's already burned the "I need help, man," bridge. She wants my help, she's gonna have to make it an order. That might make no sense. PM me and I'll explain, buddy. -Rocky


Well-Known Member
Thought about it. Seriously. I'm Catholic so it'd be reasonable. I just don't want them jumping down my throat about the next weekend. I have grandparents coming in I haven't seen in almost two years, so I'll be calling in for that. I'll wave the "I showed up Easter Sunday" card under my boss' nose for the next weekend. Knowing this B*%#H she'll still write me up for showing up for Easter Sunday but calling in the following weekend. She's already burned the "I need help, man," bridge. She wants my help, she's gonna have to make it an order. That might make no sense. PM me and I'll explain, buddy. -Rocky

Rock, I'm actually Catholic too , well at least my family is as I don't go to church at all. I was just trying to be funny with the jewish comment (I hope i didn't offend anyone). But, If I were a preloader I would not be in work for easter sunday. Its time to spend with your family and you shouldn'd have to worry about going to bed at a certain time so you can get up for 3 am. UPS should allow you the time off. Where I'm from, I know they let a certain air driver off for every religous reason he claims, so the least they can do is give you EASTER off!


Agent of Change
Rock, I'm actually Catholic too , well at least my family is as I don't go to church at all. I was just trying to be funny with the jewish comment (I hope i didn't offend anyone). But, If I were a preloader I would not be in work for easter sunday. Its time to spend with your family and you shouldn'd have to worry about going to bed at a certain time so you can get up for 3 am. UPS should allow you the time off. Where I'm from, I know they let a certain air driver off for every religous reason he claims, so the least they can do is give you EASTER off!

I agree all the way and on all counts. They're being 'hard-a**es because they have such a bad attendance problem. Being the good employee with no days missed, they're seeing if I'll call in. I'll work Easter Sunday but they won't be getting my voluntary help with jams of their creation anytime soon. -Rocky


Well-Known Member
I don't think UPS is being unreasonable with wanting people to work their shift. It is unfortunate that some holidays happen to be days we have to work. The nature of our business dictates that we work on some days we'd rather be off with family. In the other fields I have worked I always had to work holidays so I did the holiday thing on other days with my family - such as a following weekend. For those who have standing plans that can't be changed then you have to decide if you will call in or not. You are an adult and you have the right to decide if you will go in to work. However don’t be upset with UPS or your supervisor if they get upset. They have a business to run. If you do plan to call in don’t tell others about your plan; people always squeal. If you are going to make up a story make it good and try to not to use the one you used last week (not you Rocky – guy I work with calls in every week. . .his stories are amusing and I think I should publish them).


Well-Known Member
Hi there I am new to ups. I started monday actually as a pre-loader, its been intresting so far. .Anyways I was just wondering if we get memorial day off or is it just a normal day. I have previous engagements and im pretty sure that being new my chances of getting that day off are slim to none. Thanks

Hey, at least the guy asked!!

I was brand new at UPS and worked nights doing driver payroll with two other girls when the holidays rolled around. I never thought to ask and they forgot to tell me that we get the day after Thanksgiving off. So I showed up that night and sat there like the biggest dummy, the only car in the parking lot.

Found out years later that my husband did the same thing, same day, but early that morning, not that night. He was also a newbee and had been a chef before coming UPS so holidays were nonexistent in that type of business. He also made the trip to UPS the day after Thanksgiving and felt like the big dufus.


Agent of Change
However don’t be upset with UPS or your supervisor if they get upset. They have a business to run. If you do plan to call in don’t tell others about your plan; people always squeal. If you are going to make up a story make it good and try to not to use the one you used last week (not you Rocky – guy I work with calls in every week. . .his stories are amusing and I think I should publish them).

Not upset with my boss, Aspen. A little humanity would be nice to see, that's all. I'll report as normal on Easter Sunday and work whatever hours my boss says to get the sort down. I don't like making up "stories" when I call in. I just say, "This is X. I won't be in today." Some hubs have a voicemail system and if I get that, I'll add my phone number to call if they have questions and hang up. I'll go in the next day and deal with the write-up and/or peeved sup. I don't think I'm asking for the moon when I ask for the Sunday following Easter off. We just changed ft'ers and I might have asked the wrong one for that day off. I asked my pt'er and he said he'd ask the new ft'er. She might approve it. -Rocky


Well-Known Member
Not upset with my boss, Aspen. A little humanity would be nice to see, that's all. I'll report as normal on Easter Sunday and work whatever hours my boss says to get the sort down. I don't like making up "stories" when I call in. I just say, "This is X. I won't be in today." Some hubs have a voicemail system and if I get that, I'll add my phone number to call if they have questions and hang up. I'll go in the next day and deal with the write-up and/or peeved sup. I don't think I'm asking for the moon when I ask for the Sunday following Easter off. We just changed ft'ers and I might have asked the wrong one for that day off. I asked my pt'er and he said he'd ask the new ft'er. She might approve it. -Rocky

Good luck with getting that Sunday off. I don't think you are a problem employee at our hub. There are some on my line who call in each week and I don't know that they get a write up. So you should be okay for a one time thing.