The 20 mins break after PCM was a perfect reaction to them. Don't you old timer get an additional 10-15 break as well? Wondering if you could combine them.
no extra break....1 hour but it can be split up as I mentioned. I do get a +10 minute pay addition my 9.5 is actually 1 hour 20 minutes not a true 1 hour 30 which makes my window even tighter for them when I file for the 9.5 list.
Are you in 804?
That story sounds familiar...
No 177
To the OP----I don't know if it is in the 340 or not but squaring up to the bulkhead door does make sense as it is much easier on your right shoulder.
Is the dollar difference between leaving at 55 or at 58 enough to make you want to put up with this crap for another three years?
True on the shoulder issue but just wondering if it's something they can actually write you up door is very easy to close in the method that I use.
I'm weighing my options now on when it would be most beneficial to retire @55 I will have 23 FT years and would only be missing 2 for max pension.
With 27 years in the OP shouldn't be worrying about ANYTHING.
I usually don't but the frequency is now starting to wear on me....I know that's exactly what they want.
Squaring up on the door is definitely more safe for our bodies. If this was something I was observed on and told to change I'd make sure I do it forever ever after.
Tucking in the mirror is not a requirement to work at United parcel in my local though.
Actually they have given me a pass on the mirror tucking since I have one of the older diesels that requires a longer reach and doesn't stick out nearly as far as the newer trucks either.
27 years and you don't know how to play the game?
Brush it off or file for harassment.
Like I said above, it's just how frequent and frivolous it's become.
I never used to take my job home with me....once I punched out I would forget about UPS.
I didn't even know about this site until recently....that's how detached from work I was when I went home. They are admittedly starting to get to me and now I am standing my ground and doing things I know they don't want such as signing up for 9.5 list,taking the 20 minute break during crucial next day air time. I'm also going to tell them via diad that I will no longer be accepting work related phone calls on my personal cell phone unless they start paying my phone bills. All messages will have to be done through diad.
It's sad that after 27 years of service and busting still get no respect.
Sounds to me like they're nickle-diming you. To close my door takes a simple flick of the wrist. No exertion needed. . If that's all they could come up with on an observation then you must be a good methods driver. Typical ticky-tack grade school BS.
They also said I didn't look down while stepping out of package car....I told em BS, just because my chin isn't touching my chest doesn't mean my eyes aren't looking down.
They also said I am over the 18 second rule on several stops retrieving pkgs. They are stretching for anything they can possibly think of.
Tucking the mirror in makes no sense, unless you can explain to me how to return it safely and efficiently upon returning to the package car?, if the mirror is in jeopardy of being struck while away from the truck, how do insure that it is clear to return to the outward position without putting your arm and hand in harms way?
I was told by our steward that the proper way that was agreed upon is to actually walk back behind the vehicle and fold mirror back and then walk back around to passenger side and enter vehicle. If everyone did that, they'd be dropping the tucking mirror rule immediately.
I also agree it's a very stupid rule for a couple reasons....IMO a tucked in mirror actually invites traffic closer to the UPS vehicle itself rather than if an oncoming vehicle saw a mirror sticking out 6 inches where they would tend to veer away more. Especially when the mirror is at eye level to an oncoming truck or SUV.
Unfortunately.....I think it's only a matter of time before someone loses an arm that wakes UPS up from this asinine procedure and I hope they sue the hell out of them.