Michele Bachmans turn at the Stupid Wheel with Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
First Sleeve now you...where is the proof of Mr. Bachmann's homosexuality?


its not just me and Sleeve, the gay community has tried to OUT him for years. This isnt something Sleeve and i concocted to smear him. These rumors of his homosexuality have been around for years. His clinic where HE treats homosexuals and converts them to straight people is where this rumor started.

Lets start there. Why would he believe he can connect to gay people? How does he purport to turn them straight?

More to come! Stay Tuned.



golden ticket member
Yes, but using Flaming is like using :censored2:. You used it because you hate Bachmann and everything about her just like you hate Palin and everything about her.

So the "flaming :censored2:s" (using your permissive words) are now allowed to marry in NY.........but you didn't say it that way in the legalizing same sex marriage site. You are busted.........

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yes, but using Flaming is like using :censored2:. You used it because you hate Bachmann and everything about her just like you hate Palin and everything about her.

So the "flaming :censored2:s" (using your permissive words) are now allowed to marry in NY.........but you didn't say it that way in the legalizing same sex marriage site. You are busted.........

The word FLAMING is NOT my word, but the word used by many to describe Mr. Bachman. Every story relating to his closet homosexuality is filled with the word FLAMING.

Just to set the record straight.



To your first post trp, I have no interest in either party or any political association. This is not a personal vendetta against Michelle Bachmann because of her political affiliation, because of her sex, or anything else. Also I have no interest in the current Democrats or the corporate liberal Obama, who is not worthy of the White House IMO.

I also cannot defend someone so openly racist and bigoted such as Bachamann. Racism in it's traditional definition is NOT limited to "skin color".

the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.

Michelle Bachmann has proven with her words ( which of course she and Palin say people are "taking out of context") that she clearly views people with certain beliefs, social cultural differences, to be inferior and substandard. That to me is discrimination and on par with racism.


golden ticket member
"Michelle Bachmann has proven with her words ( which of course she and Palin say people are "taking out of context") that she clearly views people with certain beliefs, social cultural differences, to be inferior and substandard. That to me is discrimination and on par with racism. ...." (Sleeve)

This is not clear........what people? what beliefs? What cultural differences does she consider inferior? substandard?

You're not clear in pointing out her discrimination/racism.........unless I missed it.


Well-Known Member

Michelle Bachmann has proven with her words ( which of course she and Palin say people are "taking out of context") that she clearly views people with certain beliefs, social cultural differences, to be inferior and substandard. That to me is discrimination and on par with racism.

TOS posted a like on this post- so by that definition your views on Republicans, because different from yours, clearly shows "discrimination on par with racism".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS posted a like on this post- so by that definition your views on Republicans, because different from yours, clearly shows "discrimination on par with racism".

Well , i dont speak for anyone other than myself, and I can say, that I hate the republican platform, but dont hate the people. We all chose to believe in something. Right or wrong, its our right.

Sure, there are plenty of people id like to shake and ask " are you this out of touch with reality?"

But I am sure on the other side, they say the same.

We have to remember, we can hate each others platforms, but we shouldnt hate each other. At the end of the day, things always change.

Next election, maybe the republicans win the white house, the house and the senate. Then it will get worse, and 4 years later, things will change again.

Its that way decade after decade.

With Bachman, shes merely the latest puppet for the republicans to flaunt out in front of their latest creation "The Tea Party".

Just like Sarah Palin, if she gets remotely close to getting off script, she implodes.

Her latest blunder, telling a crowd that we need to return to the original document written by the founding fathers shows her ignorance. That document would prevent her from holding office and every woman in this country would be unable to vote, work or own property.

This pandering of the original document to the crowds shows what level of intelligence the crowd has.

Misrepresentation. Its what the Tea Party is all about.



Well-Known Member
Well , i dont speak for anyone other than myself, and I can say, that I hate the republican platform, but dont hate the people. We all chose to believe in something. Right or wrong, its our right.

Sure, there are plenty of people id like to shake and ask " are you this out of touch with reality?"

But I am sure on the other side, they say the same.

We have to remember, we can hate each others platforms, but we shouldnt hate each other. At the end of the day, things always change.

Next election, maybe the republicans win the white house, the house and the senate. Then it will get worse, and 4 years later, things will change again.

Its that way decade after decade.

With Bachman, shes merely the latest puppet for the republicans to flaunt out in front of their latest creation "The Tea Party".

Just like Sarah Palin, if she gets remotely close to getting off script, she implodes.

Her latest blunder, telling a crowd that we need to return to the original document written by the founding fathers shows her ignorance. That document would prevent her from holding office and every woman in this country would be unable to vote, work or own property.

This pandering of the original document to the crowds shows what level of intelligence the crowd has.

Misrepresentation. Its what the Tea Party is all about.


I appreciate your civil response.
The word FLAMING is NOT my word, but the word used by many to describe Mr. Bachman. Every story relating to his closet homosexuality is filled with the word FLAMING.

Just to set the record straight.

Funny that the only articles I can find mentioning a question of Mr. Bachmann's sexual inclinations are all coming from people that seem to have a true hatred for him , presumably because of the work done through his clinic. Well there were some insinuations by, obvious political foes as well. Until I see some evidence, more than silly rumors, I will regard him as a heterosexual. I will take any comments suggesting or claiming he is gay as an attempt to discredit him and his wife.

To your first post trp, I have no interest in either party or any political association. This is not a personal vendetta gainst Michelle Bachmann because of her political affiliation, because of her sex, or anything else. Also I have no interest in the current Democrats or the corporate liberal Obama, who is not worthy of the White House IMO.

I also cannot defend someone so openly racist and bigoted such as Bachamann. Racism in it's traditional definition is NOT limited to "skin color".

the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.

Michelle Bachmann has proven with her words ( which of course she and Palin say people are "taking out of context") that she clearly views people with certain beliefs, social cultural differences, to be inferior and substandard. That to me is discrimination and on par with racism.
You said her husband was gay, I asked you to show proof. I saw nothing in the list you posted to support either claim.

Well , i dont speak for anyone other than myself, and I can say, that I hate the republican platform, but dont hate the people. We all chose to believe in something. Right or wrong, its our right.

Sure, there are plenty of people id like to shake and ask " are you this out of touch with reality?"

But I am sure on the other side, they say the same.

We have to remember, we can hate each others platforms, but we shouldnt hate each other. At the end of the day, things always change.

Next election, maybe the republicans win the white house, the house and the senate. Then it will get worse, and 4 years later, things will change again.

Its that way decade after decade.

With Bachman, shes merely the latest puppet for the republicans to flaunt out in front of their latest creation "The Tea Party".

Just like Sarah Palin, if she gets remotely close to getting off script, she implodes.

Her latest blunder, telling a crowd that we need to return to the original document written by the founding fathers shows her ignorance. That document would prevent her from holding office and every woman in this country would be unable to vote, work or own property.

This pandering of the original document to the crowds shows what level of intelligence the crowd has.

Misrepresentation. Its what the Tea Party is all about.

Now Tos, considering the verbiage used in many of your posts, you have utter hatred for both bachmnn and palin. I'm not too crazy about either of them either as well as 0bama, peolsi ,reid and that list can go on and on, but let's not play goody-tow-shoes here. I'm not the only one to notice.
For the record, I won't be voting for Bachmann or palin in any elections.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Funny that the only articles I can find mentioning a question of Mr. Bachmann's sexual inclinations are all coming from people that seem to have a true hatred for him , presumably because of the work done through his clinic. Well there were some insinuations by, obvious political foes as well. Until I see some evidence, more than silly rumors, I will regard him as a heterosexual. I will take any comments suggesting or claiming he is gay as an attempt to discredit him and his wife.

You said her husband was gay, I asked you to show proof. I saw nothing in the list you posted to support either claim.

Now Tos, considering the verbiage used in many of your posts, you have utter hatred for both bachmnn and palin. I'm not too crazy about either of them either as well as 0bama, peolsi ,reid and that list can go on and on, but let's not play goody-tow-shoes here. I'm not the only one to notice.
For the record, I won't be voting for Bachmann or palin in any elections.

Well, when we address candidates, we are addressing the platform. With Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman, they represent what I believe (IMO) the worst of the political messengers out there. I dont hate them, I hate what they represent.

The lies, distortions and phoney personas that they traipse around the countryside showing.

I would respect Palin as a candidate if she came out and said her daughter was an unwed teen with bad judgement, and not some romantic relationship that had marriage at the end of the tunnel. It was all fake from the begining, and once McCain chose her, the bigger story grew.

Everything else from Palin from troopergate to her quitting as governor has been a farse.

With Bachman, her claims of being against pork projects and useless bailouts falls on deaf ears when compared to the millions of dollars shes appropriated for her state in pork and the farm subsidies her gay appearing husband recieved from the goverment.

They represent the worst of the worst.

You never hear me trash Romney, or Perry. I may disagree with some policies, but each seems above board and formidable.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Oh, not to worry, once Romney is picked as the candidate, the garment jokes will start flowing !!!

Romney wont win the nomination. The reason is simple. The republican electorate has been poisioned.

The Tea party, aka political action committees, have stirred up the pot with rhetoric that even Romney cant get away from. Since he wont pander to the tea party operatives in charge, he doesnt stand a chance.

He will come close, but one of the other losers will win the nomination and lose the race just as McCain did.

Its just a matter of time.



golden ticket member
July 10th and your statement is on a sticky note on my computer and I plan to print it at the appropriate time !!



Staff member
If I had to guess right now I would say that Romney will get the nomination. He's seriously outraising the other candidates which means the big sponsors in the republican party are already lining up behind him and that counts for more than the tea party. The republican establishment understands that they can't win the general election with a tea party nominee, they need someone who will appeal to moderates and independents.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Boy oh boy, this thread has found some NEW MEAT!! Michele Bachman continues to give us such fine details of her intellect!


She signs a "MARRIAGE VOW" that a christian group ( The Family Leader) placed in front of her (Because we all know shes for marriage between a man and woman) but since she is a pandering fool, she misses a little portion of the document that said this:

"Black babies would have been better off under slavery"


From the document that she signed:
"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household* than was an African American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President."

Now shes in damage control. As bugs bunny once said:




Well-Known Member
Boy oh boy, this thread has found some NEW MEAT!! Michele Bachman continues to give us such fine details of her intellect!


She signs a "MARRIAGE VOW" that a christian group ( The Family Leader) placed in front of her (Because we all know shes for marriage between a man and woman) but since she is a pandering fool, she misses a little portion of the document that said this:

"Black babies would have been better off under slavery"


From the document that she signed:
"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household* than was an African American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President."

Now shes in damage control. As bugs bunny once said:



Make that 2 maroons!