Michelle Obama


Strength through joy





bella amicizia
One problem with her menu idea is it didn't address brown bags(not my precious brownbaggin). Mommy can make rice crispy treats for lunch for suzy and eddy, who loves rice crispy treats, gets stuck sitting next to suzy at lunch. Not to mention, I can't think of one kid who got fat because of Pizza Thursday at General Brown.


Strength through joy
Mitt & Ann should be counting on bring their own china to the WH.
Mooch will be taking everything that is not nailed down.


golden ticket member
Remarks by the First Lady at the Congressional Black Caucus Gala
[And as we mark the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, I want you to remember that the house they were standing in -- the house my family has the privilege of living in -- that house was built in part byslaves (she did say in part)]
But It’s always has to be about discrimination. No matter how far we have come. I don’t think anyone in that meeting was a slave]
Oh by the way it was also built byfree African-American laborers, as well as employed Europeans.[SUP][12][/SUP] Much of the other work on the house was performed by immigrants, many not yet with citizenship. The sandstone walls were erected by Scottish immigrants.
But it’s not in the Obama agenda to say anything good about whites.

Never let a few facts get in the way!!!


Strength through joy
Finally some truth about mooch;

Jesse Jackson, Wright 'arranged' Obama marriage[ Chicago sources claim president was part of dark subculture
Before a speech at the New Economic School graduation in Moscow on July 7, 2009, Obama stated he first met Michelle in school.
“I don’t know if anybody else will meet their future wife or husband in class like I did, but I’m sure you’re all going to have wonderful careers,” he said, according to Newsweek.
The problem is that Michelle Obama earned her degree from Harvard Law School in 1988, and Obama did not arrive at Harvard Law School until that fall, graduating three years later in 1991.

In 1991, during their engagement to be married, top Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, then serving as the deputy chief of staff to Mayor Richard M. Daley, hired Michelle to a job in the mayor’s office.
“Michelle hated working for the city even more than she hated working at Sidley Austin,” Robyn told WND.
“At the law firm, she lasted so short of a time because they expected her to do work,” Robyn said. “At the City of Chicago, where she worked under Mayor Daley, Michelle had one of those ‘Jesse hires’ positions. These are patronage jobs where the recipients did nothing.”
Robyn claimed that while working for Daley, Michelle just collected a check, doing very little work.
“She sat at a desk and read the newspaper all day,” Robyn said. “Sometimes she read romance novel paperbacks. No one could say anything to her because she was a ‘Jesse hire.’ This meant if anyone did complain about her not working that Jesse Jackson would get mad at Daley over that, and there would be trouble.”
“Michelle came from a political family; she was intelligent even if she didn’t really like to work. Wright knew Obama was gay, but he needed the cover of a wife if he were to succeed in politics.”
“Michelle was nasty, and most straight guys would never be able to put up with her moods and temperament,” Robyn maintained. “But Obama really didn’t care. Michelle had the credentials and she looked the part. Obama wasn’t interested in her for sex.”

A source WND will identify as Hazel, a long-term member of the Trinity congregation, insisted Obama remained sexually involved with men after his marriage to Michelle.
“I remember being at this function at Reverend Wright’s house, one of the many parties Wright had, in 1996,” Hazel recalled.
“I went to the room where all the coats were on the bed, because I wanted to leave. I was surprised to find the light in the room was off and the coats were on the floor,” she said. “Then I realized there were two men hugging and kissing in there. One of those men was Obama. This was long before anybody knew Obama, before he became famous like he is today.”
Hazel has been telling this story in Chicago since 1996.