Michelle Obama


All Trash No Trailer
You people forget that times are different now............different measures are called for...............not regal treatments. The Obamas show no empathy for the common man's plight now. They are above it.



nowhere special
Average Salary In Senegal | 2011/2012 Survey

$1600 is the average yearly salary in Senegal. But Mooch insists she really cares about the little people.


Legio patria nostra
I don't give a rats ass about the Obama family. I didn't vote him in and I don't believe a word spoken by any of them. Why does his wife "care" so much about servicemen, women and vets? Because it is politically appropriate, that's the only reason. I am not better off than I was 6 years ago.


golden ticket member
She wasn't an expert dietician......now she thinks she's an expert on guns !!

Oh yeah, this isn’t going to go over so well.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama is speaking out about the toll that gun violence is taking on young people, in a shift that shows the first lady’s willingness to tackle new and polarizing issues as she shapes her second term.

A meeting with high school students from a poor, gang-infested neighborhood in Chicago, her hometown, led Mrs. Obama to put a new spin on the stalled legislative debate over whether to ban firearms or impose new background checks on people who want to buy guns.

A mother to a teen and a tween, Mrs. Obama argues that the debate also is about the country’s obligation to help kids like these grow up and become adults. Several of the school’s current and former students were killed by gunfire within the past year.

The first lady faces the issue of immigration Tuesday when she gives the keynote speech at the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza, a Latino advocacy group. Immigration is one of President Barack Obama’s top second-term priorities.

Aides say the first lady isn’t making gun violence a new and distinct issue, but is folding it into her work encouraging youth to focus on getting an education.


golden ticket member
Jaw, meet floor.

Via CNS News:

In an e-mail to supporters, First Lady Michelle Obama says she grew up in a family that didn’t need help from the government, and that her husband is working to make Americans free from dependence on government once again.

“When I was growing up, a family like mine — living on my hard-working father’s salary at the city water plant — could build a solid life without much debt and without relying on any form of public assistance. Today, for too many families, that American promise is no longer within reach.

“Barack is working to fix that and he needs solid Democrats in Congress to help him.”
However, her husband’s administration is spending millions actively promoting dependence on government assistance in the form of things like food stamps and health care.


golden ticket member
In my day, kids brought leftovers for lunch.......lots of cold pizza, cold roast beef sandwiches etc. To this very day, I love baloney.......now they have it with jalapeno pepper in it. Fantastic!!
Lunch meat (of your choice) sandwiches, chips, cookie and piece of fruit .........that's the lunch of my time in grade school........OR super treat was being able to buy lunch in the cafeteria and it cost a whole quarter. Great food because we had great cafeteria ladies who cooked It on premises.


golden ticket member
Mooch last seen mumbling something about “stupid commoners.”

Via Rasmussen:
With school back in session for most children, first lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign is back in the spotlight, but only 18% of Americans think the federal government should have a say in nutritional standards at schools.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% of Adults believe school nutritional standards should be set locally, with 36% who feel parent-teacher groups should do it and 16% who believe it should be up to local governments. This marks a seven-point shift in favor of local control from 45% in March who favored parent-teacher groups or local governments making the call.

Fourteen percent (14%) think state governments should set the standards. Fifteen percent (15%) are not sure.