"They don’t even care to pretend they care anymore. Michelle Obama is being flown around Ireland using taxpayer funded Air Force Two as her own personal jet, while her husband the president flew to the SAME LOCATION using Air Force One."
OUTRAGE! Michelle Obama’s Lavish Ireland Vacation With Her Own Personal Jet… - The Ulsterman Report
I really and i Do mean really hate to burst your bubble on this one but Air Force One and Two ARE private jets for Th First Family (to put it in language you may understand it protects them from Evil Doers). Where was your outrage when Dubya used it to travel all over the country for reelction, on the taxpayer dime? I DO know how you love facts,so please ponder these
this article was published in 2004:
WASHINGTON - President George W. Bush is using Air Force One for re-election travel more heavily than any predecessor, wringing maximum political mileage from a perk of office paid for by taxpayers.
While Democratic rival John Kerry charters a plane to roam the country, Bush often travels at no cost to his campaign simply by declaring a trip "official" travel rather than "political."
Bush has logged more than 68,000 miles this year on Air Force One. With rare exceptions he confines his travels to the more than a dozen states he and Kerry are fighting hardest for and to places where he is raising campaign money.