Middle class morons


Well-Known Member
Too volatile right now, been out for a little while... China can afford to stimulate there economy and help ours.

Volatility = $....So let me get this straight. Our economy is recovering at an above average rate, according to you, and you are afraid to put your money where your mouth is? China did a stimulus, and did a better job than us. China is the reason for our recovery in commodities.

Full disclosure Long: LVS CENX FCX JRCC UPS C. All my longs are down from April highs but all produced income except C.


Well-Known Member
Volatility = $....So let me get this straight. Our economy is recovering at an above average rate, according to you, and you are afraid to put your money where your mouth is? China did a stimulus, and did a better job than us. China is the reason for our recovery in commodities.

Full disclosure Long: LVS CENX FCX JRCC UPS C. All my longs are down from April highs but all produced income except C.
Fear is a bad thing in the market. China is driving the world market out of the recession. The market ignores any good news when it is afraid.


Well-Known Member
Full disclosure Long: LVS CENX FCX JRCC UPS C. All my longs are down from April highs but all produced income except C.
Why don't you just jump in for the dividend when it comes around instead of riding this train 10 to 15 percent down.


Staff member
which one of your stocks are up in the last month? FAZ has sure been screaming though. I heard the other day that 80% of the worlds GDP was because of stimulus. If that is true, you don't have a recovery, you have a propped up bubble.
Isn't it true that unless there is true reform that we will simply go from boom to bust, boom to bust, riding one bubble after another?


Well-Known Member
Full disclosure Long: LVS CENX FCX JRCC UPS C. All my longs are down from April highs but all produced income except C.
Why don't you just jump in for the dividend when it comes around instead of riding this train 10 to 15 percent down.

Once the dividend is paid (lets say .50) typically the stock will go lower by that amount. Which make sense since the companies value is .50 cheaper.
Should get about a 8-9% return this month. More if shares are called away.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it true that unless there is true reform that we will simply go from boom to bust, boom to bust, riding one bubble after another?

Many bubbles are caused by govt. Housing has always been propped up by govt. At least during my lifetime.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
The symbol for a democrat is a donkey that makes BO the chief donkey or donkey-in-chief. He fits the role well .... HEE HAW!

Obama and Donkey...hmmm




Well-Known Member
Sometimes you have to stoop down to Lue-c and Lifers level and fight fire with fire:

And when you guys catch your breath, and clear the GOP dung between the ears, the two of you conspire like this:

And I know you guys will scratch your heads until you come up with another cheapshot....:happy2: Have a nice day, you'all come back now ya hear !


Staff member
But is that a good cycle to stay on or is fundamental change necessary?

Still looking for an answer to this from someone on the right. Lue, if you are done amusing yourself with pre-teen political satire, maybe you could take a stab at it. Maybe Neal Cavuto could tell you how to respond.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Sometimes you have to stoop down to*** and Lifers level and fight fire with fire:....

They always say not to talk about politics and religion. There is no winning! Everyone thinks they are right! I was disappointed when bo became president but I was hopeful that he would bring the country together. I have been watching his actions not his rhetoric ever since. Just to be clear.... I was not a big fan of GWB either, more so his last two years and I actually don't have anything (other than his morals) to say about Clinton.

Where you diesel lose credibility with me is that you will defend every donkey 'till death. They can do no wrong. That to me is a "Kool-aid" drinker's mentality.

But I digress..... I have lost complete respect for the donkey-in-chief. There is only one other President I can say that about. ... and that is the peanut farmer.

This immigration thing in Arizona (and I don't want to make this thread about immigration) has got me so riled up that anyone on the other side of that issue is a donkey lover. This is Arizona's fight. If you don't support us than shut the hell up and get out! The gloves are off! That being said...

I consider bo to be a liar, a snake oil salesman, a person who can manipulate the lame stream media and the timing for news events. He is weak, arrogant and gives aid and comfort to our enemies on a continual and ongoing basis. He does not represent all Americans. He looks down at the rich as oppressors. He has written off the demographics of white males so he discounts their importance to him. He sticks his nose in state and local affairs where his nose does not belong. He is extremely divisive and the master spin doctor. He does not follow what the people want. He thinks he and his uber-liberal socialist minded colleagues have all the answers for all of us.

But you are right about one thing... I feel I need to get down on his level on all fours with the insects and snakes to see what is truly going on inside our government.

And if you keep it up I will tell you what I really think!:funny:

PS - I purposely do not use capitalization based on my respect level not counting a BC handle. Like yours... some folks choose not to capitalize their name. I use no subliminal message there. I just figured I might have to point that out for you!!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Still looking for an answer to this from someone on the right. Lue, if you are done amusing yourself with pre-teen political satire, maybe you could take a stab at it. Maybe Neal Cavuto could tell you how to respond.

BB...i cant stop...im having to much fun.:wink2:



Sometimes you have to stoop down to Lue-c and Lifers level and fight fire with fire:


And when you guys catch your breath, and clear the GOP dung between the ears, the two of you conspire like this:


And I know you guys will scratch your heads like this :


until you come up with another cheapshot....:happy2: Have a nice day, you'all come back now ya hear !

I think Diesel said "Oh yea, I know you are but what am I". Very effective message on the playground that sometimes gets lost in the adult arena.


Für Meno :)
I wonder how B.O. will spend his memorial day? He needs to go to Arlington Nt'l , but he's a jerk !

You know, the other day, I wondered why you celebrate memorial day in May, and most of the world celebrates "remembrance day" in November.
So, I looked it up.
Memorial Day is to mark the end of the US Civil War.
Remembrance Day is to mark the end of World War 1, which was signed on the 11th day, of the 11 month, on the 11th hour.
We also wear poppys, (that every store counter has for sale, or even offices, and service places like Hair Salons, Autoshops, etc), during the month of November, with all proceeds going to war veterans, and their familes, mostly the injured ones, that have became disabled.

But, anyways, back to your point : Bush W, missed Arlington twice in his 8 years of service, and Reagen missed half of them (4 out of 8).
Considering Bush is a Texan, how do you explain him not being at it twice ?