Middle class morons


Staff member
I wonder how B.O. will spend his memorial day? He needs to go to Arlington Nt'l , but he's a jerk !
And if he went to Arlington, you'd say, "look at that two faced jerk! he hates the military and he's probably not even an American". So in all fairness, it really doesn't matter what he does, does it?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You know, the other day, I wondered why you celebrate memorial day in May, and most of the world celebrates "remembrance day" in November.
So, I looked it up.
Memorial Day is to mark the end of the US Civil War.
Remembrance Day is to mark the end of World War 1, which was signed on the 11th day, of the 11 month, on the 11th hour.
We also wear poppys, (that every store counter has for sale, or even offices, and service places like Hair Salons, Autoshops, etc), during the month of November, with all proceeds going to war veterans, and their familes, mostly the injured ones, that have became disabled.

But, anyways, back to your point : Bush W, missed Arlington twice in his 8 years of service, and Reagen missed half of them (4 out of 8).
Considering Bush is a Texan, how do you explain him not being at it twice ?

You do realize that America has Veteran's Day on November 11 which is the same thing as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day. Though I like the term Veteran's Day for US designation.

As for Bush or any other President - WHO CARES - they are gone - what the current donkey-in-chief does is all I worry about. History can speak for the others. The top donkey should be at Arlington. My son, the US Marine, is currently working at Riverside National Cemetery in California. It is a very beautiful and serene place. It houses the Medal Of Honor Memorial as well as other monuments to our Veterans. I am looking forward to talking with him about how he helped prepare for this very special day.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Who cares what the murderer in chief does anyway!

War is hell regardless of who is in charge...but im sure the dems and the MSM will try and bury or put a spin on it that its Bush's fault cause Barry cant do no wrong...aint that right Deez...or do you need me to give you a refresher on what the MSM reports when Bush was in charge and one of our bombs killed civillians. BABY KILLER!!!!!!


Für Meno :)
You do realize that America has Veteran's Day on November 11 which is the same thing as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day. Though I like the term Veteran's Day for US designation.

As for Bush or any other President - WHO CARES - they are gone - what the current donkey-in-chief does is all I worry about. History can speak for the others. The top donkey should be at Arlington. My son, the US Marine, is currently working at Riverside National Cemetery in California. It is a very beautiful and serene place. It houses the Medal Of Honor Memorial as well as other monuments to our Veterans. I am looking forward to talking with him about how he helped prepare for this very special day.

Well, I hope you realize Obama is visiting the National Cementary in Chicago instead.
Now, if Obama was from Calif... and visited Riverside instead, would that still disappoint your son or yourself ?

Like BBdsm said, he's doomed if he does, doomed if he doesn't.
I'm sorry you put so much value on a president making it a MUST to be in Arlington, Texas each Memorial Day.

Maybe your next President will ?
If not, then I guess I will hear this thread again. Even if it's a Republican President, right ?
But, if it was that much of a value to all Americans, then Bush W and Reagen would have never made a second term !

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You know, the other day, I wondered why you celebrate memorial day in May, and most of the world celebrates "remembrance day" in November.
(who cares what the rest of the world does...we are America not Canada, or China)
So, I looked it up.
Memorial Day is to mark the end of the US Civil War.
Remembrance Day is to mark the end of World War 1, which was signed on the 11th day, of the 11 month, on the 11th hour.
Wiki goes more indepth if you Really want to know the whole story...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_day
We also wear poppys, (that every store counter has for sale, or even offices, and service places like Hair Salons, Autoshops, etc), during the month of November, with all proceeds going to war veterans, and their familes, mostly the injured ones, that have became disabled.
That is great, i applaud Canada for doing that..please remember though that its Americas Holiday this Monday and rememberence is this weekend also...its not about Canada...get it?

Another good piece on this years Memorial day: Remembering Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010...inerney-memorial-day-remember-moment-silence/


Well-Known Member
The top donkey should be at Arlington.

As a father of an US Airman, the Commander in Chief of your son and my son, is paying his respects at another Natl Cem closer to his home town. VP Biden will attend Arlington. If it ruffles your feathers, oh well, start a petition to have him impeached. I'm sure you can get all those Birthers to sign up.......

I'm sorry you put so much value on a president making it a MUST to be in Arlington, Texas each Memorial Day.
We'll give you a pass, since your north of the border. It's Arlington Natl Cem, outside of DC in VA...:peaceful:

War is hell regardless of who is in charge...but im sure the dems and the MSM will try and bury or put a spin on it that its Bush's fault cause Barry cant do no wrong...aint that right Deez...or do you need me to give you a refresher on what the MSM reports when Bush was in charge and one of our bombs killed civillians. BABY KILLER!!!!!!

Please, give me a refresher course on what premise we went into Iraq and left a small contingencey of troops left behind in Afgh. And keep in mind, when you you gather up your data from Rt Wing hate websites, that your entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts....As usual, Dems spend their first fews years in office mopping up the mess and unpaid tabs Republicans leave behind.

Who cares what the murderer in chief does anyway!

I was watching the GodFather today and one line that stuck was..."Fredo, you never side against the family again...Ever !"
So, whether your a solider to the Godfather, or a soldier to the Commander-in-Chief, loyalty is unconditional. Determining how far your willing to test that loyalty borders on greatness to insanity......:peaceful:

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Well, I hope you realize Obama is visiting the National Cementery in Chicago instead.
Now, if Obama was from Calif... and visited Riverside instead, would that still disappoint your son or yourself ?

Like BBdsm said, he's doomed if he does, doomed if he doesn't.

I'm sorry you put so much value on a president making it a MUST to be in Arlington, Texas each Memorial Day.

Maybe your next President will ?
If not, then I guess I will hear this thread again. Even if it's a Republican President, right ?
But, if it was that much of a value to all Americans, then Bush W and Reagen would have never made a second term !

I was trying to gloss over the fact that you kept thinking that Bush couldn't even visit Arlington because it is in TEXAS! But you want to keep pointing to the title of this thread with your keyboard so I will just have to acknowledge your inability to get the facts straight being from Canada and trying to talk American politics or geography for that matter!!!

It just goes to show you that you think you know America but you don't have a clue. Arlington Cemetery is in Fort Myer VIRGINIA. It is recognized as our National Cemetery where the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is. I thought you were a little off topic by talking about "Memorial Day" info in this thread but now I realize you were just showing how you relate to the title of the thread. maroon is a pretty simple definition - look it up! CAUTION - you need to do a much much better job with your attempt at google also don't leave out facts that don't fit your weak arguments. I won't even respond to your misrepresentation of Bush and Reagan.

For the record...
There is no National (Veterans Cemetery) in Chicago.

If the donkey visited Riverside Cemetery - I would be OK with that. But I still think that national focus for our soldiers (speaking as a father of a soldier) comes from our capital and is best represented by a visit to Arlington in VIRGINIA. BTW - Arlington is a short drive from the White House. I have been to both but I have not been to Canada's capital and would have to google it to see where it is.

I can't speak for my son - I am not a maroon!

The donkey is not "doomed if he does". HE JUST HASN'T !!!

You won't ever hear me talk about Canadian politics like you talk about American politics!!!

As for the next President - and that will be a little over two years from now.... I am not a maroon, but I would hope that my President aligns better with the average American's views than this one does. Nobody will be a perfect match with my views unless I were President BUT I will have no problem speaking out for what I believe even if it is critical of what our government is doing. I can be respectful of a President if I feel that person is acting in the best interest of the nation based on what our nation wants.

I will say it again for you because you obviously did not read my post. I did not have a problem with Clinton except for his unacceptable sexual behavior as President. If he wasn't my President, I would not have anything to say about that either. My political views may be right of center but don't align totally with Republicans and certainly not the average Democrat - especially either end of the spectrum. However, I might line up closer to some Blue Dog Democrats in most areas. Don't really know for sure....just a hunch, I have not studied how my views line up with others unless I am looking to vote for them.

I won't keep trying to explain my politics to you - you will have to google everything and you will probably still leave stuff out or get stuff wrong.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
We'll give you a pass, since your north of the border. It's Arlington Natl Cem, outside of DC in VA...:peaceful:
Also because your a Obama Kool-aid drinker and worshiper...

Please, give me a refresher course on what premise we went into Iraq and left a small contingencey of troops left behind in Afgh. And keep in mind, when you you gather up your data from Rt Wing hate websites, that your entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts....As usual, Dems spend their first fews years in office mopping up the mess and unpaid tabs Republicans leave behind.

Hey Deez...

