Midterm Elections: Countdown to Tuesday, November 8, 2022


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Do you really believe that? A lot of independent voters maybe.
If you aren't going to vote for President Trump, you won't, that's it. Any votes she gets will be siphoned Dem votes.

All these so-called independent voters, I would bet they usually vote the same way every time.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Liz Cheney for president 2024.
It is the world lefties live in.
You just got beat by 40 points in your own republican state and that would catapult you onto the national scene as a leading republican candidate for the presidency.


Well-Known Member
If the Democrats can fix elections/rig voting machines then why did Liz lose so bad?
Because Wyoming is 90% Republican and the Wyoming Republican Party had already kicked her out. She only got as many votes as she did because thousands of Democrats registered as Republicans to vote for her.
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