Mike R removed from UPS Negotiating Team


Well-Known Member
Statement from FZ "In yet another cowardly act by the IBT they have removed Brother Mike R from UPS Freight and UPS negotiations. It all stems from the IBT telling us not to communicate to our members about negotiations. That will never happen. I have the utmost respect for Brother Rankin. A former Marine and Steward he is a fighter for the membership. Please join me and send a message to Brother Rankin showing your support for continued transparency in negotiations."


Well-Known Member
Statement from Mike R "I was removed from the UPS/UPSF Committees today. This is an outrage and every Teamster in the world should be pissed off about this!! If you’re not a yes man, the IBT does not want you on their Negotiating Committees, period!! The people on these Negotiating Committees are supposed to be working for you, the members....and that’s exactly what I was doing...working to get you the best contract possible. Am I going to discuss contract proposals/negotiations with my members? Always and absolutely I am, because that’s who I work for and represent and it’s your contract that’s being negotiated. My members will never be left in the dark or lied to on my watch!! We need to vote every last one of those criminals in the IBT out next election....they are in bed with UPS!! I am truly overwhelmed by all the calls, texts and Facebook comments of support from my Teamster brothers and sisters. I love you all. This fight has just begun, and this dastardly act by the IBT has only increased my resolve to fight for a fair contract for you."


I’ve got no idea who Mike R is never heard of him until today. It makes me feel good that somebody is standing up to the BS that’s been going on for far too long.


Well-Known Member

Oh, i was thinking he was related to brother Sean O'Brien who got the axe for having spine too.
Politicize that. You cant.

Sean didn't speak out till he was axed. He was axed for trying to get us everything we deserve by doing his job.

Mike was axed because instead of being like Sean and doing everything he could to get us a good contract (like staying in a position where he had that ability) he decided to political grandstand to make the IBT look bad.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Sean didn't speak out till he was axed. He was axed for trying to get us everything we deserve by doing his job.

Mike was axed because instead of being like Sean and doing everything he could to get us a good contract (like staying in a position where he had that ability) he decided to political grandstand to make the IBT look bad.

I get your point, but the IBT is not those behind "closed doors." Please remember that the 30 percent who do vote will be the final decision. I expect the worst and will be mostly surprised if they do provide a good contract to vote on, they really can't leave people behind on this one to protect their status quo. You will have to agree that in the past the leadership tend to "cut and run" on hard issues. We will not be fooled again (mark my words all you people).

Frankie's Friend

Sean didn't speak out till he was axed. He was axed for trying to get us everything we deserve by doing his job.

Mike was axed because instead of being like Sean and doing everything he could to get us a good contract (like staying in a position where he had that ability) he decided to political grandstand to make the IBT look bad.
Uh, if you remember, Sean was posting strong strike info and pushing the option. That got him axed. Hear or see any more info on how to prepare for a strike (since he got replaced) coming from the ibt negotiator that replaced him? Me neither. The company will not have it.

Frankie's Friend

I get your point, but the IBT is not those behind "closed doors." Please remember that the 30 percent who do vote will be the final decision. I expect the worst and will be mostly surprised if they do provide a good contract to vote on, they really can't leave people behind on this one to protect their status quo. You will have to agree that in the past the leadership tend to "cut and run" on hard issues. We will not be fooled again (mark my words all you people).
The last cba deal was a disaster from the start. Does the leadership believe that we have forgotten and will they presume that trust was restored any time in the last 5 yrs? We may have been born at night but not last night.

Frankie's Friend

If Mike is smart enough to be on the negotiating committee he knew the cost hed pay to dissent and what would it help to stay silent while issues slide south?
Did you read his letter? He said that everyone else stayed silent. Does this mean that it was better to be silent and compromise his members' needs or to speak out, warning them of the garbage that was going on before the issues were "settled" to present as the (watered down) offering? We remember the last debacle. We're not stupid nor do we trust company sell outs as proved during the ibt elections.