Minimum wage general strike


Well-Known Member
I don't shop at WalScam because the only way they are able to get such low prices is by not supporting unionization (or a decent wage for that matter), not allowing overtime (probably more pt workers than ft workers anyway), and most of their products are made offshore at some sweat shop. Less operational expenses equals lower prices for store products, which creates more consumer demand, which puts more money in upper management/executives wallets/purses at WalScam.

Walscam has a nice set up if you think about it. They pay their employees crap wages and in turn these employees need government assistance. Who pays for this? Us, of course. Then all the government assistance money returns to WalScam when the people need to buy crap, food, etc. So Walscam makes money not only off the wages earned by their workers but also the government because the workers spend their assistance money at Walscam.

THINK ABOUT IT! It's a giant circle for Walscam. Walscam gets money from the people and the government. They are double screwing us and most politicians can't even realize this and I can guarantee Walscam has realized this and knows that this is happening.

As for fast-food increased wage demand, I am all for it. Mitt Romney has once complained about all the government hand outs, but what he fails to realize is that most Americans live on such a low wage because of cooperate american practices (minimal wages) that they end up needing government help to even survive. Might I add that most corporations realize this circle and utilize it to make even more money from the workers of America. It's sad, for them, and us.

:angry: It makes me :sick:


1) I don't shop at Wal-Mart. I shop at Costco, which is a company that pays its workers good wages without being unionized and I respect that. Not hating on anyone who does anything differently, just where I choose to spend my dollars.
Costco hourlies around this area are Teamsters. Not saying the employees there are, but just for the record.


Well-Known Member
I don't shop at WalScam because the only way they are able to get such low prices is by not supporting unionization (or a decent wage for that matter), not allowing overtime (probably more pt workers than ft workers anyway), and most of their products are made offshore at some sweat shop. Less operational expenses equals lower prices for store products, which creates more consumer demand, which puts more money in upper management/executives wallets/purses at WalScam.

Walscam has a nice set up if you think about it. They pay their employees crap wages and in turn these employees need government assistance. Who pays for this? Us, of course. Then all the government assistance money returns to WalScam when the people need to buy crap, food, etc. So Walscam makes money not only off the wages earned by their workers but also the government because the workers spend their assistance money at Walscam.

THINK ABOUT IT! It's a giant circle for Walscam. Walscam gets money from the people and the government. They are double screwing us and most politicians can't even realize this and I can guarantee Walscam has realized this and knows that this is happening.

As for fast-food increased wage demand, I am all for it. Mitt Romney has once complained about all the government hand outs, but what he fails to realize is that most Americans live on such a low wage because of cooperate american practices (minimal wages) that they end up needing government help to even survive. Might I add that most corporations realize this circle and utilize it to make even more money from the workers of America. It's sad, for them, and us.

:angry: It makes me :sick:

Unfortunately its not just walmart that does this For the same reason you dont buy from walmart, you would also have to refrain from buying from fast food joints, gas stations, and many others. Not too mention anything built in china (ie.. iphone) is the epitome of poor working conditions and low pay.

I would love to support those values you wrote about, but it would make it almost impossible to spend money. As most products are either manafactured by businesses like walmart, or distributed by businesses like walmart, sold by businesses like walmart, or shipped by businesses like fedex. In the end.... no matter where you spend your money, your dollars are in someway supporting a business like walmart.
Costco hourlies around this area are Teamsters. Not saying the employees there are, but just for the record.

I guess I had heard that they were unionized some places. That being said Costco's wage scale starts at $11 which is at the top of retail and the people who have been there for several years can hit $20-25 in my area w/o being unionized. Good enough reason for me to support them. Thanks for the info though, I might look into seeing how much of costco is unionized.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately its not just walmart that does this For the same reason you dont buy from walmart, you would also have to refrain from buying from fast food joints, gas stations, and many others. Not too mention anything built in china (ie.. iphone) is the epitome of poor working conditions and low pay.

I would love to support those values you wrote about, but it would make it almost impossible to spend money. As most products are either manafactured by businesses like walmart, or distributed by businesses like walmart, sold by businesses like walmart, or shipped by businesses like fedex. In the end.... no matter where you spend your money, your dollars are in someway supporting a business like walmart.

Yes, we do have to change our habits as a country, you're right. We are not as hopeless as you say though. Go eat at the independent diner instead of fast food. I work for Fedex but when I buy things online I specifically ask for UPS shipping. We do have choices. They may not be convenient, just take a second to think of how you spend your dollars.


I can go to Costco's and make 91k, zero premium healthcare, job protection and a pension? Sign me up!
Or goto UPS and face maniacal mgmt, unsafe conditions, ridiculous technology standards that cannot possibly be accurate with 12 hour days and on top of it, never see your family, filing 9.5 grievances until you're blue-in-the-face type of FT job? ;P


Yes, we do have to change our habits as a country, you're right. We are not as hopeless as you say though. Go eat at the independent diner instead of fast food. I work for Fedex but when I buy things online I specifically ask for UPS shipping. We do have choices. They may not be convenient, just take a second to think of how you spend your dollars.
If big mac's and whoppers were $10, the world would be a better place...less fat people and less exploited teenagers/college kids.


Well-Known Member
If big mac's and whoppers were $10, the world would be a better place...less fat people and less exploited teenagers/college kids.
And less restaurants not named McDonalds, Burger King, etc, because none of them can afford to pay $15/hour plus Obamacare-level benefits. Also greater unemployment for teenagers/college kids, because if you can work for McDonalds instead of UPS, and make the same pay, why the hell would you work for UPS?

Spending other people's money is one of the easiest things in the world to do. What about when it's your own money? What about when it's not only a Big Mac that costs $10, but your Gym membership goes from $20/mo to $50/mo, because of the wage increase? What about when Boxer-Briefs go from $5/each to $12/each because Target now offers UPS-level benefits?

This post has way too much emotion in it, and not enough of anything that even approximates a plan to make these wild ideas actually work. Reading through here, you'd think the only places that underpay people are multi-billion dollar corporations--but the Mom&Pop Bed&Breakfast down the road is suuuurely paying its workers $15/hour plus benefits plus a pension.....right? No. Not right. Not even close to right. Like, Right is Seattle and you're standing, roughly, in Jackson, Mississippi.


Inordinately Right
And less restaurants not named McDonalds, Burger King, etc, because none of them can afford to pay $15/hour plus Obamacare-level benefits.
Walmart and McDonalds CAN afford to... but instead of doing the right thing, they pay their employees poverty level wages, and the taxpayers foot the bill in the form of welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing and unpaid emergency room bills.

Walmart is one of the most profitable companies in this country.... yet no one really want to work there, see a problem with that? Walmart has long gone out of it's way to prevent it's employees from unionizing, that's the problem.


Well-Known Member
Walmart and McDonalds CAN afford to... but instead of doing the right thing, they pay their employees poverty level wages, and the taxpayers foot the bill in the form of welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing and unpaid emergency room bills.

Walmart is one of the most profitable companies in this country.... yet no one really want to work there, see a problem with that? Walmart has long gone out of it's way to prevent it's employees from unionizing, that's the problem.

UPS is a Top company also.

And NO, they can't afford, because then stock would fall.

Funny how you say Walmart pays poverty level wages, and so does Hundreds upon hundreds of other companies.
I know a person working at Walmart, and they make $10.50 an hour. It did take 3 years to get that, but with the Discounts and Bounes they get as well as other things, it isn't that bad.

So IF Walmart is paying Poverty Wages, UPS is NOT far behind....


Well-Known Member
I can go to Costco's and make 91k, zero premium healthcare, job protection and a pension? Sign me up!

You CAN'T at UPS either starting out!
Also sometimes the MONEY is NOT worht it, Like several NFL players are now saying. Also saying it are the 22.3's that GLADLY took a huge pay cut to save their bodies....


Inordinately Right
UPS is a Top company also.

And NO, they can't afford, because then stock would fall.

Funny how you say Walmart pays poverty level wages, and so does Hundreds upon hundreds of other companies.
I know a person working at Walmart, and they make $10.50 an hour. It did take 3 years to get that, but with the Discounts and Bounes they get as well as other things, it isn't that bad.

So IF Walmart is paying Poverty Wages, UPS is NOT far behind....
I'm not talking about the hundreds of other companies, I'm talking about Walmart. They can afford to pay more and they don't.
Look into their raises per year compared to ours, and the health insurance Walmart offers employees compared to ours. They're not even in the same ballpark as what the union has gotten out of UPS.


Well-Known Member
And less restaurants not named McDonalds, Burger King, etc, because none of them can afford to pay $15/hour plus Obamacare-level benefits. Also greater unemployment for teenagers/college kids, because if you can work for McDonalds instead of UPS, and make the same pay, why the hell would you work for UPS?

Spending other people's money is one of the easiest things in the world to do. What about when it's your own money? What about when it's not only a Big Mac that costs $10, but your Gym membership goes from $20/mo to $50/mo, because of the wage increase? What about when Boxer-Briefs go from $5/each to $12/each because Target now offers UPS-level benefits?

This post has way too much emotion in it, and not enough of anything that even approximates a plan to make these wild ideas actually work. Reading through here, you'd think the only places that underpay people are multi-billion dollar corporations--but the Mom&Pop Bed&Breakfast down the road is suuuurely paying its workers $15/hour plus benefits plus a pension.....right? No. Not right. Not even close to right. Like, Right is Seattle and you're standing, roughly, in Jackson, Mississippi.

You say this, "And less restaurants not named McDonalds, Burger King, etc, because none of them can afford to pay $15/hour plus Obamacare-level benefits." but what you fail to realize is that these companies can afford to pay there employees a decent wage. McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, etc. are all franchise companies. The franchisee has to pay at least 150,000 dollars and can exceed 500,000 dollars just to open the business. On top of that, they have to pay a certain percent of there gross sales in royalties and advertising, usually around a total of 8 - 15%, and a franchise fee usually between 30,000 - 100,000 dollars. They must have uniform products, so these companies require them to buy their marked up priced products from the corporation to run their business. Yes, these business franchisees operate on a low profit margin and can not afford to pay their employees more wage, but the corporation that makes them pay 500,000 - 1,000,000 dollars just to start the darn business is able to pay them.

There is a local business in my area that offers 401k matching, healthcare, vacations, sick pay, even TUITION ASSISTANCE and well crap wages. But even if they raised the minimum wage these "Mom and Pop" stores would account for these extra cost and would adjust accordingly. You make is sound like they would just plummet into the depths of hell. Any good business owner can stay competitive in a pinch and if they can't then maybe they are not right for the whole entrepreneurship idea. By the way the company is called Plaid Pantry, it's a convenience store.


Well-Known Member
UPS is a Top company also.

And NO, they can't afford, because then stock would fall.

Funny how you say Walmart pays poverty level wages, and so does Hundreds upon hundreds of other companies.
I know a person working at Walmart, and they make $10.50 an hour. It did take 3 years to get that, but with the Discounts and Bounes they get as well as other things, it isn't that bad.

So IF Walmart is paying Poverty Wages, UPS is NOT far behind....

Has UPS's stock fallen because we get what we get? NO! Walscam is a horrible company and I don't even know how you can give them any credit for all their "helpfulness" to there employees. By the way, the heirs to Walmart, all eight or so of them, are each worth more than at least 1,000,000,000. That's NINE zeros, as in BILLIONS of dollars.


Nine Lives
Has UPS's stock fallen because we get what we get? NO! Walscam is a horrible company and I don't even know how you can give them any credit for all their "helpfulness" to there employees. By the way, the heirs to Walmart, all eight or so of them, are each worth more than at least 1,000,000,000. That's NINE zeros, as in BILLIONS of dollars.

​Jealous much?