Mip Factor Announced


Well-Known Member
well, nobody might want to bring this up but how does a waste of almost 1 billion dollars for a pathetic PAS system play into all of this. My center alone on friday has 80 misloads....yes you read that right. People, upper management better start getting back to the old days of taking care of customers or it isnt going to matter about the MIP, the teamsters anything. I believe this whole volume fedex vs dhl vs ups is being used as a smoke and mirrors issue for ups. It has been that way for years. Fedex is gaining while our ground and air totals HAVE NEVER GONE DOWN. Look it up. Yes a few quarters ground was flat.But never negative...YET fedex is taking out volume. Tie, you seem pretty intelligent and not always afraid to go againt fellow upper management. Can you explain this. And do you think if there was a "truce" between union and management, you know actually acting like one company and not ups VS. the teamsters that things would change in the driver group and ups would see good performance in all aspects, not just profit. People can say what they want abouty the "highly , over piad teamsters", ups continues to have record profit yeay after year after year. shed some light on this company on a whole with people.They keep on cutting everything back, if its just for the stock, get over it. If its to buy TNT of another company that will help propel this company forward then its a good thing.They cut back but have record profit, but the cutbacks arent making the record profit. Please tie explain.
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Our opinions don't always agree and, occasionally, we take tongue-in-cheek jabs at each other but, with all due respect, your posts usually hold me in awe. (no sarcasm intended).
Your counterpoint to "WetFeetGal" was one of those. Early in the post you hint at deception, "...giving the impression" and "...helping us fool the public stock market", thereby defying the staunch reputation of honesty and integrity so espoused by the company and management.
Additionally, "...how do we trust a compensation plan....." suggests further disdain for your management forefathers.

BUT THEN you shift the blame to the vile, evil Teamsters by pretending that all the cuts in the MIP are to "....give the ship away to the Teamster's...".

I am in awe.

Actually I didn't blame the teamsters in this context. And you would have to admit I never referenced the teamsters as being vile or evil. I believe we will probably ...how should I say this....hmmm .encourage..bribe...lavish...the teamsters with gold, silver , frankenscince , virgin harlots, top shelf booze, carribean vacations, cadillacs , whatever it takes to get the early contract settlement.

I personally expect to see some new ground breaking incentive package never before seen. I expect we will do everything but serve up the overnighters to the teamsters kinda like congressmen sending each other pages.

And until this act of patella submisse has been successfully completed I believe we will try to hold down costs everywhere else.


Back on topic. What I really like about the new system is we pay for corporates mistakes.

They go out and buy overnight and menlo which are leaking sieves and we take a hit on the Acquisition merger catogory.

They implement (emperor has no clothes) PAS system and we take a hit for PAS implementation catogory.

They negotiate the deals that dictate how much our customer base and revenues increase and we take the hit on those catagories.

Its a misguided concept that probably sounded great when they were passing the bong around at the board.


Staff member
Holy crap!

"virgin harlots"

"top shelf booze"

"like congressmen sending each other pages."

Very funny, but:

"they were passing the bong around at the board."

......made me spit out my beer laughing!!

Gone Gone Gone

Back on topic. What I really like about the new system is we pay for corporates mistakes.

They go out and buy overnight and menlo which are leaking sieves and we take a hit on the Acquisition merger catogory.

They implement (emperor has no clothes) PAS system and we take a hit for PAS implementation catogory.

They negotiate the deals that dictate how much our customer base and revenues increase and we take the hit on those catagories.

Its a misguided concept that probably sounded great when they were passing the bong around at the board.

tieguy - you nailed it. Passing the bong around at the board. Hilarious. Then they talked about shining up the POS that is 1.6


Well-Known Member
"I personally expect to see some new ground breaking incentive package never before seen."

Do you how many of us Teamsters are praying that the company will offer us with 25+ years a sweetheart deal to get the **** outta here? I can't believe the number crunchers in Atlanta aren't looking at this.

The intelligent person that you are (no sarcasm intended), I'm sure you are aware of the immense financial benefits of an "all new", 22 year old workforce with just one week vacation, half the wages..........you know the rest of the story.

Are you in the loop of people that would be privvy to info regarding anything such as this?



"I personally expect to see some new ground breaking incentive package never before seen."

Do you how many of us Teamsters are praying that the company will offer us with 25+ years a sweetheart deal to get the **** outta here? I can't believe the number crunchers in Atlanta aren't looking at this.

biggest problem you have is the unions interest don't always align theirselves with your interests.

The intelligent person that you are (no sarcasm intended), I'm sure you are aware of the immense financial benefits of an "all new", 22 year old workforce with just one week vacation, half the wages..........you know the rest of the story.

Yep , half the service...half the attendance...and so on.

Are you in the loop of people that would be privvy to info regarding anything such as this?


nope I'm just a dumb management truck driver.....:cool: