Misload question


Active Member
hi there I’ve been a UPS for one year.
We just switched to a new automation system we don’t have to scan boxes anymore. Now we also do not go by route ID but by the truck stall number.

Misloads happen even more even people who have been here longer since they are learning to go by stall number now.
There are some dudes who get 70 or 32 no joke!

I was getting 1-4 a week now I’m getting 5-11 a week.

The supervisors are making us sign a paper saying we talked about misloads. I’m not sure if that’s what I’m really signing. I’m really doing my best to check. However I’ve even had my drivers tell me it can be something like the date or the system not getting updated so the box will be like 2 stals down.

Can I get fired for misloads or anyone? There’s so many people not just me upset I haven’t asked my union rep yet about this.

Thank you for taking the time to read this sir or madam and have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Haven't heard of anyone getting fired in my center for misloads in the years I've been here. Also don't sign anything they tell you to sign. You aren't obligated to put your name on anything, I just RTS everything.


IE boogeyman
i've never seen a single UPS employee be fired for misloads, ever, in any district, in any building, in any year

sign the papers to make them happy, it literally means nothing and they are beyond stupid for bothering


Well-Known Member
I literally write RTS on the paper and give it back to them. They will never say a word to you.
Don't even touch the paper.


Signatures can be symbols. Random letters. Whatever you identify with. My signature looks nothing like my name, for instance.

Signing "RTS" can be construed as signing. If you're refusing to sign, make the supe' write RTS with his/her name next to it. The second you put a pen to paper, somebody somewhere can argue that you signed and therefore acknowledged.

This honestly shouldn't bring any animosity your way, but if it does? Follow up your RTS with a harassment grievance.

Just my $0.02 on the subject.



Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
They need to have a steward present when they try to make you sign any kind of talk-with paperwork. I would demand to have a steward present.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
What new system is this? I'm just curious?
If you have a consistent set of routes I would just practice on the addresses on the box since it allows you to catch bad slaps and sort smalls to each car quickly.

Last One In

Well-Known Member
I don't think you have anything to worry about getting fired for misloads. Last Saturday a guy ripped a bumper off a package car on a gate. He didn't miss one day of work. Remember, better, not bigger.