Mitt's really bad day


Staff member
I am amazed you seem perfectly fine with this too.
Not fine. Intrigued. I think you and I have been over this before. Is the Constitution wrong or too vaguely worded? Doesn't the ruling bring questions to ponder to your mind? What really did the Founders have in mind in writing such a subjective document? Or maybe they had to compromise to get something they could agree on. However you view it, according to Roberts, the Federal government seems to have nearly all power at it's hands. Not really something that suggests the limited government conservatives claim.


Bless your little heart, you are a bit befuddled about how capital gains work, let's not even get into carried interest and the like, your head would explode.

All the cash we have in our name has been taxed, unless we acquired it illegally. When that capital is invested in something, be it an interest barring saving account or stock in UPS, we owe tax only on the profit we made from that investment. It's called income. It is new money, and is therefor taxed. capital gains are taxed lower than regular income made from the sweat of your brow. They used to be taxed at a higher rate. The only time they were lower was in the 1920's. In the booming 1990's they were never below 21%, and everything was hunky dory.

Investment in companies is good, and it should be rewarded, but it should also be taxed at an equitable rate, and should not be a shelter for not paying fair taxes. The wealthy in America have done quite well in this world-wide economic downturn, they really don't need historical low interest rates to maintain their well being. Romney has done well, good for him. He and his 'class' of people don't need more advantages to stay ahead, some think the should contribute more to the general good. Some think grab while the grabbing's good.

Since I have grandkids, I'm more about the general good. I'm hoping my grandchildren have grandchildren, and that they can still enjoy the great country on a hospitable planet as long as their grandchildren's children live. I just want it protected for them. That's all I want, a good place for my grandkids. America is the planet's leader, and I'm not so sure Romney has the same vision as I have as far as a vision for the future.

I'd like to imagine a kinder place.

I feel sorry for your grandkids as well as mine.


The great Bill Clinton lowered capital gains tax only after his economy was growing so slow. I think it worked for him pretty good. The economy is not built to just stay is built on growth. Ever wonder how we became a superpower in 276 years, and civilizations that have been around for thousands are still a 3rd world country? Because our economy works...everyone who lives here would never trade their spot for a 3rd world country. Too much envy going on this nation than people trying to invent something or build something to make it. Thats sad!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I feel sorry for your grandkids as well as mine.

Good thing is, in spite of voter disenfranchisement and evil billionaires, I think the people have this one under control. Was Romney really the best you had? Hopefully he'll tank the Congressional races enough to enable Congress to serve the Will Of The People once again.

My grandkids are bright and creative. They'll do fine in a vibrant society. I have great hope for them, and the future.


Staff member
We may have become a superpower due to the private/public partnership that put ramped up production for WWII, won the "space race", built and propelled the computer revolution in silicon valley, the information super-highway, the millions of miles of roads, and the education of future generations. Yep. Government played a huge role in all of that. That's not sad, that's awesome!


Not fine. Intrigued. I think you and I have been over this before. Is the Constitution wrong or too vaguely worded? Doesn't the ruling bring questions to ponder to your mind? What really did the Founders have in mind in writing such a subjective document? Or maybe they had to compromise to get something they could agree on. However you view it, according to Roberts, the Federal government seems to have nearly all power at it's hands. Not really something that suggests the limited government conservatives claim.

I agreed with you on your statement of Roberts...the government does have that power, but people put people in place to make those decisions. The government is ran by the people, thus why we have elections...if you had a president saying everyones money is going away and we will be giving you rations of food, healthcare, you will be riding bikes instead of cars, you can only have one kid, etc so and so...would you vote for him? Americans are not going to put someone in power like that and thats ow the governement is ran by the people. Thats why the majority of the country hates ObamaCare. The sad thing is that when Obamas gone whether this election or the next ObamaCare is gone.


We may have become a superpower due to the private/public partnership that put ramped up production for WWII, won the "space race", built and propelled the computer revolution in silicon valley, the information super-highway, the millions of miles of roads, and the education of future generations. Yep. Government played a huge role in all of that. That's not sad, that's awesome!

Our tax dollars paid for it...You know its like getting your money back...the government does not make all the credit goes to American tax payers and laborers I dont know why you dont understand that...the only role the "government" has played a role is allowing freedom, and Obama shut down the NASA program so how do you get we won the space race...Obama threw in the towel.


Staff member
I agreed with you on your statement of Roberts...the government does have that power, but people put people in place to make those decisions. The government is ran by the people, thus why we have elections...if you had a president saying everyones money is going away and we will be giving you rations of food, healthcare, you will be riding bikes instead of cars, you can only have one kid, etc so and so...would you vote for him? Americans are not going to put someone in power like that and thats ow the governement is ran by the people. Thats why the majority of the country hates ObamaCare. The sad thing is that when Obamas gone whether this election or the next ObamaCare is gone.
We don't know what future generations will decide is right. They may well decide that they can no longer afford the credit card and have to have tax rates near 100%. And on Obamacare, I think you are wrong. Romney's already been caught talking about some of the things he likes in Obamacare. And once an entitlement is fully in place, it's nearly impossible to repeal. Examples include but are not limited to Medicaid and Medicare.


Good thing is, in spite of voter disenfranchisement and evil billionaires, I think the people have this one under control. Was Romney really the best you had? Hopefully he'll tank the Congressional races enough to enable Congress to serve the Will Of The People once again.

My grandkids are bright and creative. They'll do fine in a vibrant society. I have great hope for them, and the future.

over 20 trillion in debt after second term of Obama...I think they forgot to tell you that the light at the end of the tunnel is actually a freight train.


Staff member
Our tax dollars paid for it...You know its like getting your money back...the government does not make all the credit goes to American tax payers and laborers I dont know why you dont understand that...the only role the "government" has played a role is allowing freedom, and Obama shut down the NASA program so how do you get we won the space race...Obama threw in the towel.
So what's the problem? Government spending is "like getting your money back". Obama shutting down NASA is strictly TEA PARTY inspired. What's wrong? Neither you nor texan have any faith in private enterprise? Why won't another company just take over where NASA left off? Ah. It's that private/public combination that made it possible. But you see, if you cut taxes and cut spending, something has to take the hit. NASA was part of the "discretionary spending". The real cutting comes January 1, 2013.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
over 20 trillion in debt after second term of Obama...I think they forgot to tell you that the light at the end of the tunnel is actually a freight train.

I could post the actual figures for you, and the jobs figures too, but you wouldn't believe me, so look it up yourself. Things are working. Think how good things could work if we were all rowing together.


We don't know what future generations will decide is right. They may well decide that they can no longer afford the credit card and have to have tax rates near 100%. And on Obamacare, I think you are wrong. Romney's already been caught talking about some of the things he likes in Obamacare. And once an entitlement is fully in place, it's nearly impossible to repeal. Examples include but are not limited to Medicaid and Medicare.

What kind of society are you creating where people would actually work for nothing...are you smoking crack? Im sorry but if you truly feel like that is the society you want to leave for our next generation, you are a screwed up individual. No need to repeal medicare, it will be gone in 12 years...and just like ObamaCare...they will pass laws not to fund it or just wait until it goes bankrupt as well...geez Im blown away you think we have an endless credit card.


I could post the actual figures for you, and the jobs figures too, but you wouldn't believe me, so look it up yourself. Things are working. Think how good things could work if we were all rowing together.

please post...I got some numbers for you..the unemployment rate was 7.8% when Obama took office...its 8.1% now...and the lowest participation rate in 31 yrs. Ok nevermind you dont have to post...I showed you have no positive jobs numbers to post.


Staff member
What kind of society are you creating where people would actually work for nothing...are you smoking crack? Im sorry but if you truly feel like that is the society you want to leave for our next generation, you are a screwed up individual. No need to repeal medicare, it will be gone in 12 years...and just like ObamaCare...they will pass laws not to fund it or just wait until it goes bankrupt as well...geez Im blown away you think we have an endless credit card.
The point is that we don't know what future generations will decide is important. I wouldn't be surprised if in 20 years they simply did away with Social Security and said to previous generations, "Sorry. You spent yours already." What the Robert's ruling says is that the Constitution leaves it up to the congress of each generation to decide what their spending priorities are. At 16 trillion spent on entitlements and unfunded wars, who could blame them? And if debt is as big a deal to the public as it is to you and the Tea Party, then I would expect that is what they will do.


Strength through joy
I could post the actual figures for you, and the jobs figures too, but you wouldn't believe me, so look it up yourself. Things are working. Think how good things could work if we were all rowing together.

everybody to the portside and all row together now, around & around in a circle.


The point is that we don't know what future generations will decide is important. I wouldn't be surprised if in 20 years they simply did away with Social Security and said to previous generations, "Sorry. You spent yours already." What the Robert's ruling says is that the Constitution leaves it up to the congress of each generation to decide what their spending priorities are. At 16 trillion spent on entitlements and unfunded wars, who could blame them? And if debt is as big a deal to the public as it is to you and the Tea Party, then I would expect that is what they will do.

omg where did the tea party come from?


Engorged Member
over 20 trillion in debt after second term of Obama...I think they forgot to tell you that the light at the end of the tunnel is actually a freight train.

20 trillion? Did Rush give you that figure or was it O'Reilly? You will believe anything. Here, try this one, OK? Obama was a WITCH DOCTOR when he was living in Kenya, and he cast a spell on Americans to get him elected. God, those socialist Muslim communistical Nazi negroes are a crafty bunch.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Only if they had formed this country to be controlled by the government and not by the people

The founders MANDATED insurance on american sailors....they formed the country and formed the general welfare clause and decided that congress had the right to determine what was best for the general interest of the people....

I guess they were socialists after all.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
please post...I got some numbers for you..the unemployment rate was 7.8% when Obama took office...its 8.1% now...and the lowest participation rate in 31 yrs. Ok nevermind you dont have to post...I showed you have no positive jobs numbers to post.

Did you fail math? 8.1 minus 7.8 = equals what?

Thats 3/10ths of 1 PERCENT higher than where GEORGE BUSH CRATERED the unemployment rate after 8 years of tax cuts for the rich job creators, given when they got those TAX CUTS the unemployment rate was 4.0%.

Lets see, 4% at the start of the BUSH TAX cuts and after 8 years, those TAX CUTS for the richest americans LOST 3.8% MORE JOBS than when they started. Lets see, OBAMA starts in 2009 with a 7.8% unemployment rate, today that rate is 8.1% using the same calculations as the BUSH administration and he is only 3/10ths of 1 percent higher than when he started.

Hmmm?? How does that make BUSH better? Given that the BUSH train wreck extended into 2010, unemployment rose to 10.2% before the stimulus plan went into action, and it was REDUCED by 2.1% in job creation in 2 years.

You are worried about participation rate because thats what the talking heads on fox news wants you to focus on.

You could care less about job creation, that means nothing to you as you accepted the loss of jobs by your GOP for 8 years without squealing.

If the GOP would only get out of the way and help this nation, we would be in a better place, but they would prefer to hold americans hostage and unemployed in order to win the white house even though they dont stand a chance in HELL of winning.

The trick was easy, screw the country, talk people into voting the GOP into control in 2010 by talking about helping the country, then once in, dont pass a single bill that helps the country and keep the unemployment rate as high as possible so people like you could FOCUS on that in 2012 and give them real control to once again reapply the BUSH policies that screwed this country in the first place, and people like you sign up for it without hesitation.

I have an idea, how about turning off fox news, and right wing radio, and try learning about policy all by yourself?

It will help you in the long run. Sound bites wont.

