Mitt's really bad day

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So I guess what Obama is saying is lets not go back to the same failed policies that Clinton started. Im still wondering when Romney said he wanted to create another housing bubble? Anyone have that video.

What Romney is saying is that he wants to restore the very BUSH policies that failed... TAX CUTS for the rich, Unregulated wall street banks, wars in the middle east and healthcare taken away from millions of people.

Thats what HE HAS SAID. Very clear, no mistakes.

Pretty simple stuff. While no one wants to re create a housing bubble, fixing the one we still have is the problem. We still have loans written under BUSH that are coming due, and those loans cant be re financed, sold, modified or reset. These will all fail in the months to come if there isnt another program to fix it before they blow up.

The BUSH housing bubble isnt over yet. There are TONS of loans still waiting for the explosion.

Romney offers no solution for this other than to say, let the homes foreclose. Sounds like a great plan, unless your the homeowner.




bella amicizia
I heard a lot of shopping centers and the like have loans coming due, and that's a bigger bubble than the housing one we have now. Is that the one you are talking about, TOS?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I heard a lot of shopping centers and the like have loans coming due, and that's a bigger bubble than the housing one we have now. Is that the one you are talking about, TOS?

There are several types of loans coming up. Yes, commercial real estate loans (10 year interest only) will be crashing next year along with the 10 yr and 12 year interest only home loans written after 2003.

Those loans were written for the highest amounts of money.. 700K to 1.5 million. Cities like San Diego still have the highest percentage of interest only loans still to burst. The median price of home sold in 2004 in San Diego was 950K and those loans are about to blow up.

Home prices are NO WHERE near those prices and home owners cant refi, sell, modify or take advantage of low interest rats without the help of the goverment under HARP III that hopefully is coming shortly.

The BUSH home ownership society program was a giant failure on many fronts and we have yet to get through it.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Mitt's bad day turns into another week. ER is healthcare, 14% is a good tax rate for rich folk, and airplanes should have roll down windows.

The guy is a genius, and that's just the low fruit he left hanging.


golden ticket member
Mitt's bad day turns into another week. ER is healthcare, 14% is a good tax rate for rich folk, and airplanes should have roll down windows.

The guy is a genius, and that's just the low fruit he left hanging.
Of course, youfail to mention that he paid tax on his money once already!!


Well-Known Member
There are several types of loans coming up. Yes, commercial real estate loans (10 year interest only) will be crashing next year along with the 10 yr and 12 year interest only home loans written after 2003.Those loans were written for the highest amounts of money.. 700K to 1.5 million. Cities like San Diego still have the highest percentage of interest only loans still to burst. The median price of home sold in 2004 in San Diego was 950K and those loans are about to blow up.Home prices are NO WHERE near those prices and home owners cant refi, sell, modify or take advantage of low interest rats without the help of the goverment under HARP III that hopefully is coming shortly.The BUSH home ownership society program was a giant failure on many fronts and we have yet to get through it.PeaceTOS
Both parties are to blame. Clinton began the process of forcing low mortgage underwriting standards, Bush continued and enhanced it.

The Bush Hangover
What got us into this mess...and what can get us out.

Beginning in the mid-1990s, under the grandiose title “The National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream,” the Clinton administration used the “affordable housing goals” that Congress had imposed on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase the availability of mortgage credit to low-income borrowers. It also loosened the standards under the Community Reinvestment Act to pull insured depository institutions further into the low-income lending program.

Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far

Add President Clinton to the long list of people who deserve a share of the blame for the housing bubble and bust. A recently re-exposed document shows that his administration went to ridiculous lengths to increase the national homeownership rate.

It promoted paper-thin downpayments and pushed for ways to get lenders to give mortgage loans to first-time buyers with shaky financing and incomes. It’s clear now that the erosion of lending standards pushed prices up by increasing demand, and later led to waves of defaults by people who never should have bought a home in the first place.

President Bush continued the practices because they dovetailed with his Ownership Society goals, and of course Congress was strongly behind the push. But Clinton and his administration must shoulder some of the blame.

File:National Homeownership Strategy.pdf


Mitt's bad day turns into another week. ER is healthcare, 14% is a good tax rate for rich folk, and airplanes should have roll down windows.

The guy is a genius, and that's just the low fruit he left hanging.

14% is the same capital gains tax rate you pay...are you rich? Why would you want the top marginal income tax rate dropped from 35% to 14%??? Did you not know everyone pays the same capital gains tax?
Isnt that fair?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You have to make choices
Republicans want individuals in their own houses ...
Democrats wants families to be in Government housing.

Again, the failure to understand the realities even when presented with facts and videos, you still make these ridiculous claims. IT WAS BUSH THAT SAID HE WAS INSTRUCTING SECTION 8 TO PAY THE MORTGAGES OF LOW INCOME BLACK HOMEOWNERS instead of paying THEIR RENT.

I posted a video where he CLEARLY says this, and posted the WHITE HOUSE MEMORANDUM where it is repeated, and yet you claim its the democrats who want people in goverment homes??

Please? are you just bored?

