Mitt's really bad day


Well-Known Member
Just have to say, the title of this thread cracks me up.

"Mitt's really bad day"...

It's like the title of a children's book or something.

Just funny.


Again, the failure to understand the realities even when presented with facts and videos, you still make these ridiculous claims. IT WAS BUSH THAT SAID HE WAS INSTRUCTING SECTION 8 TO PAY THE MORTGAGES OF LOW INCOME BLACK HOMEOWNERS instead of paying THEIR RENT.

I posted a video where he CLEARLY says this, and posted the WHITE HOUSE MEMORANDUM where it is repeated, and yet you claim its the democrats who want people in goverment homes??

Please? are you just bored?



I posted a document that clearly told you that Clinton was the one who started that and Bush continued it. Liberals want to play the blame game, but never mention Clinton for some odd reason. So why do you continue to not understand when presented facts?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I posted a document that clearly told you that Clinton was the one who started that and Bush continued it. Liberals want to play the blame game, but never mention Clinton for some odd reason. So why do you continue to not understand when presented facts?

This is perfectly normal...its common for the Loony Left. They run and hide when someone asks a tuff question, asks for proof for the falsehoods they spew, and completely disappear when confronted with facts. And if you really get them upset...then your a racist, woman hating, homophobe, bible thumping Jesus freak, that wants only to give the rich tax breaks. :wink2:


Staff member
I posted a document that clearly told you that Clinton was the one who started that and Bush continued it. Liberals want to play the blame game, but never mention Clinton for some odd reason. So why do you continue to not understand when presented facts?
Ok. Reagan started the Reagan Revolution that brought forth the rigid, ideologically ridiculous republican party that stains the House with it's obstructionist tactics and gave us the Grover Norquist idiocy. So when the republicans get thoroughly spanked in November, don't blame the media, it's Reagan's fault.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Engorged Member
Just have to say, the title of this thread cracks me up.

"Mitt's really bad day"...

It's like the title of a children's book or something.

Just funny.

Mitt has a child-like intellect, and his feelings are easily hurt. Just ask Queen Anne. "STOP IT!!" (picking on poor little Mittens). I heard he had a hissy-fit at the Univision event (you know, the one where he browned-up), and wasn't very Presidential. Someone has to tell Mittney that he cannot throw temper tantrums when he deals with world leaders as "President" in November.

Maybe they'll elect him El Presidente in Mexico because Mitt is so "down" with those Latinos, and so very popular with them.


Mitt has a child-like intellect, and his feelings are easily hurt. Just ask Queen Anne. "STOP IT!!" (picking on poor little Mittens). I heard he had a hissy-fit at the Univision event (you know, the one where he browned-up), and wasn't very Presidential. Someone has to tell Mittney that he cannot throw temper tantrums when he deals with world leaders as "President" in November.

Maybe they'll elect him El Presidente in Mexico because Mitt is so "down" with those Latinos, and so very popular with them.

We will tell him just not to deal with other world leaders like Obama does.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
over 20 trillion in debt after second term of Obama...I think they forgot to tell you that the light at the end of the tunnel is actually a freight train.

When I see it, I'll believe it.

I believe an Obama presidency will be better for the future of the planet, and at the moment, it's the only one we have (unless you are Mormon).

I don't think Obama is the 'Greatest President Ever', but I would sure trust him over Romney. I wish there was a better choice, but these things move slowly, and this will have to do.

I just don't see how the current Republican Party can help the country. I firmly believe they would make it much worse for our children. Some may feel differently, but I've never had anyone explain it to me why the ideals they would like to enact would do me, or the country, any good.


Engorged Member
We will tell him just not to deal with other world leaders like Obama does.

The reason Obama isn't meeting with world leaders right now is that there is an election, plain and simple. Romney would do the same thing. This is one of the Right Wing current talking points, along with Obama's "war on coal".


golden ticket member
When I see it, I'll believe it.

I believe an Obama presidency will be better for the future of the planet, and at the moment, it's the only one we have (unless you are Mormon).

I don't think Obama is the 'Greatest President Ever', but I would sure trust him over Romney. I wish there was a better choice, but these things move slowly, and this will have to do.

I just don't see how the current Republican Party can help the country. I firmly believe they would make it much worse for our children. Some may feel differently, but I've never had anyone explain it to me why the ideals they would like to enact would do me, or the country, any good.
He was unable to turn the economy around, let alone chop the deficit in half like he promised.even after he said he inherited it........he didn't even try. I know Obama failed and ended up spending more than can you possibly believe he'll do anything new??
He just wants to win....only this time he has a record and a not good one..

Mitt has experience "fixing" business!!