More stupid things customers say


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
This is more of something stupid done than said but here's what happened. A car follows me in to one of my stops. A guy gets out and asks if I can take a package. I say, "sure," and take the box from him. I look it over to check for the label and here is what I find:

You know how when you print a return label from Amazon or something, the sheet of paper will have a list of instructions at the top, then at the bottom the page is the label for you to cut out? Well, he claims his wife prepared it, but the label was cut off and the instructions were taped to the box. I'm not kidding. I peeled it up to check if it was folded and taped wrong, but it wasn't. They cut off the label, and taped on the instructions.

I just showed him that and said "sorry but I can't take it" but I had a pretty good laugh after he left, and for days to come every time I told someone about what happened.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
This is more of something stupid done than said but here's what happened. A car follows me in to one of my stops. A guy gets out and asks if I can take a package. I say, "sure," and take the box from him. I look it over to check for the label and here is what I find:

You know how when you print a return label from Amazon or something, the sheet of paper will have a list of instructions at the top, then at the bottom the page is the label for you to cut out? Well, he claims his wife prepared it, but the label was cut off and the instructions were taped to the box. I'm not kidding. I peeled it up to check if it was folded and taped wrong, but it wasn't. They cut off the label, and taped on the instructions.

I just showed him that and said "sorry but I can't take it" but I had a pretty good laugh after he left, and for days to come every time I told someone about what happened.

I love it when they print off the ship to address, tape it on and stick it in my drop boxes. Might as well have thrown it out the front door.

I've never done it but... Sometimes, I'd like to leave em in the box for a few weeks so they can sweat about it. Morons...wonder if they stick letters in their mailbox without stamps.

Sent using a Potato


cap'n crunch
I got a 10 stop split off a guy I was supposed to run on my way back in to the building. all residential . Let's say it wasn't the best part of Houston. House sitting right in the middle of about 5 acres. 5' cyclone fence all the way around. It looked definitely doggy. Honked my horn. No dog. Rattled the gate hard. hollered out loud. no dogs. Slowly started to the house. Had my head on a swivel. clear so far. Rang the doorbell and all hell broke loose. 3 of the biggest meanest dogs I've ever seen came running around the side of the house and cornered me on the porch. 1 was a pit bull. One was a great dane looking dog and the third was a shepherd looking dog. I was about 100 yards from the gate. They took turns rushing me. I'd bang one in the nose with my clip board and one of the other ones was come in from a different angle. One chewed my clipboard up (we were on paper then). I threw the package at another one and hit him in the head. All the time trying to get back to the gate. Ended up getting bit on the back of my thigh by the pit. Made it back to the gate. No clipboard. No package. Big hole in my britches and bleeding. I'm sitting there on my first step, trying to come to my senses and the neighbor across the street walks out. "Where is the regular driver? He knows better than to go in that yard. Hell, boy. them dogs coulda killed you!" I said "why in the hell isn't there a beware of dog sign on the fence?" He said "cause them damn dogs ATE it, that's why!"


cap'n crunch
I had the same basic area in packages for 9 years. Every year or so it would get smaller because of increased volumn. Bottom line, I knew my area and the people in it very well. One year the area just south of me was flooded with extra work. A school photographer took senior pictures and sent them COD for $7.50 (this was 35 years ago). Once again I got a split off another driver and they were all these senior pictures. Rang the doorbell. A young man answered the door (Im guessing he was 18-20 years old) He said he didn't have no money for no picture and by the way, Give me that ring you're wearing. I was still wearing my class ring at the time. I told him to go to school and get his own class ring. I turned, went to my package car and left. RTS'd his pictures as well.


Well-Known Member
I have a similar senior picture story. While these were not sent COD (thank goodness), the school made the mistake of having the pictures sent to the students' homes rather than directly to the school. They also let the students address their own packages. After struggling to get rid of a few of them (due to really bad addresses), I was lucky enough to find a student who was willing to take all that I had left (36) and bring them to school the following day. We were still on paper back then and there was some discussion as to whether it was 1 stop or 36 stops but this was the last year the school sent the pictures to the students' homes.


Retired 23 years
I have a similar senior picture story. While these were not sent COD (thank goodness), the school made the mistake of having the pictures sent to the students' homes rather than directly to the school. They also let the students address their own packages. After struggling to get rid of a few of them (due to really bad addresses), I was lucky enough to find a student who was willing to take all that I had left (36) and bring them to school the following day. We were still on paper back then and there was some discussion as to whether it was 1 stop or 36 stops but this was the last year the school sent the pictures to the students' homes.

There wouldn't have been any discussion with me---36 stops--period. (unless they were riding with me that day--- then one stop).


All Trash No Trailer
hey..........did you hear that FEDEX and UPS merged??????????????? they gonna callit ............................

I truly believe hearing that stupid joke 5 million times is Karmic Retribution for my teenage years


Active Member
At a house in the inner city, husband sitting on porch, I tell him pkg for Mrs. Jones, can you sign for it, he yells for his to come sign for pkg, as I'm waiting, he yells again to his wife to hurry the man waiting you he don't have day.

Shifting Contents

Most Help Needed
It's starting already. First freakin day!!'

In this particular neighborhood everyday between 5-6. In there at 5:30 today and it was just starting to get dark.

"Workin late huh?"
"Uh . . . No."
*stare at maroon, walk back to truck slowly*


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Had someone yesterday who must've seen me driving along with my flashlight and asked if I was having trouble finding the street. No, I just can't see house numbers in the dark.


nowhere special

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I had a customer the other day who didn't want to sign for her sig req package until she could find out why the laptop she ordered from China a week previously was just being delivered. Where has it been for the last week? Ummm....