Move to Upstate NY - free college ... maybe


Nine Lives
What about the parents that make just a "smidge" too much to qualify?
That's the abysmal aspect of USA Social redistribution of wealth and really why Trump won.
The Dems still don't get it.
A US Government should provide equally to all it's citizens.
The families that can afford post-HS education will continue to send their kids to superior non-government run colleges like Yale, Harvard, Brown, etc.


nowhere special
I would be curious to see if there is a 4 year cap or a minimum grade requirement . I've known too many people over they years that turned the pursuit of a 4 year degree into a life long journey. :)
It said something about needing minimum number of credits to keep qualifying.


golden ticket member
I would be curious to see if there is a 4 year cap or a minimum grade requirement . I've known too many people over they years that turned the pursuit of a 4 year degree into a life long journey. :)
yeah, my brother kept changing majors.....he was becoming a permanent student.


Well-Known Member
I would be curious to see if there is a 4 year cap or a minimum grade requirement . I've known too many people over they years that turned the pursuit of a 4 year degree into a life long journey. :)

Yes and yes.

Turns out you are also required to stay and work in New York for at least the number of years for which you received the free tuition.


Let me clarify a few points on what I agree is a fantastic program:

New York is not paying the whole tab-----they are only paying the difference between the tuition due and what financial aid will pay.

Room and board are NOT included------this means more of our local students will choose to live at home and will miss out on a vital part of the college experience----dorm life.

Room and board weren't included before so it would seem to me that this proposal allows people who couldn't go to college before to now go.

And as for dorm life, I dare say that the negatives definitely outweigh the positives.
Any one person will be most likely peer pressured in negative ways by those whose dorm he was randomly lumped into.

Do you think your son would have pulled that stunt he did in his dorm if he weren't negatively influenced by those around him?

People in college may be adults but until they are actively and fully supporting themselves, they most likely will not act like adults.

Stay at home , no freshman 15.


Well-Known Member
so richard wolff commented on this and the notable restrictions:

you must complete the program in x amount of time which is difficult if you are poor and have to work at the same time.

you can not leave new york for 5 years. if you leave you have to pay in full.


Well-Known Member
so richard wolff commented on this and the notable restrictions:

you must complete the program in x amount of time which is difficult if you are poor and have to work at the same time.

you can not leave new york for 5 years. if you leave you have to pay in full.

Right and wrong.

Yes, you must maintain a minimum GPA and complete the program in a timely manner. "Professional students" and "partiers" need not apply.

No, you do not have to stay in NY for 5 years; however, you do have to stay one year for every year of assistance that you receive. This was a last minute add to the law made by the Assembly, not the Governor, and amounts to little more than workforce development. Failure to comply will result in the aid being converted to a loan.

Roughly 85% of all graduates stay upon graduation so it a moot point for most.

The plan does provide inverse assistance, benefiting those who really don't need it, and does not pay for room, board, books or other supplies. 529's can be used to offset these costs or, ideally, the students would continue to live at home, thereby truly making their college experience as debt free as possible.

The plan does not extend to private schools nor can it be used for post graduate studies.