Moving On- Life With No Covid-19 Vaccine?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
What if there is never a vaccine? Do we permanently shut everything down, or do we learn to live with it?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Based on what I see, I doubt it. I'm still seeing reporting that we can save lives. Schools on on a path to be closed once again.

Of course this could all do a 180 turn if their candidate is elected. Same problem but now, live with it.


Staff member
Basically yeah. The Bubonic Plague wiped out half of Europe and they eventually moved on and just dealt with it the best they could. But there will likely be either a vaccine or an effective treatment in the next 6-12 months.


Well-Known Member
They will roll out some slapdash mystery juice that you are required to inject if you want to engage in financial transactions and buy groceries.
It won't work and will probably give you some disease worse than COVID. They'll be like whoops sorry about that and then in 100 years they'll claim it never happened.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Some are calling for another shutdown like they had zero idea this flu would again surge after restrictions were lifted?

All restrictions should be local and as needed. You will not stop this.

The Driver

I drive.
You really don't believe most of the media doesn't have a candidate they are backing?

I think a big part of the media industry has absolutely loved Donald Trump. Their ratings have been through the roof. So that question is harder to answer than you think.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I think a big part of the media industry has absolutely loved Donald Trump. Their ratings have been through the roof. So that question is harder to answer than you think.
For sure most of the media is acting as an arm of the Democrat party.