Sorry, but the "Great Society" under Johnson and the welfare state has destroyed the black community. Why work when you can get government assistance in food and housing? The Democrats want to enslave the black community to have them reliant on them and keep voting for them. Spew out the narrative that whites are holding them down (like you're argument), give them no hope, then offer a solution that the government will take care of you. For those that don't want to be on the Democrat Plantation, they do go and work and are helped by affirmative action programs. Figures don't lie, but liars can figure. You can point to all your statistics that says whites are holding down blacks, but it's just not true.
Destroyed the black community? Are all black people dead in America? What do you mean by destroyed?
The Great Society programs were designed for all Americans, why do you single out black Americans?
You have to separate what you "feel" is true about black Americans as a group from what is known about black Americans. So the opinion that black Americans didn't/don't work when they could because they could get government assistance in food and housing comes from what sources, from what knowledge base?
Explain why it is your belief that black Americans are uniquely impacted by those programs which all Americans receive?
The idea that a politically party has "enslaved" black Americans is just bigoted and ahistorical to what actual enslavement was like for black Americans. Enslavement was not just like voting and supporting a political party.
This nation was founded on the beliefs of white supremacy and in the inferiority of black Americans, and it was founded on the belief in the economic exploitation of black American labor to enrich this nation. Those beliefs deeply impacted this nation and were the law of the land for about 80% of this nation's history 1783-1970.
This means for a large percentage of this nation's history black Americans weren't considered human, had zero rights, and every system was designed to exploit and take from them. This is apart of American heritage, and it is inescapable.
Out of that system of violence, death and hatred and exploitation came huge racial disparities that still persist till this day. Addressing those disparities and calling out racism is not saying white people are keeping anyone down. It is dealing with our history and our present. I have no idea why anyone would feel personally implicated in discussing how to correct these huge persistent racial disparities.
The idea that black Americans believe the government will take care of them or that they have no hope is yet another belief you have about black Americans that is wholly false and bigoted. Again where is the data to back up these kinds of assertions about millions of people?
Democratic Plantation? Again do you really think telling black Americans they are enslaved and on a Democratic Plantation is appealing to black voters or truthful? Smh
So you end your rant with a rejection of knowledge. I get it you don't want to know.
We have a brutally racist history. We have badly mistreated black Americans as a nation and for about 80% of our history, this treatment was the law of the land, and till this day huge racial disparities that hurt the lives of black Americans continue to exist. I don't know how we correct these issues without looking at data about those disparities and working to correct them.