I think it's because ups is a dement that the company plan is killing their credit rating with its liability. They need it off their books for accounting reasons. I want my company to remain very profitable forever so that my livelyhood remains good. This is indeed a concession but I'm banking that UPS will let us strike over this. If we can see a raise in the pension and 65cent raises and we all go into one healthcare fund with good harassment language and a limit on surepost wouldn't this be a fair deal. If we do strike and I do think big brown would let us over this shouldn't we compromise a little. Lets both save some face. We strike and fedex gets a foothold that we never come out of. Lets all get fat together just not obese.
I am not sure that I disagree with you...
It is nice to be able to get information on a forum such as this. The problem is, there is a lot of misinformation also: I also read that the union proposed to take over healthcare--That would seem to be more than a concession. To me, a concession would be to accept 20/40/80 and stay in the company plan. I would rather have a fixed cost for the next 5 years, and have a reasonable idea of out of pocket expenses, rather than "free' insurance and no idea what out of pocket expenses will be. It could be much more expensive in the long run. I have no problem with a $20 copay to see the doctor. It is the claim denials and 20% copay for prescriptions that scares me.
As I said in my original post, it is one thing to move all UPSers into one union plan, but I don't want someone else to vote that way while keeping their superior plan...