Negotiations Update (April 19, 2013)


Well-Known Member
We have language in our present supplement that's states if needed the union can take future wage increases and direct that money into the health and welfare fund. It hasn't happened over the life of the agreement but it is written in our supplement.


My W-2 form shows UPS put $19107.00 into Healthcare for 2012. I think employees should choose what plans to buy into with alotment of money contribute to healthcare.


Well-Known Member
I can't see how we would lose net benefits. The CS/MyTeamCare would have tens of thousands of new people to negotiate a better deal with.

If these additional people move to the CS plan without a contribution that is equal to the ones currently in the plan you end up with more people to cover and less money to do it with.
If a part timer cost ups 150 a week in the company plan they would have to double that to move them to the CS.
If anything I would expect cuts in the CS benefit levels if this move happens.


Well-Known Member
As a 30year employee,FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,please get people to vote this down.As a shop steward for 17+ years,people complain about how things are-BUT THEY DO NOT BOTHER TO VOTE!!My local of 1200 members sent in 175 votes for the general election.....


Well-Known Member
My W-2 form shows UPS put $19107.00 into Healthcare for 2012. I think employees should choose what plans to buy into with alotment of money contribute to healthcare.

Ah Ha! Someone else finally noticed that new line in our W-2. When Obamacare kicks in 100% in 2014 (I think) that new line in your W-2 could be taxable income. So paying a little out of pocket doesn't sound that bad after all.

Besides, we are going to have to start paying one of these days. Except it and get used to it.

The Affordable Health Care Act means if you can afford it, you are going to pay more for it. So those who can't can still get it for free.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
I have been with Central states way too long to trust them at all..especially after billions of dollars went missing and when we asked for an actuary thru an attorney, they said they would fight this using our money for legal fees...What did they have to hid? That was OUR money.. They lost my trust then..


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
My W-2 form shows UPS put $19107.00 into Healthcare for 2012. I think employees should choose what plans to buy into with alotment of money contribute to healthcare.

Ah Ha! Someone else finally noticed that new line in our W-2. When Obamacare kicks in 100% in 2014 (I think) that new line in your W-2 could be taxable income. So paying a little out of pocket doesn't sound that bad after all.

Besides, we are going to have to start paying one of these days. Except it and get used to it.

The Affordable Health Care Act means if you can afford it, you are going to pay more for it. So those who can't can still get it for free.

There was a whole thread on the w2 issue. We are a ways from being taxed still.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Well I'm hoping for a 5 yr with atleast a dollar a yr raise. I have 5 yrs left. I am not looking forward to the union sell out that is on the way. Is it going to be senior drivers with X's their backs? Or, part timers being sold out? I really don't think they will help themselves. PT can own any contract. That is why FT rules. They VOTE!
I have always been in teamsters health care. Totally awesome. I wish they could manage pension as well. Too much corruption in our local. Money disappears. But,still no arrests or audits. They got a raise this year too. Do they deserve it? We should get that good of raises. Good Luck.
As stated in other of my posts. I have never voted YES. Will follow suit.


Well-Known Member
This is the best explanation I have heard so far--even though I still don't like it... I have a few points/questions:

2) If CS Health and Welfare is one of the best funded plans in the country, why are the benefits inferior to other Teamster or UPS plans???? This is a BIG red flag. It rings a little hollow when the union says the the company is screwing us.

Thank you sentiments exactly......


Well-Known Member
Source: UpdateApril182013.pdf

hall, Union Co-Chair


April 18, 2013

RE: Negotiations Update

Health care remains the major issue in UPS negotiations. The Company has indicated a willingness to move employees who are currently in Company plans into Central States to provide coverage.

The Committee discussed the possibility of offering proposals for other Teamster plans to provide coverage.

Separately, the Company did lower its proposal for employee premiums to $20 a week for individual coverage, $40 for employee plus one and $60 for family coverage. However, the Union remains adamant that UPS employees will not pay premiums for health care. The Company and Union exchanged economic proposals.

Many issues remain but both sides are committed to reaching an agreement by the end of next week.

The Company did withdraw its proposal to pay employees bonuses in lieu of general wage increases.



Well-Known Member
I think it's because ups is a dement (adamant - per UPState Request) that the company plan is killing their credit rating with its liability. They need it off their books for accounting reasons. I want my company to remain very profitable forever so that my livelyhood remains good. This is indeed a concession but I'm banking that UPS will let us strike over this. If we can see a raise in the pension and 65cent raises and we all go into one healthcare fund with good harassment language and a limit on surepost wouldn't this be a fair deal. If we do strike and I do think big brown would let us over this shouldn't we compromise a little. Lets both save some face. We strike and fedex gets a foothold that we never come out of. Lets all get fat together just not obese.

Just a few comments here....

1) Harassment will always exist in one form or amount of contract language regardless of how well it is written will ever be enforced. There is no such thing as.......... "good harassment language".

2) SurePost - Currently 1/3 of of our volume (smalls 10 lbs or less) is subject to SurePost weight and size limits.....meaning that we could stand to lose even more volume to SurePost... We currently have language against subcontracting our work.......regardless....SurePost was still put in place with absolutely no issues from our Union. ...........almost as good as our 22.3 language.....

3) If you really want UPS to remain profitable you think it may be time to implement a two-tiered driver wage? The money saved by implementing the two-tier driver scale could be used to fund a non-concessionary health and welfare benefit package for all EXISTING UPS employees. Similar to how the part-timers wages were tiered years ago. This would go along with your comment..."shouldn't we compromise a little?"... (note: just provoking a little controversial thought here...)

4) As far as your comment.... "I want my company to remain very profitable forever so that my livelyhood remains good".... I believe that UPS was VERY profitable in the tune of 4.5 Billion Dollars.....AFTER Creative Accounting........ I 100% agree that it is in all our best interest to help keep UPS profitable........HOWEVER...... at what point do we quit investing in our own lives to benefit the sole interests of "Wall Street"? IMHO.......I believe that the UPS Pie needs to be divided differently.....not necessarily in greater proportions.....In other words.....we can still remain "healthy"..... WITHOUT getting you mentioned in your post. CONCESSIONS on the other hand will only serve to feed the FAT CATS of Wall Street and Atlanta....
The actual numbers are 47% of full timers and 90% of part timers are presently in the ups plan. Are you that dumb??!!
Just returning the jab, stink. I owed you;-)
It's 40% give or take. You must be smoking some good sheet too think your numbers are more accurate!


As a 30year employee,FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,please get people to vote this down.As a shop steward for 17+ years,people complain about how things are-BUT THEY DO NOT BOTHER TO VOTE!!My local of 1200 members sent in 175 votes for the general election.....

in one sentence, you nailed it. apathy is gonna be our downfall. thankfully i have been preparing since the 97 strike.


Just a few comments here....

1) Harassment will always exist in one form or amount of contract language regardless of how well it is written will ever be enforced. There is no such thing as.......... "good harassment language".

2) SurePost - Currently 1/3 of of our volume (smalls 10 lbs or less) is subject to SurePost weight and size limits.....meaning that we could stand to lose even more volume to SurePost... We currently have language against subcontracting our work.......regardless....SurePost was still put in place with absolutely no issues from our Union. ...........almost as good as our 22.3 language.....

3) If you really want UPS to remain profitable you think it may be time to implement a two-tiered driver wage? The money saved by implementing the two-tier driver scale could be used to fund a non-concessionary health and welfare benefit package for all EXISTING UPS employees. Similar to how the part-timers wages were tiered years ago. This would go along with your comment..."shouldn't we compromise a little?"... (note: just provoking a little controversial thought here...)

4) As far as your comment.... "I want my company to remain very profitable forever so that my livelyhood remains good".... I believe that UPS was VERY profitable in the tune of 4.5 Billion Dollars.....AFTER Creative Accounting........ I 100% agree that it is in all our best interest to help keep UPS profitable........HOWEVER...... at what point do we quit investing in our own lives to benefit the sole interests of "Wall Street"? IMHO.......I believe that the UPS Pie needs to be divided differently.....not necessarily in greater proportions.....In other words.....we can still remain "healthy"..... WITHOUT getting you mentioned in your post. CONCESSIONS on the other hand will only serve to feed the FAT CATS of Wall Street and Atlanta....

great post. what i wish people would remember is that UPS made $4,500,000,000.00 in profits...PROFITS!!!!!! in one year!. What kind of profits did they make over the whole length of the contract.???

and people are talking concessions???

what's the matter with you people. you are falling for one of the oldest tricks in the book and UPS helped write that book.

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a few comments here....

1) Harassment will always exist in one form or amount of contract language regardless of how well it is written will ever be enforced. There is no such thing as.......... "good harassment language".

2) SurePost - Currently 1/3 of of our volume (smalls 10 lbs or less) is subject to SurePost weight and size limits.....meaning that we could stand to lose even more volume to SurePost... We currently have language against subcontracting our work.......regardless....SurePost was still put in place with absolutely no issues from our Union. ...........almost as good as our 22.3 language.....

3) If you really want UPS to remain profitable you think it may be time to implement a two-tiered driver wage? The money saved by implementing the two-tier driver scale could be used to fund a non-concessionary health and welfare benefit package for all EXISTING UPS employees. Similar to how the part-timers wages were tiered years ago. This would go along with your comment..."shouldn't we compromise a little?"... (note: just provoking a little controversial thought here...)

4) As far as your comment.... "I want my company to remain very profitable forever so that my livelyhood remains good".... I believe that UPS was VERY profitable in the tune of 4.5 Billion Dollars.....AFTER Creative Accounting........ I 100% agree that it is in all our best interest to help keep UPS profitable........HOWEVER...... at what point do we quit investing in our own lives to benefit the sole interests of "Wall Street"? IMHO.......I believe that the UPS Pie needs to be divided differently.....not necessarily in greater proportions.....In other words.....we can still remain "healthy"..... WITHOUT getting you mentioned in your post. CONCESSIONS on the other hand will only serve to feed the FAT CATS of Wall Street and Atlanta....
I asked you a question earlier. What local are you from. Surely with you vast knowledge you would want to put this out there. Come on humor me sir.