Anonymous 10
I'm willing to bet you don't.
Come on just a local number.
I'm a known Man from the company and the international. It's no big deal. Come on
I can't see how we would lose net benefits. The CS/MyTeamCare would have tens of thousands of new people to negotiate a better deal with.
Yeah how long until they'd be considering a 30/60/90?
Just a few comments here....
1) Harassment will always exist in one form or amount of contract language regardless of how well it is written will ever be enforced. There is no such thing as.......... "good harassment language".
2) SurePost - Currently 1/3 of of our volume (smalls 10 lbs or less) is subject to SurePost weight and size limits.....meaning that we could stand to lose even more volume to SurePost... We currently have language against subcontracting our work.......regardless....SurePost was still put in place with absolutely no issues from our Union. ...........almost as good as our 22.3 language.....
3) If you really want UPS to remain profitable you think it may be time to implement a two-tiered driver wage? The money saved by implementing the two-tier driver scale could be used to fund a non-concessionary health and welfare benefit package for all EXISTING UPS employees. Similar to how the part-timers wages were tiered years ago. This would go along with your comment..."shouldn't we compromise a little?"... (note: just provoking a little controversial thought here...)
4) As far as your comment.... "I want my company to remain very profitable forever so that my livelyhood remains good".... I believe that UPS was VERY profitable in the tune of 4.5 Billion Dollars.....AFTER Creative Accounting........ I 100% agree that it is in all our best interest to help keep UPS profitable........HOWEVER...... at what point do we quit investing in our own lives to benefit the sole interests of "Wall Street"? IMHO.......I believe that the UPS Pie needs to be divided differently.....not necessarily in greater proportions.....In other words.....we can still remain "healthy"..... WITHOUT getting you mentioned in your post. CONCESSIONS on the other hand will only serve to feed the FAT CATS of Wall Street and Atlanta....
In 1982 a PT job paying $8.00 an hour sounded pretty good also. Now less than mim. wage in some states. Heard this all before. Do not go for a two tier wage system unless you want to be like a new PTer making $8.50 working next to one making $31.75 an hour. No reason to give concessions on this contract.I agree. No matter what people may think about Upstate, I admired the fact that he did not waver on this issue. I expressed the same idea once, but just let it go, because of the overwhelming sentiment against it. This is where I think Dave's talent was squandered--If he had not been such a "dink" in other ways, he may have been able to persuade the undecided. Or at the very least, the people who agreed with him would have been more likely to speak up, rather than not wanting to be associated with him.
A two tiered wage with no changes to health and welfare would be a win/win. You could even offer profit sharing to the lower tiered drivers. A $25 per hour wage with profit sharing would still a highly desirable job.
What local are you from.You want to know what local he's from? Why so many post on that subject? No posts about what is being negotiated on our behalf? Your asking the wrong questions man.
Had zero beer last night. The problem I have is even though I haven't been at ups that long is when you go back and look at past contracts we have been giving concessions for years. All while ups continues to rake in massive profits. For anyone with ten or so years left these little concessions don't look too bad. For guys like me with 25-30 years left. Well keep it up and ups won't be such a great job when I retire.
As someone states earlier what's not being brought up enough is the future growth of online shopping. We couldn't handle all the volume even if we wanted to. Same for FedEx. There's plenty of room for two fish in this sea.
Volume will continue to go up. Ups will raise its prices every year. They will continue to ask more from you and I every year. All while likely increasing profits from year to year. How that equals time for concessions is beyond my tiny little brain I guess.
Hoaxster nailed it. The goal of UPS is to divide the full timers and part timers....and its working! The full timers want more and more...$33 an hour $75k a yr they could care less about their fellow part time teamster brother yet want to complain about their load quality everyday. It is time for full timers and the union to look at the big picture...part timers scraping for hours and a decent hourly wage. No wonder most of them dont want to join the union or dont like the union, they feel they are not get represented like full timers. We are all in this together.....if union brothers dont understand this their will sooon be NO such thing as teamsters! Wake up brothers and sisters!