New all time low...SMH


Denied my request(by finance) for new pants since I blew out 3 pair...They are only issuing uniforms to new hires(even though they quit before their 30 days) and employees coming off disability! WHAT?!

Heard that story before

Big Ol boy couldn’t get any pants boss told him sorry not this month

Next day he shows up in a pair of red coaches shorts

Boss says you can’t wear those and sent him home

He shows up the next day and they have a package of pants for him plus had to pay him for the day off

Moral of this story show up in something hideous and they will find you some pants

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Cant just buy some brown pants??
Im curious...

Would you buy your own pants if you were a driver and the Company didn’t feel like providing you with Contractually-mandated uniforms? And do you think your management team would be OK with your pants selection when they’re visually inspecting you up and down in the morning? Will it have been worth all the trouble?

No. Zero chance. Pay your internet bill with that money. The Company already takes enough.


The Scapegoat With Attitude
Would you buy your own pants if you were a driver and the Company didn’t feel like providing you with Contractually-mandated uniforms? And do you think your management team would be OK with your pants selection when they’re visually inspecting you up and down in the morning? Will it have been worth all the trouble?

No. Zero chance. Pay your internet bill with that money. The Company already takes enough.
Take my ass to forman mills and get some $5 brown pants, walk in and tell management they can suck it. Get me some new pants if they dont like it and reimbursement for my $5, but still file grievences

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