Under our supplement, Atlantic Area, you are an RTD (regular temporary driver).
Seniority part-time employees may work as full time RTD's.
1. RTD's will be used to cover absentees, vacations, time off due to injuries and long term illness in the package classification.
2. Rate of pay will be determined by progression rate of pay in wage schedule. Starting pay will be 75% of top pay.
3. When working as an RTD you are guaranteed 8 Hrs. While working as an RTD you will go through wage progression. RTD's who work at least 1 day a week will be given a full weeks credit toward progression.
4. Will be offered to part-timers in seniority order provided they meet entrance requirements. (DOT card, pass physical, etc..)
5. Any employee who completes 30 days as n RTD will not have to complete another probationary period when he/she accepts a full-time driving position. If employee accepts a driving job before the 30 day probationary period he/she will only have to complete the remaining porion of the 30 days.
RTD's can be used June 1st through Dec. 31st.
So most important parts are if you have worked more than 30 days you don't have to complete another probationary period. If they put you on the road you are qualified after the 1st day.
If you work pre-load and RTD in the same day they have to pay you RTD rate for the entire day.(or your inside rate if its higher than the RTD rate)