If this stuff is so important, why can't drivers have a classroom training day every once in a while? Not only for driving safety, but for all other aspects of the company as well. A quick mention in the morning disguised as training tells me that management wants the drivers to know this stuff while putting minimal effort into teaching it.
Simple. Because if you get into an accident after you've shown the ability to recite this stuff, then they just say, "Hey, he was trained properly. It's all on the driver."
I know all of this stuff word for word. I used to love when they would bring me in the office to show my knowledge of it. 5 seeing habits, 10 point commentary, 10 rules of backing, 8 keys to lifting, 8 yard control rules, LEADS. I used to go through each one. Then, spend at least three or four minutes on each one, explaining how I worked it into my day. It was great improv practice. In the end, I would get 45 minutes to an hour of OT whenever they asked me to do it.
That only worked five or six times. They stopped asking me. They wanted drivers that didn't know the info, so they could rub their noses in it.
The safety questions are a way for driver supervisors to pretend they know better than the drivers themselves, how to drive safely.