New hire "bonus" after a full year


i won't bite
As of last week they lowered the bonus $60 due to the pay rate going up to $13hr. So they still receive a $140 a week bonus due to MRA.

Yet everyone hired prior to May 2017 do not receive a bonus for showing up to work on time. :(

I was talking to one kid who had to miss Thursday and he was talking to his full-time supervisor saying, "If I show up on Friday can I still get the bonus" Supervisor just ignored him. So the kid didn't show up on Friday either. LOL.

Alot of these guys who are around 1 to 2 years are waiting on that retro check to come through and they are GONE.


Well-Known Member
Bonus stopped 2 weeks before our raise kicked in. And we already spent our 800 already. Taxes in illinois went up so we won't see a raise ever again thanks demoncrat

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
That's what they should do then. The company won't survive this many millennials not paying their dues but instead taking handouts. Enough.
That's what they should do then. The company won't survive this many millennials not paying their dues but instead taking handouts. Enough.
Most realized early on that their hard work and crappy pay was just to subsidize the high wages of the FT Union members. You call it paying their dues while others call it exploitation.


Well-Known Member
That's what they should do then. The company won't survive this many millennials not paying their dues but instead taking handouts. Enough.

Millennials are entering their 30s. They've been in the work force for quite a while now.
Most of the new part-timers are Zoomers (not that mixing up generations matters to you as long as you have someone younger to blame problems on.)
Millennials have paid their dues and they are still the poorest generation since the Great Depression. Let me guess they're all just lazy.
It's music to my ears to listen to old out-of-touch boomers whine about how millennials are too smart to fall for their scam pyramid schemes.
We're not going to subsidize your extravagant lifestyle forever. Pretty soon the music is gonna stop and you'll be left without a chair.
Maybe you'll be able to dump off that overpriced house to some rich immigrant who hasn't figured out your vampiric ways yet.
Heh, then again, maybe you won't.
Personally I'll be laughing my ass off when your pensions go poof.
boomerscum.png boomerscum2.png


i won't bite
Old thread but thought I should bring it up.

They brought the "Attendance Bonus" back out here in Kansas City area hubs back in April I want to say. $200 a week. So $14.50hr for new hires and $200 a week "attendance bonus" for showing up to work every day on time. What is pretty pitiful is a good portion of these new employees don't even show up to work every day and miss out on the bonus! LOL

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Old thread but thought I should bring it up.

They brought the "Attendance Bonus" back out here in Kansas City area hubs back in April I want to say. $200 a week. So $14.50hr for new hires and $200 a week "attendance bonus" for showing up to work every day on time. What is pretty pitiful is a good portion of these new employees don't even show up to work every day and miss out on the bonus! LOL
Not sure what it is but an elder sup said they'll be getting "18-22 an hour". But I'll be at $17 and get to enjoy lazier work while they struggle

Poop Head

Judge me.
Old thread but thought I should bring it up.

They brought the "Attendance Bonus" back out here in Kansas City area hubs back in April I want to say. $200 a week. So $14.50hr for new hires and $200 a week "attendance bonus" for showing up to work every day on time. What is pretty pitiful is a good portion of these new employees don't even show up to work every day and miss out on the bonus! LOL
@SweatPit!!!!! Yea!


Well-Known Member
705 put a stop to this :censored2:. Seasonal workers can't make more than union members. Starting seasonal part-time is $17 so low seniority part-timers got a temporary pay bump. A show up to work bonus would have to offered to everyone. So that nonsense stopped.


Well-Known Member
Attendance Bonus during a pandemic should be criminal. Someone desperate enough to take ups work might work sick, $300 almost guarantees it.


i won't bite
And it got raised for Edgerton, down south of our Hub. $350 a week!!!

705 put a stop to this *. Seasonal workers can't make more than union members. Starting seasonal part-time is $17 so low seniority part-timers got a temporary pay bump. A show up to work bonus would have to offered to everyone. So that nonsense stopped.

Details please!!! Doesn't say anything about them being "seasonal" this has been going on for quite some time. I am full-time, but this is not fair to exisiting part-time employees with 2 years or more who are making quite a bit less! They are even sending these people home at the beginning of the sort saying they don't need them, but they can still collect their bonus. Its good for the new employees don't get me wrong. Glad they are getting good money. Its just a bitch move to existing part-time employees that do not receive the bonus.