Overpaid Union Thug
Well-Known Member
So, lately as a driver it seems like whenever something new is tried or implemented at UPS the end result is me making more money. LOL. Everything the desk jockeys try just seems to make my job more complicated and take longer. It would seem that their goal is to make us as inefficient as possible.
This year we've started ORION and our preloaders have been instructed to hide our labels from us. There are other things that are more specific to my center and i want to keep my 15+ year streak of remaining anonymous going so I won't elaborate on them. Though I'm sure some are happening elsewhere too. Either way the formula is this....
new stupid ideas = more $$$$ for drivers
But with less efficiency. Keep up the good work corporate. You are inflating my 401k but destroying what used to be a great company.
This year we've started ORION and our preloaders have been instructed to hide our labels from us. There are other things that are more specific to my center and i want to keep my 15+ year streak of remaining anonymous going so I won't elaborate on them. Though I'm sure some are happening elsewhere too. Either way the formula is this....
new stupid ideas = more $$$$ for drivers
But with less efficiency. Keep up the good work corporate. You are inflating my 401k but destroying what used to be a great company.
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