new logo



I like the new logo------the compnay has evolved into more than a Package Delivery Company----now we are involved with every aspect of the supply chain.

I would have liked to see us put an American Flag somwhere on our package cars-----but that is my personal preference.

I heard that we actually haven't painted very many of our vehicles in the past year knowing that we would wait until the new logo was introduced and than paint a lot of them.

My main concern is that our package cars continue to be ours and there is not another company name put on them--like Duetche Post!


To the left is a photo of the new paint job on the street.


Thank you pkg commando. I took the liberty of resizing your photo...


I too would like to see the American flag on our pacage cars. However, UPS is a global company, and unfortunately there are some countries that by having the American flag displayed would hurt business. Our goal is to be uniform throughout the world.


I think the new logo looks great. For those of you that have been around for a while, like me, it does take some getting used to, but it represents a necessary brand change.

I also loved the package car. From what I have read on the net, UPS will slowly get all of it's vehicles changed over using the regular paint schedule. So the old logo will probably remain on some vehicles for several more years. That makes good economic sense.

Face it folks, we are evolving as a business. We can no longer be thought of only as a small package delivery company. Especially since we can do everything with regards to commerce. We can fund businesses, move funds, help companies with logistics, and many other things that our acquisitions have enabled us to do over the past few years. Now that we have them in place, it is time to "synchronize" them and make sure that the world knows what we can do.

I love progress, and this is definitely progress.


As much as I like the new logo I am still concerned about the cost of it. I was told the plan was to paint 3 trucks a week here. Granted that will take awhile, but it is certainly not the regular paint schedule.


I heard something, a rumor, that the name "United Parcel Service" was removed to be politcally correct in regards to other countries out there. I wanted to laugh at first but after thinking about it a while and with all that's happened the past year and a half it ALMOST, in a way, made since. Oh I can't wait to see the responses to this one. They'll probably be equal to my first reaction to it when I heard it. All I ask is that whoever responds at least think about it for a minute before they respond. I'm still not sure what I really think about it.


The cost of repainting the vehicles is transparent. UPS already paints the vehicles every 3-5 years. UPS will continue to paint the vehicles every 3-5 years. As they are painted on the normal paint schedule the new logo will be applied. The cost of the new decals is very close to the cost of the prior decals. The cost difference is minimal.


480: The reason for cutting the name "United Parcel Service" is a part of the rebranding. We will retain that name for legal purposes. That was in the PCM.

It does make sense. Think about IBM - International Business Machines. They went to IBM when the computer age started so their old customers would not think of them as the people that built adding machines and other office equipment. They wanted to be associated with the computer age.

That is what UPS is doing. People only think we pick up and deliver packages. We now have the capabilites to do so much more for many different customers.


Well folks the new logo is nice, ok? So now we have to pay to repaint every truck in the fleet, plus get new uniforms, plus every piece of paper that has UPS on it has to be redone (letters, stationary etc.). Plus we have to repaint Jarret's car not to mention what we spend to have that bum run around in circles each week (no offense mac). My point? Please don't ever tell me UPS couldn't afford this last contract. It was just another drop in the bucket.


"synchronizing the world of commerce." That is an awful wordy catch phrase. Heck, I actually think I need to go back to college to understand it. lol


When you go back to college perhaps you can get the Jim Casey scholarship



The regular paint schedule in this center is not and has never been three a week. That is what I was told was going to happen here. I have been here 23 years. Been on the same run in the same truck for 8 years and never had a paint job. I do like the new shield, but as tight as things are I just wonder if this won't make them even tighter. We will see I guess...


RUSHFAN: If you don't like the new slogan, what do you suggest?

It doesn't take a college degree to understand what "synchronizing the world of commerce" means. Did any of you take the time to pay attention to the videos and listen to the PCM? If not, ask to see them again. You need to know how to answer customers questions as they come.


The new logo will not add to the bottom line, it will probably deduct from it. Dont misunderstand, the graphics are outstanding, but the graphics will not bring in any new customers or increase volume. People and a better world economy will. The new logo conveys even less of a message, than did our old one. The "UPS" logo will keep the general public guessing for years, in what it stands for and what we do. Now we have to educate them one person at a time (good luck marketing and sales department). I think this will prove to be our second mistake. Our first (greed) was to allow Wall Street to dictate the value of our stock price, and now we will have main street dictate to what we do. Perception is reality. With the new UPS stores coming online, the perceptions will be that we are nothing more than what we used to be, a delivery company and now a private mail box company. Nothing more nothing less, who do you think will get blamed for what ever goes wrong at one of these franchises? It has been studied that we always tend tell ten people of our bad experiences to every one of our good experiences. This will prove to be fatal, to our good reputation that we now have in the business world. My predictions for what ever theyre worth are. Soon after our 100th anniversary, these two things will happen. 1. A major RE branding and RE marketing of all our businesses will take place. We must show and tell all our current and potential customers of what we are about. We have many unique related businesses, which simply cant be addressed with one message fits all strategy. Im sorry but the what can brown do for you campaign just doesnt cut it, if attention is the strategy, then fine. But if you want to tell the world of who you are and what you do, then dont say it in riddles, this only confuses the message. A clear and straight forward marketing campaign would likely add to the bottom line. I dont think we want to spend our marketing dollars to win some sort of catchy advertising award. Lets be consistent, in how we spend our dollars. Get the biggest bang for the buck. If we choose not to do this, then take the advertising dollars and give them to every employee. It would be money well spent and a win-win situation would be created. Morale and productivity would increase. Management would receive a bigger MIP. Stock holders would be rewarded with higher share value and increased dividends. There is no better way to celebrate your 100th. Then the world would know how great of a company we really are (Maybe I aught to put this one in the suggestion box. It sounds like a winner.). 2. The UPS store strategy will not work. This is why, Bad publicity. Like I said above, perception is reality, why would we place our good reputation on the line? And allow any individual to bring it potential harm. It took 95 years to get this far, how many years will it take to cause harm? What if franchises begin to fail? What about price fixing? What if we cant deliver on our current strategy? Way to much to put at risk for my taste. Again I must ask. Why are we not spending our dollars wisely? How much more, could we increase our volume with a $81 million marketing campaign possible $162 million if a name change is in order to undo a failed strategy. It would make more sense, if we took these dollars and continue to build the MBE Business, remember that we only paid several hundred million dollars, why would we risk what could amount to $500,000,000.00 if we needed to walk away from a failed strategy? Either by buying out all the franchisees and make all locations company owned, or rename all locations and sell them to someone else.


"Well folks the new logo is nice, ok? So now we have to pay to repaint every truck in the fleet, plus get new uniforms, plus every piece of paper that has UPS on it has to be redone (letters, stationary etc.). Plus we have to repaint Jarret's car not to mention what we spend to have that bum run around in circles each week (no offense mac). My point? Please don't ever tell me UPS couldn't afford this last contract. It was just another drop in the bucket"

Trucks will be painted as needed, not just for a logo change.

Stationary is an item purchased continuously, no added expense.

Im still wearing some shirts with the Olympic logo, Im sure others are too.

Dale Jarrett. UPS received 105.1 million dollars worth of TV exposure with their involvement in Nascar. I'd say that is a pretty good investment.

Our New Logo PCM made it very clear, the change over will take years. Im thinking 2007.


4 or 5 years to change a logo? Are you serious? What's that say about our service? Different vehichles on the street with different logos? Some letters with the new logo some without? Which company are we ? Who are we? You don't think that will confuse people? If it takes that long we'll look like some second rate company.


upsdude, If we did gain $160 million in free advertisements, should we be a good citizen and donate it to the Olympics? I always felt that when you make a donation, there is no expected return on what you give. I have always felt that the Olympics are a better cause to support, rather then NASCAR. I was disappointed when ups declined to support the Olympics.