New Training Designed To Oppress


Nine Lives
I give you crap because I like you...even if you were management for so many years
I left Operations management in 1992 ... I haven't had to deal with Teamster turds since then ... 24 years for your other Teamster brothers and sisters.
I lost the "hate" part a long time ago.

Sheep DAWG

Well-Known Member
Monkey butt, You Say You Lost the hate 24 years ago. Who was the hate for? Your bosses or the hard working employees making the company all the money?


Nine Lives
Monkey butt, You Say You Lost the hate 24 years ago. Who was the hate for? ... the hard working employees making the company all the money?

That is so stupid and funny at the same time.
I bet the average UPSer couldn't make $10 an hour if they were self-employed.


Nine Lives
You are wrong. In both parts of your statements.
I'm sorry, I forgot to add IMO as you did too!

They say two wrongs don't make it right
So if i'm wrong i ain't trying to fight
I'm trying to have some dinner with some candlelight
lay up in the bed and make love all night

Pig style...



Nine Lives
Usually the people who accuse someone of being brainwashed by the company have been brainwashed themselves by the union. Food for thought.
But other than the fact that the Teamsters performed a lobotomy on him, he's a cool guy!
I worked at a half-way house for mental patients, some who had lobotomies, so I enjoy all these Teamster good old boys.

Sheep DAWG

Well-Known Member
Monkey butt I assure you I do just fine making good money outside of UPS. LoL. If you are a old timer with UPS, that means you were once an hourly employee. So when you go into management do they baptize you in a special water that makes you think because you went into management you're smarter? I was begged to go into management my 1st year of driving, and I said Absolutely not. Not because I wasn't smart enough to do the job, I was smart enough not too. I have morals, and believe one day we will all be judged by the same standards we treated others by. I can't treat others like crap, and justify it by" it was my job." LoL I've seen the dirty things management has done to try good people all in the name of numbers. I would choose driving over management again if I had to start over.

Sheep DAWG

Well-Known Member
What gets me frigid is I bet you think all the mind games UPS teaches you to play on the hourly employees isn't being played on you by your bosses. ..LoL. like when they started making you pay for part of your health insurance and forced your spouses off, they told you we were next....that's been how many years ago....yes you are an Einstein.